My History with Holistic Health Care

by 'Dr. Christopher' (teacher)
UltraMedics Director

Updated May 1, 2024

See also my health care mentors:
Meetings with Miraculous People

I've developed four holistic health centers over the last 45 years. Each of these projects was a 'whole systems design' endeavor, having studied architecture at Ohio State University, and design science with Buckminster Fuller at the University of Pennsylvania. My intention all along has been optimizing health care options with well-informed choice of a 'whole systems' nature - spiritually, mentally and physically.  

The first holistic health center (l979) was the archetype of a natural foods storefront co-op and eatery; retail to the public and wholesale for working members. With an SBA loan, I bought and restored a building in downtown Troy Ohio, winning a City Beatification award. The 1st floor was the store and eatery, the 2nd floor was an eating area alongside holistic health books, including teachings of the Ascended Masters.  The 3rd floor was where spiritual devotees (employees) lived and prayed in a separate sanctuary. I didn't know what 'holistic' really meant when I began that project, but I created an environment for healthy nurishment of body, mind and spirit, having a holistic experience in the process.

The second holistic center (mid 80's) was in a clinic with three chiropractors - a father and two sons.  It was here that I practiced 'holistically' as a clinical nutritionist utilizing an advanced computer questionnaire for analysis of symptoms; plus an iridology camera, Oriental face diagnosis, EAV point testing (energy field diagnostics), and therapy with colonic irrigation, reflexology, essential oils, and advanced homeopathic and nutritional formulas.

My third holistic center (early 90's) was my own clinic where I worked with a breakthrough energy field diagnostic system -- the first system to computerize a biofeedback interface with the periodic table of quantum biology discovered by Dr. Isaacs at John Hopkins Medical Center. Dr. Isaacs pioneered the original heart by-pass surgery techniques that he later denounced as an often unnecessary procedure covered by insurance for profit.  Ostracized for exposing this, and fired by John Hopkins, Dr. Isaacs went on to pioneer the new paradigm of quantum biology that makes the old paradigm of chemistry-based drug pushing 'obsolete' (in principle).  Working with breakthrough homeopathic formulas that were engineered with Kirlian photography for optimal "quantum" (energy field) healing, I saw the type of phenomenal results that promise the quantum future of medicine.

What I've learned from all my experience is that the economics and politics of 'disease care' are far more complex than the science of holistic health care. I learned the hard way. The blowback from my high profile style of cutting-edge holism challenged too many "doctors" in the communities where I practiced.  As word got around with former clients telling their doctors, "This is the future of medicine", my days were numbered as a quantum practitioner. Even though I trained under the leaders in quantum biology in five states over many years, there is no recognition or certified authorization for bioenergetic healing under the FDA policing arm of 'allopathic' (drugs-per-symptom) monopoly medicine.

My fourth holistic center (UltraMedics Services) went online to provide advanced health products and services.

With my intent to write and teach what I've learned, the Internet came along as an extraordinary vehicle to share my story. So I began writing from long experience on my Heartcom Network newsletter. And I've been interviewing people a lot smarter than me on my BBS Radio Talk Show/Podcast - Cosmic - over the last 16 years.

For almost nine years I've been developing my fifth holistic center, Global TeLeCare. In January of 2016 I held a seminar introducing this model of 'Universal Self Care', and also the next generation of quantum healing - videos here.

To Our Health! 

Full Spectrum as the Foundation
for Whole Systems Healing
 Advanced holistic modalities
for optimal health