Christos Lightweaver

A superhero in my own mind, long before
I became the Host of Cosmic

“Egg Head in my Egg Rocker”
Easter 1975 self-portrait in the
‘Spirit of ‘76’ (Bicentennial).
The ‘Cosmic Egg’ is an archetype
of the cosmic womb from which

all Creation is ‘hatched’.
I sculpted this ‘Egg Rocker’ from
 laminated sheets of polystyrene,
sealed with fiberglass fabric and
 then velvetexed with nylon fibers
- robin’s egg blue color -
dusted into an epoxy base with
  an electrostatic charge, creating
a seamless velvet-like surface.

From the side it looks like a dolphin
with its fin flipped up (foot-rest).
Kayak paddle for pool floats
not shown:)

Bio Brief Escapades:


Preliminary bio at: Wiki-Rudy   

Christos Lightweaver, a.k.a. Christopher Rudy is the co-producer and host of the Cosmic Show (podcast) on BBS Radio (16th year). He has published the Heartcom Network Newsletter (21 years), and publishing on Substack since 2024 at: Aquarian Quantum Quickening.
His vision quest, 'On The Path of God and Country' (1971), was followed by his lecture to Buckminster Fuller's World Game Studies Workshop (1974), which led to his keynote address on Capitol Hill, speaking to ten FedGov agencies who were looking at ways to celebrate America's Bicentennial. 
After many 'Meetings With Miraculous People', Christopher matured as a 'Metaphysician' with intent for Global Holistic Healing and PowerShift as pure intention focuses attention with love's retention for evolutionary ascension in the 5th dimension of full-spectrum comprehension.

Conscious Evolution Revolution
Great Awakening with
 all-connected Internet reality,
Great Enlightenment with
full spectrum revelations via
Effective Sense Perception'
(Aquarian quantum reality).

  3D => 5D via '4D' (just in time);
  A Wondrous Time to Be Alive.

In the spirit of Tom Paine's COMMON SENSE, Rudy's upgraded message for the Quantum Age of instant-everywhere I-Net Reality is simply the CAN DO spirit - Computer Assisted Networking of Divine Opportunity - optimizing the Aquarian Frequency Shift with conscious evolution revolution revelations of tools and processes to "Make it So!"

Enlightenment Shift Happens:)

Christos Lightweaver is the higher 'Self' that Rudy aspires to as the Host of Cosmic ... to represent holistic healing on the outer to the extent we conceive, believe and achieve the common sense of a unified prayer field with the Power of Love (on the inner).

The Good News Lightweaver would convey is general enlightenment with a universal interface for global paradigm shift via mass up-wising with a systemic 5-D+ Ascent Process - the conscious evolution process objectified and personified through interactive mass-to-mass TeLeComm as involves and evolves social conscience at the heart of our ubiquitous social networks; the Family of Mankind in our new instant-everywhere and interactive global village.

All of "US" (United Sovereigns of Earth)
 in our all-connected InnerNet commons


Full Spectrum '5D' TLC:
Pure Geometry Thoughtforms
'Geometric Ordered Divinity'
G.O.D.~ Constitution),
Effective Sensory Perception
via interactive TeLeCommunion:
TeLeComm for TeLeCommunity,
TeLeConscience, TeLeCare 

"Man can harness the winds, the waves and the tides,
but when he can harness the
power of love,
then for the second time in the history of the world,
man will have discovered fire."

~ Teihard de Chardin

To with all your strength, mindheart and soul,
and your all-connected Netizen neighbors as thyself.

Defining, Refining, Combining and Shining
The full spectrum of light for 5-D Conscience.

The ‘inear aw’ of :    
Framing the ’AAA Constitution’
(Accelerated Aquarian Ascent)
with the
Law of the Angles of

(Geometric Ordered Divinity)  
 as a frame of reference for the
non-linear Spirit of
with 'spherical' Conscience
that is heart coherent via
Language of the Angels of

Co-Creating () via ~ ‘Balance’
(Synergy in the Trinity for )

in five archetypal dimensions of
full spectrum enlightened

G.O.D. Conscious
'CAPstone ID'
(Creative Ascent Process):
‘I Am’ - Affirmation
   ‘I Can’ - Confirmation
     ‘I Will’ - Determination
Done Deal’ - Integration:
Winning from the beginning of
Aquarian Spring


CopyRound © 2000-2025

All “Rights” () Well “Rounded” () & “Synergized” ()
  with the healthy, holistic and otherwise holy “whole” (
in all five archetypal dimensions of universal-cosmic

"In the beginning, God geometrized." 
~ Ancient Hermetic Wisdom re: "G.O.D."
(Geometrically Ordered Divinity)
"In the end, we become what we geometrize." 
~ Modern 
G.O.D.~ Wisdom

To love with all your mind
- eft-brain ogic of a inear nature,
and all your heart
- right-brain intuition of a nonlinear nature,
and all your strength
- balanced brain of a synergistic nature,
 and your Netizen neighbor
 - local/global "wholEness" (whole brain)
as thyself
 - integrated 5-D+ Co-Creation.

All Rights~    well-Rounded~    and Radiating~    via Revelation~
 Linear~Logical   Nonlinear~Spherical   Creative~Loving    Integrated~wholEness

Geometrizing Full-Spectrum Conscience

Empowering Conscious rEVOLUTION with ,
emphasizing 90% of the word 'revolution'.

"The cause of America is in a great measure the cause of all mankind.
We have it in our power to begin the world over again."
~ Thomas Paine, Common Sense, 1776

See Also:
Christos Quips