Coming Global
Events – A Preview of
“The New Earth and New Heaven”
Here's a
summary of likely world-changing events on schedule
for September. Some are in the news. Others not so much.
least reported event - "space
weather" - may well have
the most affect on all other events. See
Frequency Shift,
Light Surge, and
Light Surge Update
for background on
Shift to a new Common Sense moving foreward.
If true that the rate of global change is accelerating
with coherent 'conscience-raising' energy fields,
your most important thrival skill may well be the
understanding of 'the shift', adapting to it well.
This graphic is
from the article:
September 2015 is here ~
shall we celebrate or should we succumb to fear?
Christopher Rudy /
Heartcom Network / Sept. 2, 2015
is a lot of big events already on the radar for September. Scheduled for
Sept. 23rd is a meeting of Obama with the Pope who will also be
addressing the US Congress (24th) and the UN General Assembly (25th)
where Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin
will also attend, ostensibly to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the
founding of the UN.
Superpower conflict resolution is the real agenda.
Also in
latter September, there's the coming Blood Moon tetrad, reactivation of
Cern, and widespread predictions ranging from false flags to
end-of-the-world judgment time.
dark-side fear matrix is being agitated by the
the most likely world-changing event now emerging in mainstream media
worldwide is revelations about a new global financial order – economic
reset – that recognizes the Chinese Yuan as part of International
Monetary Fund (IMF) Special Drawing Rights or SDR currency.
has been trying to block recognition of the Yuan.
Tensions are high. Western media aggravates this tension as virtually an extension of the military-industrial complex and empire of military bases and proxy wars in Ukraine and the Middle East. Anti-Putin U.S. media incessantly creates an enemy in the public's mind. Read: 'American, not Russian, aggression is the real problem'.
tension of mis-matched expectations is over who controls
Why The Great Petrodollar Unwind Could Be $2.5 Trillion Larger
of the petrodollar is imminent.
Chinese pioneered the Art of War (Sun Tzu) thousands of years ago. That
'art' includes making yourself look week and harmless while you are
building strength. For example, Western media portrays China's economy
as collapsing when in fact it is dominating global trade with
state-of-the-arts manufacturing capabilities that were exported from the
U.S., along with U.S, jobs.
The stakes are high. China has gone from the world's largest buyer of U.S. Treasures - exceeding one trillion dollars - to the world biggest seller, now dumping them. As U.S. dollar hegemony falls, war tensions rise.
"Full disclosure" is also on the
agenda for September.
just disclosure of many advanced technologies for the benefit of
humanity, but also disclosure of Western collaboration with
extraterrestrials on a secret space program alliance. See the Cosmic
Disclosure interviews between David Wilcock and Corey Goode on Gaiam TV
may 'wake up' to eternal self-elevation as "salvation" Our world may well change in a profound way over the next two months as powerful waves of gamma rays from the Galactic Core surge on Earth with frequency shift of Earth's "heart beat" (Schumann Resonance) and human brain waves in the upper Alpha range of heart coherence. Watch this 89 minute video on
Schumann Resonance called The Big Shift to a higher standard of East-West co-Operation has been a long time coming. 99.999% of humanity is ready and willing for a global system of checks and balances on the inordinate love of power while co-Creating East-West co-Ordination via the ordained power of love - the currency of social Conscience in global social networks.
"Man can harness the winds, the waves and the tides, The good news of holistic metamorphosis to a better world economy is usually lost in all the doomsday blather. Few are those who conceive and believe how a September consciousness shift occupies the 'high ground' of systemic solutions to global problems.
big Resonance Shift in latter September may thus be If the
'cosmic floodgates' are truly opening in latter September, we may indeed
see the intense power of heart coherent frequencies that resonate with a
higher vibrational perception called
"The New
Earth and New Heaven."
This time, the 'Great Flood’ upon Earth may be
Be Aware and Prepare for Your Own
Firing Up
in September.
Love your Self - I Am - with all your heart, mind and strength and your Netizen neighbor in our global village as thyself. Well done to those good and faithful servants of the Great Law of atONEment in atonement for previous inertia and failure to get it together. Rise and shine in the glory of enlightenment: "The New Earth and New Heaven." Conceive it and believe it to achieve it, ![]()
You are among a select group of souls who won the lottery to be here, on this planet, at this time! The prize not only ensures you a front row seat but also the unique opportunity to co-create the future of the human race. This is a time to remember.” ~ Dr. Christine Page, Author of 2012 and the Galactic Center. THE RETURN OF THE GREAT MOTHER
Golden Age Enlightenment Initiation
The gold standard for collective conscious evolution
dimensional shift
and global
Keeper Of Frequency
Holding the Universal
“No tree, it is said, can grow
to heaven unless
you are engaged in absolute Reality and absolute Unreality, ~~~~~~~~~
In Memorial
"Wayne Dyer has walked on but his life will live on forever. Wayne's wisdom and courage have been written into the tapestry of life as a living testimony of his greatness and gifts to our world. Yet, we will miss his smile, his belly laugh and the twinkle in his eyes. We love you Wayne. You are in our hearts and minds forever Brother of Love. We will proudly carry your humanitarian message into the future!" ~ Bruce Lipton