Assembling the Components to the
'Creative Ascent
'Geometric Ordered Divinity'
and 'Light
of, by and for a
for global interaction via
Effective Sensory
Updated 2025 with
Aquarian Blueprint Coordinates
The first 3 minutes is the true story behind discovery
of the Prime
Directive (last
2 minutes) in this video:
4 Directions to Perfection of
'5D Vision' (5th Dimension)
four directions of the Prime Directive
are ascending
components to the CAPstone
Vision of the Pyramid of Self
archetypal directions are unique yet
each one
up the
higher the concept of 'CAPstone
(co-Creation as a
Ascent Process),
the greater the results for one's ascension.
The path of conscientious
evolutionary ascent
is a process of becoming more aware of HOW
we are individually and
collectively conscious,
knowing that higher
intelligence follows from
heart coherence:
Understanding Coherence at
the Heart of
Spiritual, Mental, Physical & Social Health
It is the
same for one's 'Self' as it is for
Civilization-at-large; overcoming 'DUH'
as 'Dense, Unconscious
and Heartless'.
Ordained faith in the Power
of Love clears
the ego-mania's love
of power based
with inordinate fear and doubt,
the ugly sister of 'DUH'
known as "FUD"
(Fear, Uncertainty
& Doubt).
There's a woke dummy in all of us;
the 'mini-me (ego) as 'dumb
So the joke of 'woke' is ID broke.
from: Ascension
Coordinates for Dummies
Uniting our hearts and minds
clear FUD & DUH from
social conscience.
The self-evident
virtue - our co-creation in a High State of
"Throughout history, every period of enlightenment has been accompanied
by darkness, pushing in opposition. Such are the laws of nature and
balance. And if we look at the darkness growing in the world today, we
have to realize that this means there
is equal light growing." ~ Dan
Brown, The Lost Symbol
"If the shadows appear to be getting darker,
"While it might
seem like we are being bombarded by dark forces at this time in human
evolution, we are also being bathed in illuminating Light from the
cosmos, which makes the dark elements more obvious even to the most
unaware. What was once hidden has now come raging to the surface where
it can be seen, experienced, and hopefully transformed. The blinders
have come off and each and every one of us is being called to act in
some shape, manner or form. The question is are we ready?" ~
from Transcending
the Dark Forces by
Dr. Kathy Forti
The Gold Standard for Ascent of Civility
Civilizations throughout history have risen and fallen according to one
inexorable law. To the extent that they align with the golden rule/law
language at the heart of every golden age, they thrive and rise. But
according to famous historian Arnold J. Toynbee, 19 of the 21 great
world civilizations
lost their spiritual moorings, devolving with
'dis-ease' (anxiety)
due to disconnect from the whole, healthy and otherwise
holy spirit of love-in-action.
When that happens for an individual or a civilization, the inordinate love of
power corrupts the ordained power of love. That's when win/lose polarization
overrides win-win co-operation, resulting in
devolution and disintegration of civility.
It happens in cycles throughout history. And the best way to correct that disconnect
in the Aquarian cycle is to utilize
the advanced communication tools and processes that culture unity-in-diversity - real
community - with an upgrade of social conscience in our ubiquitous social
network communities.
Now global humanity is entering the
With billions of global Netizens now meeting on social networks, the unprecedented conscious ascent
opportunity cultures social conscience in our social networks, making
the Big Lie of 'War for Peace' look stupid.
Dimwits will always see the problem
Half the solution to the Global Crisis
Intention and attention is how and where our 'worth ship' manifests
with love retention for conscious ascension. The best way to predict the future we want is with
pure intention for
In the grand scheme of the cosmic
continuum, linear time is an illusion, and the future has already
happened with victory over insanity in global humanity. It won't be
overnight but the long night of Earth's travail under heartless leaders
is ending, thanks to general enlightenment with our new
instant-everywhere-interactive and all-connected Net reality.
"Although many people erroneously interpreted apocalypse as a
cataclysmic end of the world, the word literally signified an
'unveiling', predicted by the ancients to be that of great wisdom - the
coming age of enlightenment." (The
Lost Symbol, Dan Brown)
Just as the hallmark of the Piscean Age was personal faith in
Christ-like love, so is the comparatively impersonal-universal
Aquarian Age Frequency Shift now upgrading our DNA and
consciousness with 'Spiritual
Fire' for revelations of the 'apocalypse'.
"The Apocalypse is literally a 'REVEALation'. The Book of REVEALation in
the Bible predicts an unveiling of great truth and unimaginable wisdom.
The Apocalypse is not the end of the world, but rather it is the end of
the world as we know it. The prophecy of the Apocalypse is just one of
the Bibles beautiful messages that have been distorted." ~ Dan
Brown, The Lost Symbol
direction as approximates perfection
Waking Up to Universal Law Language
"Living consciousness somehow is the influence that
The Law of the Circle of WholEness is
the universal principle of heart
coherence - the fabric of quantum field cohesion that co-operates
all spheres from the
atomic to the galactic. The same spheroid field dynamics operate in the
human aura - the spirit that matters for full-spectrum ascent of the
Family of Mankind in our
global village.
"The only difference between you and God
"The greatest achievement was at first and
Summary: CAPstone
The all-connected unified
field of
the holographic
universe is
governed by the Prime Directive via Four Directions which
represent the common sense of 'Common Law' (Natural Law) as seen in the
common-repeating pattern of ancient and modern maps of consciousness as
is commonly seen in sacred ritual structures and psychological
archetypes as well as cultural symbols, memes and first principles in
governmental constitutions.
The Blueprint for Aquarian Ascent:
This is the
for the 'Creative
Ascent Process'
the metaphysical metaphor of the 'plan' - looking down on the 'pyra-mid'
(fire in the middle) with the capstone in the center. This is also known
as the most powerful thoughtform in the universe
'Cosmic Cube'-
as a 3D 4-square=>5D framework that includes the
Four Archetypes of modern psychology (Jung); the '4 Winds' or '4 Directions' depicted in Native
American Medicine Wheels
[video]; the
Four Gates in Eastern mandalas; the
City Four-Square and
Four-Square Gospel in Western theology;
the 'Four Seasons'
and 'Four Elements'
in alchemy and astrology (fire, air, water & earth); the 'Four
Sides of the Pyramid of Self' (spiritual,
mental, emotional & physical), and corresponding sides of the 'Pyramid
of Civilization-at-large' (government,
education, health care and the economy).
See also: 4-D
Perception in Time
The Four Directions all reference the center,
a holistic-integrated
Movement Towards wholEness -
from secular to sacred - with synergy that is greater than the
sum of the four parts.
The Four Directions Towards WholEness
Summary of the 'Prime Directive'
The TLC Co-Creation
Model for
In the larger scheme of eternal progression
There are rules whereby
All Ways
CopyRound 2025, Christopher Rudy
Optimize your body-mind-spirit health
"We are divine
beings who have been asleep for some time. We have temporarily forgotten
who we are, but all that is changing as Light continues to stream into
our world, opening our heart awareness." ~
Glimpse Into the 5th Dimension
Universal Solidarity
for all of "US"
as United Sovereigns
of Earth.
it's because the light that casts them
getting brighter."
~ Daniel Pinchbeck
Quantum Age.
with any opportunity for any solution.
But ascent consent - with pure intent
will see opportunity with any problem.
is a good definition of the problem so
we can see what needs
ascension to co-Create it.
is aligned with natural order
in the universe,
shaping movement along
enlightened lines
as represent the gold standard
at the heart
of every true golden
age in cosmic history.
Left-brain Right-brain Left-Right Whole
Linear Nonlinear Synergy Integration
neness Trinity Pyramid
Logic Intuition Co-Creation WholEness
"Sometimes all it takes is a tiny shift of
perspective to see
something familiar
in a totally new light."
~ Dan Brown, The Lost Symbol
The inear,
of the
turns the
possibility of something into something real.
The most essential
ingredient in creating our universe
is the consciousness that
observes it."
is that you have forgotten
you are divine."
~ Dan Brown, The Lost Symbol
(Geometric Ordered Divinity) +
in all 4
directions to the center of in
for a time a dream.
The oak sleeps in the acorn, the bird waits
the egg, and in the highest vision of the soul,
a waking angel stirs."
Global Ascent Wave
The Great Awakening; Revelations;
The Quickening and Big Shift from
3D (Dense & Divided
Dimitude) to
5D (Heart
Coherent Congruence),
Just 'In Time' (4D)
waiting for God... never
realizing that
God is waiting for us."
~ Dan
Brown, The Lost Symbol
- the 'Creative Ascent Process
Centering and Connecting
via the Prime Directive
"The most powerful thoughtform
in the universe, and key
ascension of the planet."
Universal Interface
The Constitution of Aquarian Principles;
of Universal Law Language;
Interactive Interface for Global
Cube - 3D model (all the above)
for 4D interaction (real time) as co-creates
'5D' -
conscientious common concensus.
(for 5-D Conscience).
That center is CAPstone
Conscience, the
5th Principle, as raises
consciousness from base
energies (DUH)
to the crown (KINGdom
Conscience) whereby all are KING with Keys
to INternalization of G.O.D.~
affirm divine direction at the heart of
the law & language of
'angles' & 'angels'
for our conscientious
ascent revelations;
the emerging blueprint for a golden age:
with the 'Four Directions'
(Creative Ascent Process) ~ Take it from the 'Top'
no security without purity.
Pure intention of, by and for the will
of G.O.D.~~'Source
is fulfillment of the Prime
for TeLeComm~unity
Self-Governance. ~ Expand via the 'Right' ~
progression is a process.
The higher our attention on
divine right- in
the public sphere-
Conscience), the greater
the global TeLeConscience
Self-Education. ~ Synergy in the 'Trinity' ~
Cooperation optimizes co-Creation.
defining, combining & refining the
3-fold Power of Wisdom w/,
the upward-mobile nurturing of 'TLC'
Global TeLeCare
Self-Healing. ~
Integral 'wholEness' ~
Co-Creation for Enlightened Life:
The key to integrity in social network
communities is
integration of all the
-in-action keys:
for TeLeCommerce;
Self-Determined Sovereignty +
4 =
common law, patterns of perfection,
common language for inspired direction
love within... so as we all enter in,
find a
either we optimize unity or we're insensate.
Creator's intention
is self-evident to those who
focus attention
within and with
all via true
Love's retention
wising up to rise
conscious ascension
United Sovereigns
of Earth;
co-Creation's dimension
: I
Am (Affirmation)
I Can (Confirmation)
I Will (Determination)
I Do (INtegration)
with all your strength, mind, heart and soul,
and your all-connected Netizen neighbors as thyself.,
~ Christos
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