Previous Article: 2016 in Review
Contemplating 2017 – The End of Illusion:
Gathering the Tribes of All That
Ascension Wave Inbound, Disruption of Corruption,
Continuity with Coherence and Profound Revelation
The Mystical Meaning of 'Christ Mass'
As reported at
Ascent Wave,
a massive wave of energy is
flooding Earth. It’s here now.
Currency of Conscience
is surging in the
Global Mind
with strong ascent currents
and diminishing 3-D density.
New Year Resolution
for 2017
Re: The 'Soulution' - Soul Resolution
1- Fearless
faith neutralizes faithless fear.
The power
of love trumps
love of power.
conscience defends spiritual patriots.
2- Pure
intention focuses good attention.
attention with coherent
love retention.
Attention pays with conscious ascension.
The power of wisdom is ordained love.
Wisdom-in-love is
heart of true power.
Love of a
God of Love empowers wisdom.
General enlightenment with a global revolution in higher consciousness
has been the natural fruit of the worldwide web's computer/Internet
revolution. Time and space has been virtually eliminated by our new
instant-everywhere and interactive Internet capabilities.
The Family of Mankind is emerging as an ALL-connected whole – our
ordained destiny. This ‘Movement
Towards WholEness’ is a natural function of the conscious
evolution revelations with our new Net reality – unprecedented knowledge
power to know better and do better.
And WHY is that so important now?
Look at the world with bright eyes folks. Tis the reason for the season
– good will among mankind. The opportunity for global humanity is
getting brighter with unprecedented social conscience maturing in global
social networks of about 4 billion online ‘Netizens’ worldwide. We’re ‘hooking up’ as the Family of Mankind in a global village. Instant language translation capabilities are now available for 1.7 billion Facebook users worldwide. The ‘mainstream’ media is now our new interactive social media networks – the major source of news for billions of people worldwide.
That’s where ‘eyeballs’ and ad revenue are
going – the highly decentralized interactive social media which is more
independent and quite the opposite of highly centralized one-way
programming of ‘fake news’ as has been
thoroughly exposed
for their now-unmasked manipulation of our hearts and minds with 'weapons of mass deception'.
Mass Awakening to Mass Deception and
Over 90% of Americans agree that the
"MainStream Media" (MSM) is Fake News. Think about that. Let it sink in. This is why social media is thriving.
As general enlightenment surges, deception purges; the end of
illusion that breeds confusion. A ‘new
normal’ is emerging as billions of global Netizens come into agreement
on enlightened principles for global economic reset with the ‘Currency
of Conscience’.
Obviously, TRUST in the
currency for the
Next Economy can’t merely be
“He who has the gold makes the
rules”. That mentality is
the tail wagging the dog
- material gold as the highest standard for ‘valuation’. But that standard
for ownership and control of ‘value’ is not intrinsically spiritual
without the golden rule/law language at the heart of every golden age in
cosmic history. This is the core global issue being unveiled now. The ‘Global Mind’ is maturing with profound revelations. A new common sense is emerging with a "grass-roots" (Net roots) up-wising and up-rising... the ascension current. This self-correcting, self-elevating 'currency' is a Big Shift from the inordinate love of power - the corporatocracy - to the ordained power of love at the heart of enlightened social conscience. Witness this powershift in credibility and trust away from the Big Media conglomerates. Their time is short and contempt is great. They are losing the hearts and minds of the mainstream who are turning to millions of Netizen journalists whose sphere of influence is billions of global Netizens... yearning to breath free from mass illusion.
If you follow the money and political power aligned with these six media conglomerates, you'll find a trail of interlocked stock ownership and corporate directors who are the same principals of the privately owned 'Federal Reserve' central bank, including 'Associated Press' (AP) and Reuters which are owned by the Rothchilds.
These are the richest plutocrats in the world, the trillionaire oligarchs who have owned and controlled most of the world's corporate assets. Throughout history they have subverted the sovereignty of nations with deception - the origin of 'fake news'. By owning the currency of nations, these international banksters have "traded" (sold out) open truth-telling for the currency of power OVER people rather than 'of, by and for the people'.
But they are in their end game. The jig is up. The tide is turning. Divisions are purging as global social conscience is surging. That's the Good News - Gathering the Tribes of IS REAL We are witnessing the downsizing of mass illusion as has been programmed from the top-down - the old paradigm of one-way "BS" (Belief System) with no feedback, no self correction and no apologies for the patriarchal paradigm of ownership and control; a closed system with prejudice.
The Internet represents the 'open system' paradigm that serves inquisitve people who think for themselves and prefer to interact with like-minded people. That's why "interactive social media" (Web 2.0) is a global upgrade of freedoms of assembly and speech - the 'mainstream' media for billions of global Netizens. Where it's going in 2017 is like 'reality therapy' for billions of people worldwide. The full potential of our new Net reality is being realized... first by the visionaries who can see the opportunity, and then by those cultural creatives who network this vision for the Net worth of social conscience... gathering the tribes of IS REAL. The global transformation now in process will restore balance with the principle of the Divine Feminine - the virtues of cooperation and TLC… a higher standard for social CONSCIENCE and collective TRUST in the "grassroots" (Net roots) of our new global Net reality.
The business of evolution is like the evolution of business. It’s based
on TRUST. Betrayal of TRUST is bad business. And Big Media has betrayed
us big time. They make up stuff all the time and call it ‘news’. More
often than not, the Big Media news narrative puts a good face on Big Banks, Big
Oil, Big Pharma, Big War and Big Brother collusion with the new
aristocracy corporatocracy that is anti-democracy.
Social media makes a mockery of this false narrative. Love of the truth
is enmity with deception. And yet, we can all see that
‘Big Lies’ are so BIG and so
and so often told in Big Media that the ‘Whole Truth’ sounds stranger
than fiction for those without discernment.
The Real Syria Story - Censored by Big Media
Corporate Media Admits to Publishing
Viral Fake News
After Independent Media Busted Them Dec 30, 2016 /
Both are classic examples of Big Media using a single talking point - over and over - to brainwash Americans.
“Those group-mind liars who have given up their souls will rage against
the faintest appearance of one who tries to keep his. And in this rage,
the soulless ones will try to pull the other down to where they live.
~ Jon Rappoport /
The Individual Versus the Staged Collective
/ Dec 26, 2016 We’ve reached a critical mass of billions of connected Netizens who see the potential of enlightened social conscience in our ubiquitous social networks. This critical mass has reached spontaneous combustion - the ‘hundredth monkey’ effect - igniting 'brushfires' in the Global Mind with a surge of general enlightenment that is not unlike Tom Paine’s COMMON SENSE that sparked the American Revolution.
"It does not
take a majority to prevail...
but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men." ~ Samuel Adams
But now it’s more like rEVOLUTION…
emphasizing 90% of the word. The whole truth is merely asserting itself.
More people are using their own minds with critical thinking skills
to navigate the ocean of information and quantum field actuality that we subjugate as
The act of using one's mind and critical thinking facilities is its own
reward. It allows us to navigate the unknown while receiving insights
and enhancing
holistic brain function.
Universal laws govern conscious evolution. Call it natural
law or cosmic law, God has methods. There are rules whereby
“In the beginning, God geometrized.”
Here we are in the Internet Age – an ALL-connected
Global Upgrade of Core Constitutional Freedoms:
Freedom of Assembly
is what social networks do – the new ‘tribes’ – networks of friends,
family and other truth sources you’ve learned to trust through
disciplined discernment.
Freedom of Speech
is an interactive process of originating and evaluating content in
social media. And then creating new content that highlights consensus
with enlightened context and meaning. It’s called ‘information’s
ecology’ – recycling general knowledge in the way that empowers specific
Freedom of Press
is what Net neutrality represents. The new ‘printing press’ is the
‘web press’ itself. This
is the freedom to be imPRESSed by the whole truth, and to PRESS (pay) it
forward by sharing it with your social network.
Freedom to Petition Government
is upgraded with integration of these first three freedoms. By
integrating current info-tech capabilities, it’s now possible to have a
hundred or million people respond to a live or prerecorded video at the
same time, qualifying consensus with a 'language
of consciousness interface' for mass-to-mass
interaction – defining the next phase of the computer/Internet
revolution with
Web 3.0
CyberEthics. Freedom of Religion is the heart of these core Constitutional Freedoms. Call it 'Freedom of Conscience' that honors the 'Gold Standard for Civility': the golden rule/law language that represents universal 'common sense' in all the world's great religions and the Constitution of Conscience. "Conscience is the most sacred
Either we honor this gold standard with well-informed choice – to own our own lives with freedom, truth and justice – or we dishonor the golden rule with "paradigm paralysis" (stinking thinking) that "suffers separation" (perception deception) from fake news and false flags that orchestrate terror-for-tyranny tactics to profit from war, disease and death of the sacred - core conscientious common sense civility.
Personal and planetary transformation in 2017 will thus optimize TRUST in these five core Constitutional freedoms in the global sphere.
This is how global conscious evolution REVELATIONS will mature,
organizing all information IN FORMATION with TRUST in an
interactive standard of universal
From an enlightened spiritual perspective, the full
spectrum from Christic to Buddhic – West to East – is the order of the
day for those who
pray it forward
This is spiritual practicality. Action speaks louder than words. And the
higher the concept of interactive
Just as strong light will dissipate darkness,