Galactic Alignment
Energy, Intelligence and the 'Web of Light'
There are 'unascended' masters on Earth who hold the balance
for hundreds of thousands who have less attainment.
But there are far more Ascended Masters who have
graduated from Earth's 'classroom' with "flying colors",
(specific 'rays' of mastery),
and have a pure heart for sponsoring those who are dedicated
to the mass awakening of humanity at this time.
Quantum Shift
Concentration of Quantum Light
End of
'DUH' as We Have Known It
Article by Christos Lightweaver
Previous Article:
Common Sense:
What Thomas Paine Would Tell Us Now Regarding
'Common Sense Unity Conscience'
Follow-up Article:
Assignment with Galactic Alignment
Intuition Would Tell Us Now Regarding
Connection for Common Sense.
See: 'The Source Field
Investigations' (YouTube)
understand what is happening to the 'Web of Light' in our sector of the Universe, read 'Galactic
Alignment'. If that doesn't blow away your mind's puny
grasp of all-connected energies in the quantum field, perhaps you
need a check-up from the neck upJ
Based on your response, you may wonder how all
this 'light' as 'intelligence' is transforming our atoms, cells and
DNA 'tuning forks' which resonate with the intelligence of
light is changing. Life is changing.
There is divine order in the Universe. Nature's
'One God' has methods. There is a pure geometry that frames cosmic
law, and there is a hidden dimension of this universal order: 'The
Fractal Geometry of Nature' (Nova Video, Aug. 24)
institutionalized incentive to profit from the That may disturb the status quo, but stock market values that profit from war, disease and desecration of the Earth are self-destructive, and intelligent human beings want freedom from that systemic tyranny.
Common Sense Today
would say that
Our political system is even further behind in the quantum shift
department. Politics are thoroughly in bed with economic interests
profiting from our destruction. The incestuous relationship of Big
Business with Big Government keeps pushing the profits-before-people
game plan of
Corporate Law at the expense of
Constitutional Law. It's killing us!
'light' of
in the 1st dimension Over time (4-D), that becomes a good habit for any individual, and the 4-fold path for 4-D integrity naturally leads to conscious evolutionary 'ascent' into our collective common sense 'Unity Conscience' (5-D)... understood as a combined-synergistic whole which is greater than the sum of these 4-fold 'parts':
We are
what we believe, having become what we believed; MASS AWAKENING with conscientious common sense in this regard is the genesis of self-correcting self-elevation (ascent) of a 'salvation' nature. It is already happening. The veil is thinning rapidly with Galactic Alignment. And it only takes a very few people with a good habit of love's retention to hold the balance for the vast majority:
"One individual who lives and vibrates to the energy of
One in God-Love is a vast majority!
This is
the grounding of the Aquarian Dispensation of
This is the divine destiny of Earth at this
momentous time. It's happening within us... the 'kingdom' Conscience within us.
Conceive it and Believe it to Achieve it...
The blueprint for a new order of the Ages is
emerging with a new
Common Sense Unity Conscience. The fearless faith of all true
patriotic Netizens global
will make it so... bringing down the walls in the mind
with improved communications across those walls. This
come-into-unity process -- the local/global community building process
--will naturally upgrade
core Constitutional freedoms with the
currency of Conscience at the
heart of wholly new applications for
culturing sovereignty,
both individually and collectively.
the Vision, Embrace the Virtue,
This writing is non-profit as supported by your
prayers, contributions and
UltraMedics Services,
i.e. serving informed choice for personal and planetary
conscious evolution in harmony with the accelerating dimensional
shift to
Common Sense as a
of Earth. Thanks,
C. |
All “Rights” () Well “Rounded” (
) & “Synergized” (
with the healthy, holistic and otherwise holy “whole”
in all
five archetypal dimensions of universal-cosmic
To love with all your mind ~
of a
and all your heart ~
right-brain intuition of a nonlinear nature,
and all your strength ~
balanced brain of a synergy nature,
and your Netizen neighbor ~
in our Global Village
('whole brain')
as thyself ~ , culturing
Unity Conscience.