Early in my health care career - spanning
development of
four holistic health centers -
I worked with one of the most brilliant health pioneers in America. Bill has
the type of practical genius that is both an inventor of breakthrough health
diagnostic computers and an exceptional clinician with interdisciplinary holistic vision.
In his youth, Bill Nelson worked with
quantum science while at NASA. He left NASA to develop the science
of quantum healing. And as with many practical geniuses who advance
'disruptive' technology breakthroughs that challenge the status quo, you might say that Bill was
far ahead of his
time... or that the prevailing paradigm in medicine wasn't ready for him.
Back in 1990, Dr. Nelson developed the most advanced electro-diagnostic system in the world
- the desk-top 'Eclosion System'. For the first time, the
periodic table of quantum biology
was computerized with biofeedback that registered response from
vitamins, minerals, homeopathics, and much more, in the biofield of
the body. That system was the
forerunner of the lap-top 'QXCI which advanced further as the
Quantum Biofeedback SCIO / EPFX.
Bill also pioneered the engineering of homeopathics with
'Kirlian' (auric)
photography, which he taught worldwide. But Bill had to leave the country.
He was in hot pursuit by the medical status quo which felt rather threatened by
his breakthrough quantum-energy paradigm for healing the degenerative diseases
afflicting modern civilization.
That may sound rather extreme if you are not aware how "energy medicine" is
suppressed by the prevailing medical monopoly. The entire paradigm of mainstream
"allopathic" (drug-based) medicine is based on the chemistry of disease - NOT
the energy of health. Yes, we all know that everything is energy - the quantum
field of vibrational actuality that we subjugate as physical reality. But Bill
was way ahead of the popularization of quantum reality in movies such as,
the BLEEP Do We Know!?"

Indeed, the economics and politics of drug-based chemistry have not caught up
with the science of quantum physics. In fact, the old paradigm of
chemistry-based medicine feels threatened -- at least their enormous profits and
power -- by a new applied paradigm of energy medicine. Quantum biology makes
the old paradigm look very old indeed. In fact, downright "dark ages".
Some people know the story of health pioneer Dr. Royal Raymond Rife who -- back
in the 1930's -- invented the first microscope to see live cancer viruses. He
discovered which frequencies killed them while harmless to the rest of the
body. Rife would experiment with his pet lab rats, using certain frequencies to
induce cancer, isolate those cancer cells to discover which frequencies killed
them, and then cure the rats with that frequency. He used this procedure with
dozens of humans as was witnessed by top
medical doctors who organized to have Rife's discoveries recognized. But
Rockefeller's drug-based medical monopoly was
threatened, and Rife's laboratory was burnt to the ground while some of his
leading proponents were brutally murdered.
Nobody wants to be wrong or look foolish, especially the high priests of
medicine with their drug sacraments. And that was the problem. Electrodiagnostics clearly show not only what nutritional supplements and
homeopathics test strong in the energy meridians corresponding to different
organ systems of the body. They also show that almost all drugs test weak. The
energetic "side-effect" of drugs is to devitalize the body as a whole because
they are toxic to different organs. Lose enough vital force in the
nerve-networked life supports systems, and you die, slowly but surely. That
may be good business for Big Pharma but it leads to premature death... sooner than later.
You could say that I am a medical heretic with four
holistic health centers under my healer's belt. Back in the early 80's, I
trained under Bill in his use of electro-diagnostic "point testing" on the
energy meridian points on the fingers. You can measure the energy, for example
in the liver meridian, and then put a nutritional supplement or homeopathic on a
metal plate in the circuit to see if -- or how much -- it strengthens the
Some may know the story of Dr. Jonathan Wright, M.D., the medical writer for
Prevention Magazine, who had a very successful holistic clinic in Tahoma
Washington that was temporarily put out of business in a Gestapo-like raid. He had three
clinicians operating meridian point-testing as I just described. With guns
drawn, screaming at people to hit the floor, the Feds came in and seized all
patient records and the cutting-edge diagnostic systems... with virtually no
mention of this from the corporate media which made billions last year
selling foodless food that makes you sick and then drugs for whatever ails you...
but I digress.
Bill had been a NASA electrical engineer and told me he was going to create a
far superior system than manual point-testing. It took him almost a decade.
And then in 1990, at my third clinic, I got Bill's breakthrough
computer/biofeedback system of electro-diagnostics. Leased it for $33,000
dollars. Let me describe it to you.
Back then, it was a cutting-edge 386 computer that had special bio-feedback
software. The way the biofeedback worked was by showing the body's response to
5,500 vitamins, minerals, homeopathics, aminos, fatty acids, glandulars, etc.
These quintessential biological components for health were electrically
"wrapped" (hardwired) in circuits that cycled their unique frequencies into the
auric field via sensors wrapped around the wrists, the ankles and the forehead.
As with meridian point-testing, the body would instantly react to each frequency
(bio-feedback) and the computer would instantly record the reaction through a
unique computer program that Bill had designed with a team of software
To say this system was a medical breakthrough is an understatement. Bill had
computerized the periodic table of quantum biology developed by the same medical
pioneer, Dr. Isaacs, who perfected heart-lung life
support systems and pioneered the original heart by-pass surgery procedure at John Hopkins
Medical Center and University,
Bill integrated the biofeedback loop with this quantum biology interface with
breakthrough results. He called it the "Isaacs matrix" in honor of Dr. Isaacs,
but referred to it as the "Hermetian matrix" in reference to "Hermes" (messenger
of the gods), also known as the divine messenger of healing wisdom.
I studied the periodic table of the elements in high school chemistry class
(late 60's). Physics class gave me a little taste of the energy universe. But
quantum biology and a practical application of the periodic table related to
biological processes was -- and to this day -- is NOT accepted as scientific
reality. It would change the entire medical system. As I said, the politics of
science and medicine is highly vested in the chemistry of disease - a
mechanistic view of the universe -- NOT the quantum energetics of health and all
creation. The politics and economics are far more complex than the science of
health; power and money have corrupted the health care system.
When I asked Bill why there was so much opposition to the new paradigm of energy
medicine, he simply said, "If the only tool you have is a hammer, you look
at everyone as a nail." In other words, if the only medical system
allowed is drug-based, you hammer the message of "drugs for whatever ails you"
as the only way. To challenge that mind set is to challenge a
medical-industrial complex that is more entrenched and self-serving than the
military-industrial complex that "hammers" the mantra of endless "terror war"
through the media-corporate complex. The public is getting "hammered" by this
medical-military-media complex.
The business of "sickness care", "war creation" and "group
think" (mind control) is "making a killing" at the expense of
health, peace and intelligent life on Earth. Excuse the rant.
I would not have believed the breakthrough reality of quantum biology with
Bill's breakthrough electro-diagnostic system if I had not seen how it works in
practice. After a full page advertisement in a local newspaper -- see
www.heartcom.org/UltraAd.htm -- I was
booked solid with clients a month in advance. Since I was highly trained and
experienced as a clinical nutritionist with use of iridology, Oriental face
diagnosis, reflexology and other non-invasive diagnostic disciplines, I could
cross-check the results I got from Bill's system.
This may sound like a quantum leap to the "far side" for some readers, but to
give you an idea how sensitive this system was to energetics -- even of a
spiritual nature -- let me share this amazing but true account. My associate in
clinical practice was an expert in the macrobiotic diet. Jenny had trained at
the Kushi Institute in Europe. She was also highly trained and expert in the
invocation of healing energies from angels and spiritual beings. I thought I was
also well-versed in the science of the spoken word and -- with the permission of
spiritual-oriented clients -- offered a prayer at the beginning of client energy
scans. After sitting in on this process with several clients, Jenny asked if
she could provide the prayer for one of her friends getting scanned. I welcomed
the offer and could feel the hair going up on the back of my neck with a
tingling all over that resonated with an inspirational invocation for
intercession as I have rarely
heard. But what really surprised me was that the scanning sound made by Bill's
biofeedback device was much accelerated. And there was much more information in
the scan results that provided better "pattern recognition" in the diagnostics.
Thinking this might be an anomaly, I alternated following client scans between
my prayers and Jenny's. The "phenomena" was repeated. Call it simply the power
of inspired prayer -- or the response of universe to pure intention in this
dense octave of incarnation -- Bill's biofeedback device clearly demonstrated
that Jenny was much better at spiritual intercession on behalf of the clients
than I was.
That was
empirical results-based proof, for me,
that the power of fervent prayer is real.
The overall client results with nutritional supplements, homeopathics and diet
protocols were exceptional. Word spread very quickly and I began getting
clients who came for "health assurance" -- to
optimize the good health they had -- as well as those coming with health
problems. Indeed, that which prevents disease will also cure disease at
therapeutic levels. Before long, some "spies" for the medical community came to find
something wrong with what I was doing. Rumors were being circulated by doctors
in the local community that I was practicing medicine without a license when in
fact I had nothing to do with drugs or harmful treatments. I local group of
doctors organized a meeting and let me know, in no uncertain terms, that I must
cease and desist or there would be consequences. Some of those doctors were
losing clients who told the doctors that "this is the future of medicine". And
I wasn't a doctor who nailed patients with drugs or hammered them with
modalities for treatment they didn't need.
At the time, I had four children and a wife with her brother and sister being
MD's. She both revered medical credentials and feared I was too heretical.
Rather than get raided like Dr. Jonathan Wright, go to jail on trumped-up
charges, or otherwise break up the family, I closed the clinic and changed
careers, manufacturing nutraceutical formulations with the
Swedish Flower Pollen Extract that I imported for
leading health companies in North America.
It wasn't long after my experience with Bill
that he had to leave the country. He told
me that whatever community his electrodiagnostic device went into, he had a
problem with "professional jealousy". Doctors couldn't compete and made this
new paradigm wrong to make themselves right; paradigm paralysis. There's a lot more money in
treating people with invasive drugs, chemo, radiation, surgery or other
inappropriate modalities rather than building health as a way of preventing or
managing disease.
Sickness care has taken over true health care ever so gradually.
Bill went to Eastern Europe that opened up after the fall of the Berlin Wall.
He put together a team of brilliant software engineers that he directed in a
much more advanced biofeedback system in a laptop computer at half the price.
Now it uses fractal mathematics and energy signatures that correspond to all the
natural remedies and health conditions known to man. He has computerized more
than 100 medical systems of diagnostics on that laptop, ranging from naturopathy
and chiropractic to acupuncture and homeopathy -- all integrated via the
'Hermetian matrix' interface for quantum biology developed by Dr. Isaacs at John
Hopkins University.
Bill knows that if he steps into the United States he could be arrested and
"disappeared" like some kind of terrorist. He has trainers that give seminars
on the use of his "laptop" on cruise ships in international waters around the
world. I know of other "medical heretics" like Bill who have moved their
clinics to South America and other places where the cult of modern medicine is
not so pathological.
Healing the sick disease care system -- indeed the soul of America -- begins
with making government accountable to the public it was created to serve. The
Net reality is that the Internet will either be used to liberate and leverage
informed choice, public opinion and public service via the power of love... or
the love of money and power will continue to destroy us with war,
and hell on Earth.
All health problems for civilization are - at heart - communication problems. In
my mid-20's, I gave that message to ten
government agencies on Capitol Hill. Over the last 50 years, that message has
matured and perhaps found it's time with
Global TeLeComm.
What we love is who we are. In the cosmic scheme of
things, we'll all be "judged" by how much we truly love --
what we do with the highest and best use of our gifts, talents and
resources. Love is for
giving (70 x's 70, etc.). When we forget
that - our ability to respond with
heart coherence - we lose
mind congruence;
Stuck In
The 'Power of Love' is the quantum reality behind
holistic healing that infuses health in body, wholeness in mind and holiness in
spirit... for a holistic-holy whole that is synergistically greater than
the sum of the parts. That's the common sense for thrival of the Family of
Man in our new global village.
This is the spiritual practicality
that will define,
refine and 'shine' global holistic healing with free, online
Self Care (TeLeCare).
For Holistic Health and Global Healing,
~ Christopher |