Nonlinear Perception
compendium of articles and videos
exploring the last frontier:
Navigating the last frontier (inner space)
revelation of SHIFT dynamics
to n
for 5D 'wholness':
The big picture vision
of global rEVOLUTION at this time
is prelude to understanding how and why our individual
and collective consciousness is now going 'nonlinear'
with a syneristic
system of checks and balances
that involves & evolves wholness
& healing.
by Christopher L. Rudy
Thinning of the veil? Losing
one's logical
(left-brain) mind?
This is what happens with nonlinear
perception as is well
by the experience of this 'test subject' on LSD in
this humorous six
minute Facebook video provided
In 1956, this
unnamed American house wife took LSD at
the Veteran's
This woman's husband was an employee at the hospital
and referred her to this study that
was supposedly done
for a show about
the dynamics of mental
health issues.
Many people have asked me what to expect with
the Big Shift in the Electro-Magnetics (EM) of Earth at this time. That's an important question that I've given a lot of
thought to, and as the host of
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Consider that cosmic intent for the Spirit that matters is surging with Galactic Alignment as our Solar System crosses the Galactic Plane’s photon belt of 240+ billion aligned stars; the 25,920 year Precession of Equinoxes.
Realize the global affect of this
surge in
The Field As higher frequencies in the quantum field surge with heart coherence for mind congruence, it's the judgment on "DUH" (Dense, Unconscious & Heartless) that is unconsciously "Stuck In Negativity" (SIN). Call it disruption of corruption or correction for perfection, the energy of coherence cultures congruence.Many people with a rigid linear-logical left-brain view of the world will lose their minds as they have known them... going nonlinear with 'spherical' right brain consciousness, like being on LSD, mescaline, psilocybin or 'DMT', the 'God Molecule'.
The fabric of
consciousness is held together by Having studied psyche pharmacology while at Ohio State University, I learned the difference between neural-transmitters like LSD and neural-energizers like caffeine, nicotine, dexedrine, amphetamine, etc. I mention that because I am well aware of the upside and downside of both while recommending neither class of mind altering drugs. My point is that global EM field shifts have a direct effect on neural-transmitters and neural-energizers in the brain and body.
What I'm saying is that brain fields
In other words,
there is a 'n
With unprecedented knowledge power,
our new Net reality compels wise dominion with the
power of cosmic-universal
law and language
in "form" (
Witness a Aquarian Quantum Age blueprint emerging with the Big Shift from
I realize that this may be a shock to one's 'comfort zone', but the 'Big Shift' is already happening and becoming more
self-evident as a real phenomena that is unveiling the whole truth
beyond the threshold of our prevailing awareness as though awakening from a deep nightmare into a more enlightened wholEness for systemic healing.
"The human
adventure has become the
The implications for shift are indeed profound.
"If these new
energy technologies were to be set free world-wide,
the change would be
profound; it would affect everybody and
would be applicable everywhere. These
technologies are
"This information coming out would completely change
would have universal abundance."
The mind can't tell the difference between a
vividly imagined experience and the real thing...
and that was never more true than with neural-transmitters that make one more susceptible to any
suggestion from your internal filters framing
your external worldview.
It's the same with 'reboot'
of Earth's EM fields whereby the veil 'thins' with 'Dimensional
Shift'. Perception
is going
'nonlinear', becoming more 'intuitive'.
Will there
be a Magnetic Pole Shift of Earth
with 3 days of darkness?
Three days of multi-dimensional flooding of
consciousness would wig-out most people. Fear could short their
circuits, bringing their worst fears full-blown into consciousness with 'demons' of their own creation; that's the
downside. But take heart. This will be a 'way cool' trippy experience for the pure in heart who will indeed see God. The Beatitudes of Jesus spoke of this 'BE ATTITUDE' whereby the meek shall inherit the Earth... with "meek" as in kind hearted. The kind man of God-Love sees God-Love in all mankind. So this is truly the 'judgment' of each one for their own discernment or lack thereof. Inordinate fear will cause some to be 'possessed' by their un-integrated shadow self. Some will be 'taken' - dying of fright. Others will 'ascend', given more insight into spiritual realms as they have already conceived and believed, consciously or unconsciously.
'synapse activation' due to major EM shift, and We all go to where were coming from in the larger scheme of soul evolution, and as the veil thins with frequency shift in the quantum field, many of us will have a much better idea of what and where our eternal 'home' really is. Actually, global EM shift will have an effect like everyone taking a mind-expanding drug that makes us highly "susceptible to suggestion" (placebo effect turbocharged), and whatever 'Belief System' you have will be amplified and magnified for adjudication - reframing your world view.
It's an ideal time for a 'life-review'... in 'vivid color'. The 'mind' can't tell the difference (when tripping) between a vividly imagined experience and the real thing... so go directly to G.O.D.~LOVE of a divine order/harmony nature. It helps if you practice this now:) |
Mind-expanding drugs of the 'neural-transmitter' nature
have been used as ‘psyche-technology’ for millennia
by shaman, shape-shifters and source-navigators
to move their 3-D ‘worldly’ consciousness into
‘otherworldly’ 4-D and
5-D non-linear realms.
An exploration of 'Nonlinear Perception'
with this exceptional video:
May 15, 2019 / BuddhaAtTheGasPump
Interview with Michael Pollan and Chris Bache;
“Ordinary” Spirituality Awakening People
From a lockstep linear left-brain perspective,
use of psychedelic drugs for enlightenment
is ‘taking
heaven by storm’,
all of the
negative connotations that a status quo
of worldly
will muster
in response to any challenge from
any other thought habit as may
threaten the ego’s sense of
self-righteous lock-step
fear of loss of control
over it’s ‘world’ of
So be aware and, just in case, keep in mind a place where you could
safely 'experience' a major 'EM Shift' - a safe 'trip' so to speak.
There will be plenty of 'signs' to alert you to the possibility.
This is where intuition is taking us... for
There are rules whereby
Creator's intention Nobody knows for sure what will happen with the 'Big Shift of Ages', but I hope you realize by now that it's time to seriously prepare for the testing of your body, mind and spirit as never before. Be Prepared... so you don't have to prepare!
~ Christopher |
Terrence McKenna
~ Abraham Lincoln
There is no way the mainstream corporate media can maintain
lock-step public mind control
with support of endless terror war,
and the numbing and dumbing of the public’s hearts and minds
as people awaken from 3-D paradigm
paralysis and realize that
everything we have been programmed to believe and think about
- specifically
government power without Constitutional principle -
All of our problems are, at
heart, moral
and its time to take
and wise-up in
Listen to this
prescient YouTube video to its
climactic end... and see if you agree.
"Man can harness the winds, the waves and the tides,
but when he can harness the power
of love,
then for the second time in the history of the world,
man will have discovered fire."
Teihard de Chardin
Those psychopathic power elite potentates who keep
from the
of Earth
rather than of,
by and
for ‘US’...
are about to discover fire also; Aquarian fire:)
for giving...
More Light... less darkness. Keep it Light.
Bottom Line Quotable:
you are engaged in absolute Reality and absolute Unreality,
then your vision by Love can span all dimensions.
But when you are not, beloved, then your vision is limited,
the senses of the soul are not awakened,
and the third eye has no clear vision.
For, beloved, God does not open the kingdom of heaven to you unless
he also opens the depths of hell.
Understand, then, beloved, that those who truly love
will not fear the embrace of Christ
or the challenge of Death and Hell."
John the Beloved, June 24, 1990 via E. C. Prophet