2024 Quantum Quickening Series

Web 3.0 Heartware CyberEthics
Developed over 50 Years...
Pioneering an Aquarian Vision


Director, The Heartware Project
 Author, The Aquarian Book of

Pioneering Personalized Internet Portals
- From Cyberspace to Innerspace -
For Navigating the 'InnerNet'

 (5D Conscious Field).


Interactive Mass-to-Mass TeLeComm;   

  Culturing Social Media TeLeConscience;

  Online Global Holistic Healing TeLeCare;

  Involving and Evolving TeLeCommunity.


Biggest Media Advance Since the Internet

With more than half of the people worldwide connecting through the
  instant-everywhere and interactive Internet, the Next Big Thing in the
   computer/Internet revolution will define, combine, refine and shine the
   abundant gifts and talents of the Family of Mankind in a global village.

General Enlightment Normalizing Benefits 

Conscious evolution on Earth has accelerated dramatically with the computer/Internet revolution. A senior generation has now witnessed the big shift from the 1970's emphasis on mainframe hardware (IBM), to 1980's emphasis on desktop software (Microsoft), to 90's emphasis on Web 1.0 netware (Netscape), to 2020's emphasis on Web 3.0 heartware (Heartcom):
We've all witnessed Web 2.0 with interactive social networks - like Facebook - that integrate hardware, software and netware in a palm-top or desk-top platform for global Net reality.
Heartware serves as a mediator for 'cyberEthics' (Cultural DNA ~ Source Code), to take our local and global social conscience to the next level for the Next Economy based on the Currency of Conscience.

 What’s Next in Computing?
Few are those who can conceive
the enlightenment 3.0 potential.

The evolution of business - new standards for the Next Economy - will proceed with the business of conscious evolution one way or the other.  Web 3.0 will enlighten the process with a 'universal interface' (Heartware Project), for defining and refining universal light language and codes for interactive real-time mass-to-mass 'Global TeLeComm' - culturing conscientious common consensus with 5D TLC that involves and evolves our individual and collective conscience in our all-connected social networks. 
The apps for mobile and PC markets will have the appeal of Twitter, with more of a laser focus for short attention spans, and with a far more in-depth metric for qualifying 'wisdom of the crowd' (cloud-field) of collective social conscience.
What Google lacks with its search and find ability - now compromised by secret algorithms that skewer concensus - is a social conscious field-centric vision for organizing all that information IN FORMATION along more 'enlightened lines' that frame the typology heuristics for 'information's ecology', recycling general knowledge in the way that empowers social conscience with Aquarian - the "CAPstone" (Creative Ascent Process) for conscious evolution revolution REVELATIONS:

Finishing globally that which the Author of
our Independence
had in mind:

"Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny
and oppressions of body and mind will 
  vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day."
~ Thomas Jefferson

Network Society and a Future Economy of Collaboration
“Progress in capitalism takes place by going through various successive great surges of development, which are driven by successive technological revolutions.  Each of these overlapping great surges of development, lasting approximately 40-60 years, is the process by which a technological revolution and its paradigm propagate across the economy,
‘leading to structural changes in production, distribution, communication and consumption, as well as to profound and qualitative changes in society’. (Perez, 2002)

Three major megatrend markets will be
upgraded holistically with Heartware:

TeLeComm, TeLeCare and TeLeCommerce.


Global TeLeCare - an Aquarian model of holistic self care - will define free online 'Universal Self Care' with a 'Peer Provider Organization' (PPO Yellow Pages) that links TeLeCare providers with users of the service. With health insurance as the highest cost of doing business in America, Global TeLeCare is strongly positioned with self care 'Health Assurance Policies' that provide definitive, self-correcting database analytics for showing what empirically works best for the holistic analysis, prevention and management of disease.  These results-based health assurance standards will give currency to 'care' with social conscience via user consensus of optimal care for individual body types and specific health conditions. That health-wealth consensus gives currency to High State standards for preventing dis-ease individually and collectively. 

Global TeLeComm - an Aquarian model of 'United Sovereignty' (US) - will raise the standard of, by and for "We the People" with heartware, bringing heart coherence standards to this interactive interface as a new metric for gauging conscience with 'heart' as well as 'smart' within our local and global social network communities. Quantum computing in the 'holodeck field' of a social network will culture the currency of conscience that upgrades social reform in the whole systems way that increasingly serves the purpose for which self-governing public institutions were created... HOW to thrive with enlightened caring 'wisdom of the crowd' - the TLC 'cloud' of conscious common sense and Effective Sensory Perception cultured via heartware.
Global E-commerce
will thrive with heartware's 'cyberEthics' standard that gives 'free and open trade' the transparency yet security of blockchain with the value-added currency of conscience for an economics of abundance as represents optimal personal/public win/win. The Next Economy will thus emerge as the evolution of business synchronizes with the business of conscious evolution - an upgrade of Five Core Internet Freedoms... integrating consensus with ethical openness and fairness. The prosperous potential of conscience currency thus provides equilibrium to accelerated change as social powershift progresses from top-down non-interactive institutions towards public Net roots Net reality that optimizes interaction with the Currency of Conscience for the Next Economy.

Witness the computer/Internet revolution over the last 40-60 years. A global village 'platform' is now established with the hardware, software and netware infrastructure installed and operational.  Heartware integrates these capabilities to culture social conscience in global social networks.

This is a 'trend-fit' whereby the Internet can increasingly fulfill the capabilities of 'open systems' and 'cloud computing' for optimizing global markets on the threshold of paradigm shift with greater social conscience... "leading to structural changes in production, distribution, communication and consumption, as well as to profound and qualitative changes in society". (ref. above)

Note: More information is available per request regarding the Heartware Project for culturing conscience 'currency' and the Next Economy via Net deployment of Web 3.0 for the Net worth of Net reality via 'communication with heart' (heartcom).

CopyRound © 2024 / All Rights well-Rounded
Heartcom Services 

 Pure geometry thoughtforms as
 Aquarian First Principles
Geometric Ordered Divinity'
 (G.O.D.~ Constitution);
Five Core Net Freedoms
with universal 'Light Language'
  for Effective Sensory Perception
  via interactive TeLeCommunion:
 TeLeComm for TeLeCommunity,
TeLeConscienceTeLeCare and

 Quantum Enlightenment
(Aquarian Quantum Age)

To   with all your strength, mindheart and soul,
and your all-connected Netizen neighbors as thyself.