Fuller Challenge Series
Heartcom Network
Our New Net
Realty - Social Conscience
The Future Is What We Make It!
Previous article at: Movement Progress
by Christopher
Host of
Cosmic Love
August 22, 2014
year finds our world in a major paradigm shift with a new 'Net reality'.
Social conscience is surging in our new global social networks. On
a planetary scale, the instant-everywhere and interactive Internet has
surpassed mainstream corporate media as the news source of choice.
The 'Big Shift' is upon us with almost 4
billion global Netizens who are now online with desktop, laptop and
palmtop computers such as tablets, iPads and smartphones. Shift
happens, and this shift is like the neural networking of the 'Global
Mind', our all-connected Net reality.
Like an infant's brain, our new Net reality is
rapidly maturing with a new social conscience activating in our global
social networks. This has vast world-changing implications for self
learning, self healing and otherwise self-governing social networks.
Global health care is being transformed as numerous health oriented
social networks provide increasingly accurate self-care information
for the analysis, prevention and treatment of all disease.
Breakthroughs in ultramolecular quantum medicine are making the drug
paradigm of chemical medicine increasingly obsolete. Before long, 'Universal
Self Care' will be available for all global Netizens.
Activation of the global mind with intrinsic social conscience will naturally be a challenge for highly centralized top-down institutions whose power to profit from endless war, disease and disinformation is eclipsed by social conscience, holistic healing processes and self-correcting, self-elevating self governance of a more enlightened commonwealth nature. Global humanity has thus arrived at the 'Turning Point' from top-down tyranny of, by and for highly organized 'love of power' to bottom-up freedom and opportunity of, by and for the highly decentralized 'power of love' for self governance in self-correcting social networks. Imagine how our horse-and-buggy representation system of 'voting' will be upgraded with the capability of mass-to-mass TeLeComm that cultures enlightenment in social networks. Consider how the best ideas for global humanity will be liberated and leveraged for evolutionary ascent of our individual and collective conscience.
power to know better and do better has accelerated the awakening of the
global mind with the computer/Internet revolution from it's early
emphasis on "hardware" (mainframe computers) to "software" (desktop
computers), and then "netware' when the personal computer connected with
the global network of computers, the Internet (web 1.0), followed by Now we'll see web 3.0 emerge with activation of enlightened Net reality with heartware TeLeComm at the heart of TeLeCommunity (e-government), TeLeConscience (e-learning), TeLeCare (e-health) and TeLeCommerce (cyberEthics)... all emphasizing TLC with heart coherence. The organization principles involved mimic the order of the holographic universe from atomic to galactic. They represent the pure geometry "archetypes" (Jung) framing the universal law language of consciousness for culturing social networks with spiritual, mental, emotional and love-in-action integrity: full-spectrum enlightened conscience. Quantum reality is the new Net reality that represents the unified quantum field, mind congruence with quantum computing, and holistic healing with quantum medicine and 'Universal Self Care'. The future is what we make it. No one said that global enlightenment would be easy. Conscience always challenges "D.U.H." (Dense, Unconscious & Heartless). It's typically 'Darkest Before the Dawn'. So seize the vision of virtue and valor for the victory of the Aquarian Dispensation of universal Freedom-in-Love as is now activating a new common sense for the Family of Mankind in our global village.
Keep this in mind as you watch this recent TED Talk video
by the inventor of the world wide web, Tim Berners-Lee: A Magna Carta for the web Published on Aug 18, 2014 Sir Tim Berners-Lee invented the world wide web 25 years ago. So its worth a listen when he warns us: There's a battle ahead. Eroding net neutrality, filter bubbles and centralized corporate control all threaten the webs wide-open spaces. Its up to users to fight for the right to access and openness. The question is... What kind of Internet do we want?
The accelerated shift to global Net
involves/evolves the heart of psychology as the OuterNet merges with the InnerNet culturing mankind as kind men; spirituality. The biggest movement in human history is upgrading Net reality with global TLC: the InnerNet at the heart of the Internet.
is a time for conscientious CoCreation as CoOperation Make it So! ![]() Global TeLeComm for 'The Blessing'
The body is the temple of the living spirit.
The heart is the temple of the loving spirit. The brain is the temple for discernment... our connection with the InnerNet heart of coherence, weaving the fabric of cosmos and social conscience in social networks. "This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness." ~ Dalai Lama Coherence is harmonic connection with everything.
All 'Rights' well Rounded