Heartcom Network / 2000~2020s


How to format, frame or otherwise facilitate a
global rEVOLUTION in Higher Conscience


 Here's to the Vision - the Next Big Thing
 in the computer/Internet rEVOLUTION
emphasizing the business of evolution
   at the
heart of the evolution of business.

 Although common sense of a tech advance
always lags its compelling early adoption...
 the trend of the computer/Internet evolution
 indicates a common pattern of confirmation
that the Currency of Conscience
1 will soon
 monetize the NEXT ECONOMY with a new

A long time geek “BC” (Before Computers)


Conscious evolution on Earth has accelerated dramatically with the computer/Internet revolution.  A senior generation has now witnessed the big shift from the 1970's emphasis on mainframe hardware (IBM), to 1980's emphasis on desktop software (Microsoft), to ‘90's emphasis on Web 1.0 netware (Netscape), to 2000’s laptop emphasis on Web 2.0 with interactive social networks (Facebook). Now witness the last decade’s trend integrating palm-top hardware, software and netware as a platform for emerging global Net reality with Web 3.0 heartware (HeartServe).

The Four Waves of the Computer-Internet Revolution
as tech emphasis evolves from hardware and
software to netware and
heartware for
cultural DNA 'cyber
Ethics' at the
heart of interactive mass-
and 'Web 3.0'.

  Full Spectrum Enlightenment Upgrades
The ‘Great Awakening' (Light-)
With a
 High Touch High Tech Trendfit 
Heart Coherent Mind Congruence
Effective Sensory Perception of a
Unified Field (Common Sense) Nature.

The Mainstream Media-Medical-Marketing
and Management MegaTrend Momentum


The first wave of the computer/Internet rEVOLUTION
  was of course the computer… evolving through stages of
   hardware emphasis (IBM), software emphasis (Microsoft)
    and then emphasis on netware (Internet) which thus began
        the second wave of the computer/Internet rEVOLUTION.


 The second wave of the computer/Internet rEVOLUTION
created the World Wide Web whereby the 'computer' became
     a network of computers.  As these networks began interacting
     off of mass networking platforms, the computer as the network
      eventually became known as web 2.0 (an interactive platform).
     And as new interactive social media platforms, such as blogs,
    began expanding social conscience within new social media,
    a vision of a real-time interface for mass-to-mass interaction
      naturally began to emerge and define the concept of Web 3.0;
third wave of the computer/Internet rEVOLUTION.


 The third wave of the computer/Internet rEVOLUTION
creates a system for involving and evolving
with the actual language of consciousness as a 3-D field
    within the holographic brain, corresponding to 3 dimensions
   of “light language
2, that frames the 4th dimension (in time)
    as cultures a 5-D rEVOLUTION in higher consciousness…
     the fourth wave of the computer/Internet rEVOLUTION,

a concept pioneered by Maynard & Mehrtens in their book,
 Fourth Wave Business in the 21st Century).


We are what we believe, think, feel and do, and we
BECOME what we believed, thought, felt and did.


Web 1.0... the computer becomes the global network of computers;

    Web 2.0... the network becomes a platform for social consciousness;

Web 3.0... the platform involves and evolves our 'Conscience' with

"Conscience is the most sacred of all property.”
  ~ James Madison, Chief Architect of the Constitution


The 'Common Sense' that sparked the American Revolution
  is seeing an exact parallel in the full implications of Web 3.0
with the unabashed potential to finish globally what the five
 core Constitutional freedoms
3 accomplished as a model for
  upgrading representation of the
United Sovereigns of Earth.

Common sense via open source mass-to-mass TeLeComm

Obviously communications and commerce are the two sides of
  the currency of
Conscience that monetizes value in general and
the Net worth of our freedom and opportunity in particular, i.e.,
Net reality in our instant-everywhere-interactive global village.
Good communications is always prelude to good commerce;

  the alpha (know better) to omega (do better) of “good trade”.
This embrace of knowledge power for well-informed choice

-- the pure intention of a free and open Internet --
 is the power of wisdom with a "heart" (social


This is the meaning of 'cultural DNA' whereby
interactive mass-to-mass
EXECUTIVE (power), JUDICIAL (wisdom) and
REPRESENTATIVE (love) for 3-fold balance
as social
Conscience in social networks.

Raising the standard of high touch high tech?

To a large extent, high tech is simply impersonal
- just the tools for empowering informed choice -
 but trends of the computer/Internet rEVOLUTION
are for highly personalized high touch choices.

The higher the standard for high touch high tech
 (e-valuation criteria for mass-to-mass interaction)
   the greater the results in terms of optimal Web 3.0.

Rebooting social conscience in social networks?


 Upgrading web 2.0 to Web 3.0 is easy enough to fulfill.
  Those who conceive how heartware works will 'get it'...
the concept of cyber
Ethics as the E-valuation criteria
 that involves and evolves our individual and collective
Conscience with the language of consciousness at the
    interactive interface heart of Heartware
4; the heart of


 The 'Avatar' archetype for a cyberEthics

rEVOLUTION in higher consciousness?


There are avatars as a stand-in interface for individual interaction
and there are avatars that provide archetypal-universal principles
- a unified field conceptual framework as cultural DNA -
for mass-to-mass interaction in any social network.

Half of who you are is your individuality in action;
the other half is your relationships of relevance and
ultimate reverence as
at-one-ment with others and
Net reality -- all that IS REAL --
  in the continuum of the infinite, eternal here and now.

Web 3.0 in its archetypal form - Heartware™ - is a mediator
    representing both 'InnerNet' avatars, individual and collective,
    local and global, personal and planetary, as within, so with all,
  providing a process that frames the
Currency of Conscience
    with the core archetypes of modern psychology (Jung) as will
 naturally evolve web 2.0 from “the network is interactive”
to the Web 3.0 standard: “the network has a


A breakthrough for Co-Creation of Conscience?


  The product is a process of conscious evolution
 by framing, geometrizing or otherwise culturing
Conscience in our new social networks,
      on a real-time or instant-replay interactive basis…
          framing context and meaning at any one moment of
           a media presentation, utilizing the E-valuation criteria
         - language of light-as-consciousness - that parallels
      the creative process used for program origination.

    This is a process called information’s ecology,
 the 'recycling' of general knowledge in the way
    that generates specific wisdom with open source
   coOperative CommUNIicaTIon coOrdination; an
  origination/evaluation process that involves and
    evolves our individual and collective

The intended consequence of this recycling process
 is culturing wisdom with a the power of
represents a Higher Power -- in good
Conscience --
   at the interface
heart of interactive mass TeLeComm
    as cultures TLC Conscience in core social institutions.

    Modern quantum reality now embraces this 'Net reality',

   that the unified field of conscientious common sense is
 the genesis of the holy whole as Higher Power vested
      in a higher
Conscience of the relationship between one’s
Conscience and our collective Conscience.

By thus utilizing the creative-learning processes of
consciousness at the quintessential foundation of
 self-governance, Web 3.0 is defined and refined.

   Cultural DNA as a 'Conscience Field', the power of ,
    is like a unified prayer field of expectation and anticipation as
becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy through the
holy Spirit of

The 'holy grail' for program developers?

(Heartware Project)


This process naturally organizes all information IN FORMATION
 as represents the source code for
Effective Sensory Perception

 with better discernment in one's '5-D holographic source field'
 (between the ears) in relation to the morphic field 'holodeck'

that frames the fractal order of the holographic universe.

  An economics of abundance that follows an abundance
 at the heart of mass-to-mass TeLeComm5 is a
       natural consequence of an interactive Heartware™ 'avatar'
that centers and connects our individual and collective
        consciousness with the 1st principles of the prime directive,
  a frame of reference for the golden rule/law language at
   the heart of cultural DNA for every golden age in history.

      The opportunity for collaboration of program developers is
    to define & refine the open source code for Heartware
    with a non-profit public access service for this purpose...
   the shared understanding that the higher the concept of

    pure geometry archetypes 'coding' the order of universe,

  the greater the results for Co-Creation with divine order
     in order for more people to wake up, wise up and rise up,
Conscience at the heart of our social networks.

Whole Systems Visionary
HEARTcom Network
BBS Radio's Cosmic LOVE Show
Author, The Aquarian Book of Cosmic LOVE 
UltraMedics Services & Heartware Project  


1 – currency of conscience / www.heartcom.org/ConscienceCurrency.htm

2 – light language / www.heartcom.org/lightlanguage.htm

3 – core Constitutional freedoms / www.heartcom.org/FiveCoreFreedoms.htm

4 – Heartware / www.heartcom.org/Heartware.htm / Web 3.0 CyberEthics
5 – mass-to-mass TeLeComm / heartcom.org/Web3.0cyberEthics.htm