Cultural DNA for Global TeLeComm
Previewing an Upgraded
'Order of the Ages'
by Christopher Rudy
Heartcom Services
Specific major purpose and function:
“E Pluribus Unum” (Unity in Diversity)
“Novus Ordo Seclorum”
(New Order of the Ages)
These two
major themes of
stem from
the major themes or mottos of U.S. Founders on
two sides of the Great Seal of the United States
and their contemporary representation globally in
our new world of instant-everywhere & interactive
Net reality for the all-connected Family of Mankind.
2 sides of
the Great Seal represent both sides
of the material and spiritual world in which we live.
In 1776, this theme represented the diversity of the
13 colonies of the original states forming one union.
In today’s world
this meme represents the unity in
diversity of global sovereign Netizens as are united
by upgrading
core Constitutional freedoms of & for
all of 'US' as the United Sovereigns
of Earth.
It was a common
man, Thomas Paine, who sparked the
American Revolution with his treatise, Common Sense,
for the Great Experiment in public self governance that
can now rapidly proceed in our global social networks.
“We have it in
our power to begin the world over again.”
Quote from Tom Paine, author of COMMON SENSE (1776),
that ignited the flame of freedom and opportunity which created
the most prosperous land of freedom and opportunity in history.
Then and now, the
diversity of the material world
is transcended by the Unity of the spiritual world
or what science in today’s world understands as
the quantum reality of cause and effect whereby
we shape our global communication communities
and our social networks shape social
“Conscience is the most sacred of all property.”
~ James Madison, Chief Architect of the Constitution
The constitution
of principles & processes framing
represents core themes of the Great Seal in unique ways that
fulfill the "evolution revolution" (rEVOLUTION) that initiated the
Founders’ Great Experiment in representative self government.
Divine destiny
for America was championed by U.S. Founders,
and there is a divine destiny for Earth that now champions an
Internet upgrade of
core Constitutional freedoms for all global
Netizens, to fulfill a global rEVOLUTION in higher
This is the
natural progression of the computer/Internet revolution,
the Spirit that matters at the heart of a new
unity in our diversity.
What’s unique now is that the rate of change is accelerating with
convergence of both inner and outer dynamics of the
Big Picture.
What we see on
the outer reflects
quantum reality on the inner.
There is a time lag for adapting our institutions to inner reality,
but the higher the concept of natural trends shaping the global
transformation of social networks with social
Conscience, the
greater the results to fulfill our conscientious common sense.
The natural trend
of the computer/Internet revolution
from a hardware emphasis (IBM)
to software emphasis (Microsoft)
to netware emphasis (Netscape)
Heartware™ emphasis: (Heartcom Services),
pioneering the last frontier of inner space as the
at the interactive heart of cyberspace.
'nonlinear' Effective Sensory Perception)
natural evolution of the computer/Internet revolution has
accelerated from an early emphasis on mainframe hardware
to a later emphasis on PC software. And then the computer
became the all-connected network of computers; netware.
Now the
emphasis is networked cyberEthics enlightenment
for a
systemic global rEVOLUTION in higher
rEVOLUTION is the less is more (etherealization) trend
whereby science has moved from the dense to the light and
from the gross laws of matter to the quantum laws of Spirit.
This process
will define (hardware), refine (software), combine (netware)
and shine (heartware) for integrated holistic etherealization
of the computer/Internet revolution with a heart;
Such a rEVOLUTION in conscientious common sense will
naturally involve and evolve our individual and
to the extent that technology serves the public purpose of
the common wealth of kind men - the Family of Mankind.
fits the
trend of the computer/Internet revolution
with a process for linking the light of global
for the sacred purpose of
Unity Conscience that
makes the common sense of one
as a standard at the
service to the highest and best
use of our God-given gifts
unity in diversity
whereby love
Tools and
techniques that aid this defining and refining of
Web 3.0
is the purpose of Heartware
Heartcom Services.
Full Spectrum TeLeComm
Establishing the foundation-infrastructure for global
Utilizing integrated hardware, software and netware with
Defining, refining, combining & shining the light of
social Conscience;
Focusing attention with pure intention for our
Uniting with all our
and all
and all
your Netizen neighbor in our global village as thyself.
Calling all Netizens of the
'Light Core'
For Linking the Light of Lightworkers
More light translates to less darkness. This is the simplistic
formula that has profound meaning to Lightworkers. As our solar system comes into O-point alignment with the Galactic Plane at this time, our perceptions of time, space and relationships in a global village are rapidly changing with our new instant-everywhere and interactive (Internet) capabilities.
rate of CHANGE is accelerating The end of time (as we have known) is fast approaching. In other words, our perception of time as a lock-step linear left-brain frame of reference is dramatically changing to "O" point, the nonlinear spherical perceptions of a less compartmentalized logic and more holistic intuitive knowing. I know, that sounds crazy to the dominant left-brain logic of Western civilization, but this too shall pass. The energetics of the Big Shift at this time is matriculating the matrix of collective consciousness with a dimensional shift of a simulsensory multi-dimensional nature As the veil thins -- from a rigid matrix of big egos in a small circle of wholEness to a nonlinear "I Am" in a large sphere of wholEness -- people are losing their former time-space perceptual matrix, their former perceptual identities of how they see themselves and their former grasp of reality as a fixed way of believing, thinking, feeling and acting in relationships of relevance and ultimate reverence re: the holy whole... our new Net reality... the gathering of the network "tribes" for all that IS REAL, etc. This new currency of Conscience is the movement of, by and for Conscientious Common Sense as our new unity in diversity. Of course this is disruptive to the divisive rich vs. poor class struggle behind corrupt social, political and economic institutions that poorly serve the public common wealth purpose for which they were created. But that too shall pass as the InnerNet reboots our DNA and the outerNet fabric of Net reality. A new enlightenment as Effective Sensory Perception is thus transforming our Net reality with the up-wising and uprising of heart-centric intelligence in our social networks. This new “ESP” at the heart of the instant-everywhere and interactive “Inner Net” (quantum 'Source Field') is rapidly bringing global humanity to a critical mass of enlightenment as our DNA adaptations of, by and for MORE LIGHT transforms our Conscience from the inside out. Conceive it and believe it to achieve it… how pure intention will focus attention on the evolutionary ascension of MORE LIGHT (Conscience) with the holy Spirit of LOVE-in-action at the interactive Heartware™ interface heart of mass-to-mass TeLeComm. |
light translates to less darkness for our
conscious evolutionary ascent.
Heartware™ Mission Statement
Pioneering the last frontier of inner space - the InnerNet
at the interactive interface
of the Internet.
Developing mass-to-mass
TeLeComm interaction capabilities
framed by
golden rule/law language for mass interaction; The
open source code (E-valuation
criteria) for
Web 3.0
whereby in
form and frequency (as in frequently)
mediates interactive
mass-to-mass TeLeComm(unity)
to empower wisdom at the
heart of Net reality.
unique FRAME of reference for organizing our
individual, "indivisible" (universal) RIGHTS~
in a new "global village" (public) SPHERE~
for an upgrade of CHECKS & BALANCES~
as represents a higher standard of
Establishing an interactive cyberEthics interface for a
real time (live)
upgrade of
core Constitutional freedoms for unity in our diversity;
the united Family of Man in our new global village cultured
through the instant-everywhere and interactive Internet.
Freedoms of Speech & Press: Origination of content with Net neutrality
Freedom of Assembly: Open systems for open networks optimizing social
Freedom to Petition: E-valuation of content via interactive synergy of
Freedom of Religion
that centers and connects the
of Love"
at the
of the
the rule of law via the
Law of LOVE
as an interactive
interface for Net reality.
self-evident model of archetypal maps of consciousness (LOVE
that represents the self-correcting processes of consciousness at the
quintessential foundation of self governance for self-elevation of an
ascent" (salvation) nature.
The Constitution of Conscience
Combining and
Full Spectrum Light as 5D Conscience
the Vision,
the Virtue,
Make the
Vow and
the Victory
golden rule/law language at the heart of every Golden Age
has always been the gold standard that ultimately
defines, refines, combines and shines
the light of consciousness
For the history of Heartware™,
see 'The Big Picture'
Cultural DNA