Dec 21, 2016 Debriefing:
Over the last several years I’ve been writing about the Galactic alignment frequency shift and its effect on the Schumann Resonance of Earth as resonates with human brain waves and our DNA transceivers.
See the important update
the personal and planetary 'frequency upgrade' now in process. Our Galaxy’s photon belt is surging in resonance with the Great
Central Sun of our Galaxy. Photonic light is purging 3-D ‘DUH’ while
coding 4-5D Conscience with ‘light language’.
Earth's historic shift from a planetary-bound to a space-faring
civilization is imminent.
As reported recently by James
Gilliand of
"We've been sharing
information about a
Large Wave of Energy
hitting Earth and have continued to research for anything that will
substantiate it. Last night Dutchsinse published this video with MIMIC TPW microwave imagery that may be the first
substantiation that there is a large unknown energy hitting Earth. "Watch, hold space, double check your preparedness (water, food, heat, candles), meditate on aligning with the energy for activation of your Highest & Best Spiritual Good." ~ James
Folks, something BIG is going on. Or as Patricia Cota-Robles recently
“New frequencies of Light
will be instrumental in bringing the Truth of the patterns of perfection
for the New Earth into the hearts and conscious minds of the masses of
Humanity. The realization of this Truth will be a critical factor in
lifting Humanity out of fear and
completing the purification of the human miscreations that have been
pushed to the surface all over the planet during the events of 2016.
We are on the cusp of a new millennium of
The current shift in frequencies is the precursor of Dimensional
Shift which is a many-faceted thing with many different gifts of the
holy spirit ‘popping off’ in people who are
ready and willing worldwide
Many are
awakening with discernment of both ‘fake news’ and the
‘real deal’ – the
‘Word’ as some Christian
networks refer to it… or
‘Conscience’ as the chief
architect of the U.S. Constitution called it;
“Conscience is the most sacred of
all property.” ~James Madison
This is the
paradigm shift to
‘Unity Conscience’ that
the ‘New Age Community refers to. It’s the ‘Gold Standard’ for global
civility – the golden rule/law language for every golden age in cosmic
history. Call it the law of action-reaction (physics), stimulus-response
(biology) or reaping what you sow (karma), what goes around globally
comes around to this same core universal standard for
unity-in-diversity with the
interactive commUNIcaTIon process whereby we come-into-unity for REAL (versus
virtual) COMMUNITY.
Global Conscious
Evolution Revolution
Ascent Wave is now a
galactic issue of planetary transformation as profound as the American
Revolution was for global freedom and opportunity. But now it’s
happening from the ‘inside out’.
"It is at all times necessary,
What we’re seeing with the global
of conscientious common sense is indeed a global revolution. It’s the
end of a divided world as we’ve known it. Nationalistic ‘walls in the
mind’ have been disintegrating since the Internet began defining our
instant-everywhere and interactive Net reality. Social networks have
become the new ‘tribe’ of friends and family. It’s beyond nationalism. A
new sense of global community – the
Global Mind
– is emerging for all of
‘US’ as United Sovereigns
of Earth.
This is the decentralization phenomena that characterizes Net reality
and the ‘Ascension’ of our collective Conscience as a holistic, healthy
and otherwise holy whole – the
Aquarian Mandate.
What that means – sooner or later – is that we’ll see the end of highly
centralized rule by the corporatocracy of
Big Banks, Big Oil, Big Pharma, Big Media, and Big Government as we’ve
known it.
I’m optimistic about ‘sooner’ because I KNOW how fast things could
change for the better with
TeLeComm and
TeLeCare – the ‘Alpha and Omega’ of ‘Spirit that Matters’ in the
left and right hemispheres of the personal and planetary ‘holodeck’.
For most of my life – after two near-death experiences at a young age –
I’ve had uncanny ‘future vision’, way ahead of my time. But times have
changed. The ‘crazy’ stuff I’ve been talking about is coming true.
Global discernment is quickening.
Fake news
is being outed. Full
disclosure is going mainstream. A new common sense is emerging
– that we are interdependent on each other and for each other in the
spirit of service to others… with
pure intention to focus attention with love's retention for conscious
ascension of full comprehension as Effective Sensory Perception of
a more enlightened full-spectrum nature.
The gold standard for global civility becomes self-evident with this
common sense… that we are ALL connected as the Family of Mankind in a
global village of interactive, interdependent Net reality.
This is the end of the world, as
we have known it. New perceptions of a nonlinear holistic nature will naturally make lockstep linear mindsets obsolete. Patriarchal values will embrace matriarchal virtue.
Instead of a flood of 'toxins' destroying humanity, a flood of cosmic fire - the ordained power of love - is flushing out the dark, inordinate love of power.
"Man can
harness the winds,
The most important untold story in the world is the 'upwising' of collective consciousness due to the Ascent Wave's influence on Earth grids and each one's 'brain field' - the personal/planetary holodeck. The quantum field of Earth is being flooded with light-coded ‘cosmic fire’ that is magnified by the alignment of our solar system with the photon belt of hundreds of billions of star systems in our galaxy.
If true that mass awakening is now occurring from
the ‘inside-out’ – going mainstream worldwide in 2017 – this ‘Horizon
Event’ deserves our intention, attention and “retention” (
The higher the concept of this sequence
As I’ve reported in previous articles…
There are millions of dimensionally-cloaked starships around Earth for
as global humanity fully awakens in phases of mass adaption to
frequency resonance with 5D conscience
Advance beings from many worlds are here to witness the big drama of
‘mass ascension’ of the human condition in 3-D (physical senses), as the
Ascent Wave manifests with
dimensional shift.
This is ‘curtain call’ for ALL of “US”
of Earth). Consider the Great Story you have played in the large scheme
of soul evolution from embodiment to embodiment in 3-D.
Now is the time to define, refine, combine and SHINE what we
have learned for the Big Shift to
and beyond.
So stand for enlightenment by shining bright;
Keep the Faith, See the
Christopher L. Rudy
Thinning of the Veil and
In the
larger scheme of eternal progression
Dimensional Shift Challenges “The trauma of waking up is very similar to the grief process as most things you thought were reliable, credible and stable no longer appear that way. Without this trauma however, there is no waking up, so if anyone tells you that you can be taught the one truth or the one way of life without suffering of any kind, they’re either lying or so delusional that they think it’s the truth.” ~ Zen Gardner
can take the kind man out of heaven, but "When you are engaged in absolute Reality and absolute Unreality, then your vision by Love can span all dimensions. But when you are not, beloved, then your vision is limited, the senses of the soul are not awakened, and the third eye has no clear vision. For, beloved, God does not open the kingdom of heaven to you unless he also opens the depths of hell. Understand, then, beloved, that those who truly love will not fear the embrace of Christ or the challenge of Death and Hell." ~ John the Beloved, June 24, 1990 via E. C. Prophet Evolutionary
Dimensional Shift Is
the 2-D matrix, everyone once believed
are rules whereby Creator's intention…
resources and opportunity