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“Humans are Waking Up:
For First Time in Recorded History,
Schumann Resonance is Jumping to 36+”
Not as a Molecule
2017 /
The Human Body Emits, Communicates With,
and is Made from Light
Our Milky Way Galaxy -
Estimated 350+ Billion Suns
This deep space photo of another galaxy is like our
showing the Great Central Sun radiating out to an aligned
photon belt: billions of star-suns. About 2/3 out from the
center, our sun system cycles across the Galactic Plane
in a sine wave while orbiting aound the galaxy in a cycle
that takes hundreds of millions of years. Depiction here:
A 2
minute computer-animated video of the
Crossing across the Galactic
that intensifies the photonic light on Earth
when we align with the source of that light.
The last time this happened was the 2000 year rise of ‘mythical’
Atlantis 14,000 years ago as explained at ‘Galactic
Vision' The Converging MegaShift Megatrends
Few are those who
clearly grasp the full meaning of the geopolitical shift in 2016 with
BREXIT and Trump's election. But many can now see a clear pattern of
public rejection of deception and corruption in the 'Deep State' of both the European
Union and the United States. See the full movie on BREXIT
here (2.6 million views).
The rate of change to enlightened Net reality has accelerated so rapidly, it's like a light switch has been flipped on! The quickening of conscientious common sense in the collective awareness of global humanity is now accelerating towards fulfillment of Earth’s destiny. But the eyes of many peoples haven't adjusted to the intensity of 'light'. It's like information overload in an old computer with an outmoded operating system. Some people are waking up to sensory overload with fear and contempt for problems in the world that they never knew existed. It's like thinking your room was clean until you got a brighter light bulb and saw the dust on everything. The brighter the bulb, the sharper the shadows... outlining what was obscure before. Other people are 'waking up' with not only the gift of discernment - seeing through fake news - but also with an intuitive knowing for creative learning and self-elevation as 'salvation' - evolutionary ascension. This is a wonderful time to be alive - with front-row seats - as the curtain opens on the Big Show in 2017:) ~ Christopher PS: With the recent conflagration of fake news, I thought I'd do a semi-satire article on Trump's transition team plans for the 1st 100 days... to see how well satire works to get people laughing at the lockstep disconnect from reality in the lamestream media.
Trump Team Takes Off (1st 100 Days Agenda) We all know how Trump will say one thing, and then do another. According to insider sources, this is Trump's REAL agenda FOR THE FIRST 100 DAYS:
1- Contracting
with Chinese - matching funds for multi-trillion $ upgrade of US
infrastructure. 2- Full production of clean 'free energy' technology for rapid deployment. See The Reality of Free Energy [2 min video], and Keshe Magrave Power Technology.
It's easy when
you know quantum field science.
3- Contracting with Russians to help supply US markets with non-GMO
grains until U.S. farming can get up to speed with organics.
Russia has outlawed GMOs as has China and
many other countries that don't want the U.S. model of a
medical-industrial complex that makes a killing, literally,
on cancer causing GMOs,
vaccines, chemtrails,
petrochemical pollution, etc.
4- East-West collaboration developing free online 'Universal Self Care' - the sovereignty model for global holistic healing. This technology of advanced informatics could now provide highly personalized self care information for the analysis, prevention and management of all disease. This will begin reversing the perverse profit incentives of a 'disease care' system called 'public health care' in the U.S. 5- Global upgrade of our core Net reality freedoms: The 'Whole Truth' will naturally neutralize the 'Big Lie' (fake news) to the extent that global Net neutrality is optimized with an Internet upgrade of Five Core Internet Freedoms that define and refine Web 3.0 - a universal interface for culturing social conscience in our all-connected social networks. Emergence of the 'Global Brain'
6- Peace initiatives in the Mideast will commence by eliminating those CIA and Mossad agencies behind 9-11 and the endless war profiteering. The United Nations recently vetoed Israeli expansionism in the Mideast, and all support of this endless war treachery will cease:
The American Republic Will Be
- Video of CIA 'White Hat' Commander, Dr. Steve Pieczenik: Originated Jan 3, 2017
Half of the solution is a good Related article: Seven Aspects of Mass Ascension
Moving On… A new unity in our diversity may be disruptive to the divisive devolutionary powers that were, but global enlightenment will increasingly neutralize the perception deception and stinking thinking of paradigm paralysis that is ‘Stuck In Negativity’ (fear and doubt).
The rapid global transformation of Net reality
for billions of global Netizens at this time is because the
decentralized Internet is like a global 'mind field' - a 'gold
mine' - if only we
mind it with the
gold standard for heart coherent
mind congruence.
It is the currency of this 5-D Conscience that will define and refine the Next Economy as naturally prospers with abundant Conscience in the Global Mind and one's personal holodeck 'brain field' (conne ![]() This 5-D currency code for the heartware holodeck is the same ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The G.O.D. Code - Geometric Ordered Divinity
The Universal Law of
This is the LAW OF THE ONE BEING -
BE IN God - through affirmation, confirmation,
determination and integration of the
G.O.D.~ It's ALL connected! This cosmic connection to cosmic law in form and frequency is connection to the 'kingdom of heaven' within us. We are in the universe and the universe is indeed within us - the quantum connection to ALL that IS REAL. Gathering the tribes of IS REAL is thus a cosmic metaphor for connecting via 'KINGdom' Conscience whereby ALL are sovereign 'KING' with the Keys to INternalization of God, and... 'US' as United Sovereigns of Earth.
FINISH LINE FOR Which Reality Will Win?
The human race
is nearing the finish line. |
excitement is tangible. This shift in energies is palpable.
The Internet has liberated a surge of enlightenment in
social networks worldwide, exposing ‘dark power’
behind ‘dark money’ and ‘dark policies’ that
betray an enlightened representation of
inspired Vision - devoted to Virtue -
committed with Valor and Vow
for Victory via worldwide
with Heartware.
The natural order of ‘All That IS REAL’ has been called ‘The Way’, ‘The Truth’ and
‘The Light of Creation’… ‘The Eternal Power of Love’… ‘The
Cosmic Law Framing Divine Order’… ‘Heart Coherence That
Governs Mind Congruence’… ‘Pure Intention known as the Will
of God’… ‘Divine Providence of the Prime Directive’… ‘The
Path of Conscious Evolution'… ‘The Intention, Attention,
Retention and Ascension of