Introducing Continuum News
(9-19-2015 Cosmic
In the larger
scheme of eternal progression
there's common law, patterns of perfection,
and common language for inspired direction
centering love within... so as we all enter in,
we find a unity state with one clear mandate:
either we optimize unity or we're insensate.
The infinite and eternal here-now mandate
of, by and for Effective
beyond Dense,
Unconscious & Heartless.
Beyond the
lock-step, linear, left-brain, letter of the law
to appreciate the nonlinear spherical spirit of
IS REAL for our conscientious
evolutionary ascent,
gathering the tribes of
for the 'I
as a Unity
Linear Nonlinear Trinity Four-in-One
Left-brain Logic + Right-brain Intuition = BALANCE thru INTEGRATION
Self Rule
Healing Self-Mastery
) Well
“Rounded” (
& “Synergized” (
with the healthy, holistic and otherwise holy “whole”
in all five
archetypal dimensions of
for the Net worth of a more enlightened
Net reality for global Netizens of Earth with...
Pure intent
for conscious ascent
“Time is a persistent illusion that prevents everything from
happening at once. It is not at all what
it seems;
it does not flow in only one direction, and
the future exists
with the past.”
~ Einstein
Four Perceptual Paths
to the "CAPstone"
Pay attention
because attention pays with the
Currency of Conscience
The divine
destiny for Earth’s evolutions is not a mystery when known.
There’s no security without
purity of intention
focused attention on
love’s retention
for conscious
ascension in
'unity dimension'
of the
unified field
Law of the Angles of G.O.D. (Geometric
that is at heart the golden ratio
rule/law language of
heart coherence
as a universal
Language of the Angels of
(our better nature).
HUMAN, the movie...
Published on
2015 |
Website: http://whatonearthishappening.com/
![]() |
humanity has arrived to finally realize that the
and that the psychopathic
policy of endless Mid-East
war has created the
humanitarian crisis of millions of
refugees now fleeing their
war-devastated homelands.
People with a
know that this is inhumane
if not insane, and few are those who don't care to see
the up-wising & uprising of global humanity for sanity.
Future of Earth - Open Source Everything
“This is that
moment when in the proliferation of uncertainty
and the proliferation of chaos, we are ready to take
the next quantum leap in our evolution.”
~ Deepak Chopra
- your true nature - or something less as the false self.
That's why discernment - for self determination -
is the 1st gift of the holy spirit of
Humanity's conscious
evolution has naturally accelerated with the computer/Internet
revolution. A new global village of instant-everywhere and
interactive telecom capability is now poised for a major upgrade
from Web. 2.0 to Web 3.0.
The Family of Mankind has the opportunity now to monetize the currency of conscience at the heart of the Next Economy. The valuation of this currency increases as we involve and evolve our individual and collective consciousness... with a Conscience. The vision of this Web 3.0 process is providing the emerging blueprint for a global golden age that represents the prophesied portents of the millennial Aquarian Spirit, i.e., abundant Freedom-in- ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() More on this Web 3.0 process at Light Language for Conscious Languaging. Transformation of the economy is necessary at this time. The oxymoronic value of scarcity (economics of scarcity) has succeeded in creating and managing scarcity to the point where gross defects obscure actual gains. A systemic global paradigm shift is necessary to liberate not only social conscience in our ubiquitous social networks, but also liberate clean free energy technologies, universal health care capabilities, and global education breakthroughs that link the OuterNet with the InnerNet.
But now it's a global affair. Were all in this together. Its no accident that you are alive at this time. You have a front row seat to witness the emerging paradigm shift for almost 4 billion global Netizens. That's when systemic enlightenment goes global, mainstreaming the vision of self determination for co-creating our individual and collective evolutionary ascent with Effective Sensory Perception as kind men among mankind.
"Conscience is the most sacred of all property."
~ Chief architect of the Constitution, James Madison
Just as Thomas Paine
sparked the American Revolution with the widespread printing of his
Common Sense,
the global computer/Internet revolution has brought
"US" (United
of Earth) to the same point of affirming, confirming and determining
First Principles - The Universal
Rights of Global Humanity -
for culturing
conscientious common sense in our all-connected global social network communities.
Conscience in a social network is what defines REAL community -- how we come-into-unity -- rather than remain polarized in 'virtual' or 'pseudo' community. Conscience in communication is what qualifies cyberEthics E-valuation criteria at the interactive interface heart of mass-to-mass TeLeComm. Such a process for culturing conscience requires a standardized-universal frame of reference for coherent congruence whereby a hundred or million Netizens can respond to the same video in real-time (or playback) in the way that represents unity Conscience or lack of it; a metric for measuring and magnifying our focus on the conscious evolution process. The more Conscience we bring to all our social, political and economic problems, the greater the results for general enlightenment. Conscience IS what ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
"Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and
oppressions of body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day." ~ Thomas Jefferson, 1816
Call it mass awakening, the Big Shift,
or 'Global Enlightenment', a free and open Internet has brought us
to this point. In fact, the coming golden age for Earth has already
happened in the continuum. If quantum science has taught us
anything, its that time as we have known it is an illusion. Or as
Einstein said, "Time does not flow in only one direction, and the
future exists simultaneously with the past."
The future vision we call
'foresight' is more than To drive into the future with eyes glued to the rear-view mirror is a sure formula for crack-up.
The profound revelation from quantum science is the power of
intent - one's will - as the
first cause
that sets the matrix for manifestation from spirit to matter.
The higher one's intent of the True Self, the greater the
results for overcoming old momentums of the False Self 'ego' or
'little me' as is out of touch with
that is
for giving
rather than
for getting.
The Web 3.0 process of
information's ecology
recycles interactive knowledge in the cyberEthics way that empowers
wisdom with
heart coherence,
combining and shining the light of consciousness with the
language of consciousness
that cultures Conscience.
The vision alone, how this process works universally and within one's brain-field holodeck, is indeed the catalyst for a self-fulfilling prophecy whereby global Netizens co-Create with the light of Conscience with a capital C as in see the path to self-determination through self-correcting "self-elevation" (evolutionary ascent) beyond the paradigm paralysis of "stinking thinking" (victim dictum of the False Self) that would rather suffer a scarcity of consciousness rather than an abundance of Conscience. |
For a new way of looking at 'TLC'
at the heart of
global holistic healing, consider how the ordained
power of love naturally neutralizes the
of the inordinate love of power... especially now
as we move from patriarchal values of ownership
and control to more balance with values of caring
and matriarchal nurturing rather than controlling.
Global Co-Creation with 'Coherence Code'
in a Universal Interface for TeLeComm
TeLeComm and Global
TeLeCare healing
prefers united freedom, an Alliance
of the willing.
Energies of health trump the chemistry of disease
thanks to quantum
medicine for true healing ease.
Politics of profit are more complex than the science.
Unfortunately the Constitution has lost our reliance.
Corporatocracy has
'overruled' the 'Citizens United'.
Corporate media keeps us misinformed and divided.
This may sound like the cause for
major disruption,
but thrival begins as we end systemic corruption.
Endless war for peace is propaganda's profanity
for our devolutionary demise with abject insanity.
The issue boils down to inordinate walls in the mind
that must finally come down for benefit to mankind.
This mission is now possible when we all can agree
via terms of
The genesis of freedom for the
when in good CONSCIENCE,
we rise up for our thrival.
The economy must pivot on a moral compass with love
whereby our CONSCIENCE matures,
below as above.
the currency for the Abundant Life.
It's not a mystery when known, for reducing all strife.
have long been waiting to see
is co-Creation with Source
Code, the cyberEthics key.
The source of all ethics and true spiritual reverence
is access to the Source Field
heart coherence.
Co-Creation with Creator is an ethical consideration
inspiration is ‘sourced’ via heart applications:
The more you work with nature’s source field code,
the more
‘re-source full’ is your
conscious abode.
CyberEthics qualify our conscientious co-Creation
with a
coherence standard for self-determination.
The currency
of Conscience is for giving, not
on self-serving interest that is stuck on for
Man doesn't live on bread alone, but on the leaven
of heart
coherent virtues here/now
as in 'heaven'.
Such knowledge is power
with wisdom in
ascending in consciousness as on wings of a dove.
Holy Spirit is no longer great mystery veiled in awe;
-in-action will fulfill the Great Cosmic Law.
Unity in
diversity is common
sense, pure intention
self-fulfilling prophecy as we now pay attention
to tools
and processes for true
empowers coherence... for evolving ascension
prescient realms of G.O.D.~ dimension.
Here's to a new way of looking at things because
if we do what we've
always done, life is on pause.
A new age is dawning for
wise dominion
as we wake up and rise up
- enlightened reunion.
Either we're moving forward with upward-mobile
or we're stuck in negativity with surrender of sovereignty.
When a system of
government is truly
enlightened, a united state of
education of the heart, for
cultures TeLeConscience
(Web 3.0)
involve & evolve TLC Conscience.
In the continuum, this has already happened.
and self-empowering,
education has become indoctrination
and distraction".
by Larken Rose
When government becomes a decadent religion
that people believe in religiously, right
or wrong,
“angels of our better nature”
are depressed
and the light of social Conscience
becomes dim.
That is when STATISM goes to the
'dark side'.
state of spirituality enlightens the 'dark side'.
Spirituality of the
True Self in all
of ‘US’
is diametrically opposed to the
doctrine and dogma of the
False Self
and 'false flags'
that get along by going along
with propaganda peer pressure
promoting pathological policies of
cherished illusion and willful 'DUH'.
"We are
discreet sheep. We watch where the drove is going,
and then we follow the drove." ~ Mark Twain
"All formal
dogmatic religions are fallacious and must never
be accepted by self-respecting persons as final."
Hypatia of
divide-to-conquer policies of destabilization
in the MidEast and worldwide are morally and
fiscally bankrupt, along
with all political support
that is subsidized by the war profiteers of the
Sovereigns', or
owns us to keep power to own our
own lives from
the people rather
than "of, by and for the
for every golden
in cosmic history is a
vision of
virtue and
valor for the
victory of Self (Sovereignty)
blue =
"violet" (holy spirit).
What happens
when the global Internet matures fully?
Do we connect our talents and God-given gifts?
Do we heal corrupt social institutions?
Will this disrupt the status quo?
Or all the above?
Do we make the
world a better place with
the Currency
of Conscience at
heart of the Next Economy…
or do we
fear being
Consider the
Business of Evolution as
the Evolution of Business with the
To Be
with Self-evident, Self-correcting,
Self-healing and Self-governing
literally means with
and this network
community has its foundation on the frequency of
coherence, the 'Language
of the Angels
of Love' and
mind congruence,
the Angles of G.O.D.,
the Geometry Of
known as sacred geometry;
a unique frame
of reference for
the mind of 'GOD~'.
Full Spectrum
for our conscious evolution
with the
Language of Light
of Conscience)
To with
all your strength, mind, heart and soul...
your Netizen neighbor in our global village as thyself.