2024 Quantum Quickening Series


   “Through our eyes, the universe is perceiving itself.
 Through our ears, the universe is listening to its
 harmonies. We are the witness through which
 the universe becomes conscious of its glory,
of its magnificence.”
~ Alan Watts


The Meaning of atonement as atONEment:

   by Christos Lightweaver 


Oneness with the Law of "BEING"
BE IN G.O.D.~Geometric Ordered Divinity)
of, by and for one's self mastery as the
self-correcting ascent 'Self elevation'
(salvation), via Self Realization
at ONE with your Real Self.


Law of the ne:
Spherical- Integration in all Archetypes of:


 Linear                Nonlinear            Synergy         'The Capstone'
(Two-in-ne)     (Law of ne)     (Three-in-ne)     (Four-in-ne)
'Polarity'               'Unity'                'Trinity'                'Pyra-Mid'

We're all chips off the same 'holographic block'
of, by and for at


“Our minds will unite like the fragments of a hologram.”
~ Terrance McKenna, from:
 'Nonlinear Perception'


Law of the Two-in-ne:
inear, eft-brain framing of the ne Law
for unity-in-diversity as atnement.


The Law of the Angles of G.O.D.,
Geometrically Ordered Divinity -
 frames the Law of as
a frame of reference for the
Language of the Angels,  
our coherent nature."   
~ Christos, from: 'Law of '


Law of the Three-in-ne:
The 'Three-in-One' (Throne) of G.O.D.~
 'Creator' (in the act of co-Creation),
is the best of both worlds (
and ),
synergized (
) for atONEment ().

The flow of the Creative energies of Conscience
through the
holy trinity of Co-Creation
acts to organize that system."
~ Christos, from 'Conscious Evolution'


Law of the Four-in-ne:

Four components to one’s 'CAPstone Conscience'
Creative Ascent Process),
cross-referenced (
), centered () & synergized ()
in all directions for at
ONEment ().
See 'Prime Directive':

 Law of the Five-in-ne:
The whol- whole that is greater than
the sum of the
, ,  &  parts for
nement as 5-D Conscience. 

The Meaning of holy as 'whol-'


Whol- Purpose: the Emerging Blueprint for a Golden Age as represents a self-fulfilling prophecy whereby  heals with the whol- spirit of -in-action at the heart of a global rEVOLUTION in higher~whol- Conscience. This is the fruit of an interactive process of mass-to-mass TeLeComm for culturing TLC Conscience cyberEthics - in global social networks.

Note that the words whole, holistic, holy and holographic all have the same root-word meaning, the Anglo Saxon 'hal' which means sound or whole. Obviously, when we're of sound mind and body, the whole or holy spirit dwells within us. A framework for this understanding of wholEness is the holographic order of the universe represented in pure geometry thoughtforms, ( Model), for expansion of consciousness along more -lightnened lines that frame -valuation criteria for cyberthics (heartware) at the heart of interactive


The Understanding of whol-E Purpose:

"To understand the nature of God, it is necessary only to know
the nature of love itself.  To truly know love is to know and 
understand God; and to know God is to understand love."

~ Dr. David R. Hawkins, "
The Eye of the I" (pg. 88)

This Capstone Conscience
is dedicated to the
One Eye


TLC at the Heart of Conscious Evolution

Tender Loving Care is the Spirit that matters
for whol
Eness and global healing with
spiritual practicality; focusing pure
intention for love's retention
and conscious ascension
in the dimension of
universal TLC:

TeLeCommunity:  E-governance with a heart via real-time on-line heartware for self-governing social networks; a self-regulating cybernetics process for upgrading core Internet freedoms with the Constitution of Conscience at the heart of TeLeComm networks for REAL (vs. virtual) TeLeCommunity;
TeLeConscience: E-learning for educating the heart via real-time on-line cyberEthics at the heart of social networks; a self-correcting learning process for heart coherent "mass mediation" (coOperative commUNIcaTIon coOrdination) as will involve, evolve and otherwise culture TLC at the heart of global mass-to-mass TeLeConscience;
TeLeCare: E
-care for global holistic healing with free online TeLeCare standards for the analysis, prevention and managment of disease; a Universal Self Care model for building health and preventing disease with health assurance policies as link personal needs to professional services that represent public TeLeCare;
E-commerce for the 4th wave business of evolution at the heart of the evolution of business with heartware cyberEthics for the currency of Conscience that upgrades social Conscience in social networks for our ethical TeLeCommerce.

Note: All the E-valuation criteria for heartware TeLeComm has one thing in common: a process for culturing social Conscience in social networks. This upgrade of TLC via well-informed choice - organizing information IN FORMATION with – has the power to define, refine and shine what is real for general Enlightenment in our core social institutions, culturing Effective Sensory Perception as 5D+ Conscience in our social networks… for gathering the tribes of Is Real (United Sovereigns of Earth) in the process.


So here's to atOnement as one's connection with
God/Goddess/Source/Creator/All That Is Real.


Enjoy the '3D and 4D to 5D Paradigm Shift'
with Conscious evolution of 'Net reality':
Five Core Internet Freedoms.

What a concept at this unprecedented time of
personal-global transformation!

With mass-to-mass TeLeComm, emphasizing the
at the heart of global rEVOLUTION...  

Full Spectrum '5DTLC:
 Pure Geometry Thoughtforms
  for Effective Sensory Perception
  via interactive
 TeLeComm for 
TeLeConscience, TeLeCare 


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All 'Rights'~ Well 'Rounded'~ and 'Synergized'~ for wholEness~
with the five biomimicry archetypes of universal-cosmic 
as corresponds to the 'Archetypal Future of Time'.