Peace in a World of Accelerated Transformation
Mainstreaming the Message of Mass-to-Mass TeLeComm
The prime directive
"as above, so below" via whol-
Spirit that matters;
۞ The reality of a unity convergence with celestial and terrestrial portents;
۞ The continuum representing self-correcting self-elevation for ascension;
۞ The process now infusing the world and our new collective consciousness;
۞ Culturing
with a prayer
field of expectation and anticipation
(holy Spirit of interactive "as above, so below"
Christos Lightweaver
updated 1-3-2012
"This is the
way of peace: Overcome evil with good,
and falsehood with truth, and hatred with love."
~ Peace Pilgrim
beginning of a global village for the Family of Man is the end of the world as
we have known it.
truth is a tsunami. We surf it or we die." The great challenge for global humanity at this time is simply to rise to the occasion - the full potential of a new common sense that the computer/Internet revolution has initiated. Just as Thomas Paine's COMMON SENSE sparked the American Revolution, a new common sense with the instant-everywhere and interactive Internet has primed a new global rEVOLUTION in higher Conscience.
cause of America is in a great measure the cause of all mankind." The emerging blueprint for a golden age has received an enormous boost of momentum with the Conscious Convergence Movement. Millions of people worldwide are tuning into the cosmic significance of this time as our solar system crosses the Galactic plane, aligning Earth's energies with the energies of billions of stars in our Milky Way Galaxy. The significance of this cosmic alignment has vast implications for a new unity-in-diversity, "as above, so below" (on Earth as in Heaven).
are in the universe and the universe is in us. As you know, the three wise men were no dummies☺ These adepts found the new born Christ through intuitive communion with stellar intelligence that quantum reality is just rediscovering scientifically. Advanced astro-acoustics (stellar seismography) has discovered that every star has different frequencies with a virtual heartbeat that conveys an intelligence as unique as the soul of an individual. With Galactic Alignment in 2012, Earth's quantum field is now aligning with the full-spectrum of that cosmic intelligence. And as the veil thins to "O-Point" on the accelerated 2012 timeline, the sense of separation from THAT intelligence is thinning to "O" - the spherical all-connected continuum of full spectrum "light" (Conscience) that is the end of the world of lock-step linear "letter of the law" (left-brain) consciousness as we have known it.
The concept of "One in God (Divine Love) is a majority" In other words, the pendulum of cycles is swinging back from patriarchal values of ownership and control to matriarchal virtues of nurturing nature -- the angels of our better nature. O-point alignment over this next year will give Earth's evolutions a "cosmic reboot" in this direction. It could be messy, even cataclysmic, or there could be mitigation with divine intervention... depending on the extent that the morphic grids of planetary consciousness are morphed by alignment with "the sacred" (relationships of relevance and ultimate reverence).
As this
cosmic light resonates in our
We have
all heard the expression that "love heals all” -- the Spirit that matters
for the path of
peace in a world of accelerated transformation. The power of love in the few
has always been a Higher Power that our new Net reality -- the inner Net
at the heart of the Internet -- will naturally magnify, amplify and qualify with
the holy Spirit of
inner Net is the cosmic web of light transforming our DNA and
genesis of the planetary powershift from the inside out is
"It is
love alone that leads to right action. The application of will is ultimately with pure intention, and the direction of that pure intention is what focuses attention on evolutionary ascension. Higher Power is nowhere more necessary than in our new all-connected Net reality -- the Family of Man in a global village. It is the choice we now have to transcend the secular with the sacred, transcend materialistic values with spiritual virtues, and transform corrupt self-serving institutions with public-serving social Conscience in our ubiquitous social networks.
is love; God is light; God is truth. To these great synonyms, I add another:
The greatest power we each have is the power of free will choice. We all choose how we will perceive the world, and since perception is reality, the exercise of temporal power is best served by the figure 8 cycle from Spirit (upper circle) to matter (lower circle). And the Spirit that matters for global civility at this time is TLC with a system of mass TeLeCommunication that cultures mass TeLeConscience (civility) for mass resolution of incivility. The choice of global freedom-in-love is the choice for a new habit in all archetypal dimensions of unity Conscience.
We are
what we believe, having become what we believed. Heaven (nirvana) knows that one doesn't have to be perfect to aspire to perfect LOVE. We are what we believe, think, feel and do, having become what we believed, thought, felt and did. And sometimes the human sense of separation from that perfection can better appreciate the light because of the dark... which is why we chose to incarnate at this time of great testing... for soul growth.
"When you
are engaged in absolute Reality and absolute Unreality, then your vision by Love
can span all dimensions. But when you are not, beloved, then your vision is
limited, the senses of the soul are not awakened, the third eye has no clear
vision. For, beloved, God does not open the kingdom of heaven to you unless he
also opens the depths of hell. Understand, then, beloved, that those who truly
love will not fear the embrace of Christ or the challenge of Death and Hell."
all conflict is caused by mismatched expectations, all conflict resolution on
the path of soul growth begins with informed choices that involve and evolve our
individual and collective
shape our belief systems and then those beliefs shape us. The history of modern civilization has closely paralleled the rapid advance of mass communication technologies. This change in the way we now communicate globally – the elimination of space and time – has happened so rapidly that our social institutions have not kept up. We have yet to harness the awesome new powers of virtual omniscience, omnipresence and the combined new “omnipotence” (the power to do better as well as we know better).
Rapidly evolving civilizations are like organizations that Perception of a Higher Power has always been the prelude to the revelations of that awesome power to realize (with real eyes)… what is real for gathering the tribes of IS REAL. The common sense of that awesome power has always been the genesis of every golden age simply because it stems from the same common sense rule by the golden rule for every soul on the path of eternal progression to the heart of divine love.
a lofty degree of intelligence, the intellectual elite, The power of discernment, the first gift of the holy Spirit, guides the awesome power of choice we each have. In this process of choosing wisely, it’s good to remember that the quality of good information always trumps the quantity of information overload and mindless drivel in the mainstream media and Internet. Sensory overload is the leading cause of "future shock" in our current age, and an open public system of interaction that defines and refines "information's ecology" will recycle general public knowledge in the way that empowers wisdom with love.
Christ spoke in parables for the masses in his time,
consequent up-wising and uprising of higher
quantum reality of higher
at the heart of Higher Power is explained brilliantly in the book, "Power
vs. Force" by Dr. David R. Hawkins. If you want to comprehend the
connection to Higher Power, this book should be on your list of top ten books to
have. It explains extremely well what authentic power really is, and how a
relative few who are authentic with the
is no anti-depressant that will cure a depression that's spiritually based,
It has
come to this point. We are either busy living in a positive way, the sacred
path, or busy dying
day is every day; it is already here and is constant and unending." Recently, a dear friend told me, "I just want to live until I die." What she meant was that she just wanted to see the good and live the good life rather than all the bad we see in the world. As the veil thins with virtual omniscience in cyberspace, there's a bottomless pit of bad stuff if you want to go there. 9-11 and the history of false-flag BS (Belief Systems) is just the tip of the bottomless iceberg.
I despair, I remember that all through history, The doors of perception are being opened as the veil thins on the accelerated 2010-2011 timeline. Behind one door of perception is the bottomless pit where evil dwells. Behind another door of perception is the endless spiral of evolutionary ascent in Conscience. We all have the option to go either way, through either door. Individually and collectively, it's the choice for the low road or the high road.
Each to
their own perception of what's real for themselves Where we focus our attention - with pure intention - is where our 'God' is. The currency of Conscience is the new currency that makes the currents of corruption obsolete. This is the conscientious common sense that is synonymous with the divine destiny of the Family of Man in our new global village.
human experience of the Presence of God is the same
Presence of God is known as the holy Spirit of
understand the nature of God, it is necessary only We shape our communication systems and then those communication systems shape us. How we come-into-unity (community) is defined by the communication systems we use. All healthy living organisms have an interactive nervous system that self-regulates with good communications. It's the same with healthy social networks as will define, refine, combine and shine or God-given gifts and talents for the purpose of social Conscience.
"If we
seriously listen to this God within us
[Conscience, if
you will],
best resolution of spiritual laziness is enlightened self interest that serves
the interest of enlightenment of, by and for all. This is the pure intention of
the Aquarian Dispensation and the pure intention of freedom lovers as authentic
LOVEmakers. This great work is the great joy of lightbearers, lightweavers and
lightworkers who can't think of anything better to do than culture more
light as freedom in LOVE. U.S. Founders had that pure
intention and global Netizens "get it" and give it,
spiritual people anticipate the return of White Light to the planet. The vision alone, how the White Light of higher Conscience is being cultured from the inside out is the spiritual revolution transforming our DNA at core unconscious levels as the Galactic alignment proceeds through 2011. There is no stopping this cosmic convergence of stellar energies resonant within our atoms, electrons and cells which -- in the cosmic scheme of "as above, so below" -- are like miniature solar systems and galaxies within us. Indeed, the space between atomic particles are analogous to the space between planets and our sun!
prime directive above is like the
prime directive below.
prime directive honors free will as an extension of the divine’s prime
instruction – to realize how the first principles of universal law language (
global powershift now morphing
planetary transformation If you realize the truth of this -- the divine destiny of Galactic alignment at this time – you already have real eyes to see the natural trajectory of the evolution revolution in global Conscience. With those eyes you can grasp a more enlightened way to utilize and upgrade our installed and operational social networks with heartware … and how this can be the catalyst for a self-fulfilling prophecy... a global rEVOLUTION that resonates with a Higher Power on the inner and the outer.
Global rEVOLUTION as mass education of the heart
take heart in this process of awakening for the The inherent nature of the power of love is to perform it – a self-fulfilling prophecy. By harnessing that power at the heart of an interactive interface for mass-to-mass TeLeComm, the miracles of Higher Power become self-evident with holistic healing in our social, political and economic institutions. |
"Man can
harness the winds, the waves and the tides,
but when he can harness the
power of love,
then for the second time in the history of the world,
man will have discovered fire."
- Teihard de Chardin
is the promise
to fulfill the Great Law.
This is how the
Law of the Angles
frames the holy
Language of the Angels.
This is the pure intention of global rEVOLUTION,
the focused attention of the hero with a thousand faces,
and natural ascension of the Great Experiment in public self rule
that Liberty’s torch would now shine to a world yearning to breathe free.
is absolutely nothing in ordinary human experience to compare with the joy of
the presence of the Love of God. No sacrifice is too great nor effort too much
in order to realize that Presence."
~ Dr. David
R. Hawkins
all lightworkers, lightweavers & lightbearers
who would be “Keepers
by forwarding this vision of virtue for
the victory of
frequently… as a self-
fulfilling prophecy
to make it so.
the Vision of mass-to-mass
for mass media with a heart.
Embrace the Virtue of
via the
currency of conscience.
Make the Vow for ethical
with core Netizen freedoms.
Act with Valor
for moral
heartware cyberethics.
Claim the Victory of global healing
universal self care.
Common sense at the initiation of Aquarius would tell us that
freedom and opportunity for the Family of Man means
end of the desecrated world as we've known it,
and the beginning of a new world vision of
virtue that
vows with valor
for our
victory in the
defining and the
refining of the abundant
life with abundant
Time is
of the Essence -- Make it Count;
Support the
with your input.
Network for the Net worth that links the light
with new social media tools and
processes that you can use to culture
in form and
as in frequently.
And if
you have come this far dear reader...
and if you see how we have come full cycle
in a figure 8 flow back to KoF #1...
then you are worthy of officer status
in the
light core
at the heart of the
Global rEVOLUTION in Higher
~ Christos
PS: For Lesson
#9 (initiating "Initiate Affiliation")
Note from the publisher of this series for
"Keepers of the Frequency"
If you would
like these messages to be better published to
an ever-widening circle of lightbearers, lightweavers and
lightworkers (the
3-fold flame of enlightened self interest),
please contribute.
Serve Others with
Enlightened Self Interest:
Your DNA and entire body is rapidly being transformed by
the energies now streaming forth into our solar system.
Your body is indeed the temple of your emerging Spirit,
and your DNA is the chalice for emerging
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