As Mass Illusion Disintegrates
(Fake News Exposed)
And 5-D Conscience Integrates
(Whole Truth Disclosed)
the 3D & 4D to 5D+ Paradigm
for Personal & Planetary Wholeness & Healing
July 8, 2017
Full Moon In Capricorn
(Kaypacha video)
"It's time to change the
Come up with a whole new plan,
That starts with me being able to see,
Into the future of man."
The health of one’s self and civilization at large
is either evolving and
ascending to a state of
integral physical, mental and
social well-being
or it is devolving and
descending to decadent
social disease as profits only social
That’s a loaded statement
I’ll be unwrapping.
This is the Big Shift to a global village.
Either we evolve or we devolve.
We ascend or we descend.
We get our act together
with common sense
as the United Sovereigns of Earth… or
division and ‘dis-ease’ afflicts us.
The MetaPhysician
Note from CR: For an audio podcast on this article,
listen to Saturday’s Cosmic
Show HERE.
Skip to the bottom for articles & videos this month
that explain the difference between 3D,
4D and 5D
as discussed with examples in the
following article:
Consider how this true story provides a
There was a
Native American Cherokee boy who grew up in the American Midwest at a
time when his tribe was being isolated by surrounding towns of
Americans. Sequoyah was a
‘dreamer’ who believed he could invent a way for Cherokees to talk on
paper, even though his friends and family thought the idea was
ridiculous. But around 1809, Sequoyah began creating a system of writing
the Cherokee language – a sign/symbol language that preserved their
culture in print as the civilized Americans were doing. He did it, but
the tribe couldn’t see anything good coming from someone they knew as a
‘half-breed’ dreamer whose father was German but was raised by his
mother. After years of rejection, some Cherokee leaders saw the value
and championed it’s use with the first printing presses of the Cherokee
nation – the first widely published Native language in the Americas.
Details at
And the moral to this
Consider how
the Internet has created a global village in principle – our
instant-everywhere-interactive capability – that is ‘surrounding’ every
family, tribe, community and independent sovereign Netizen worldwide.
This is the personal and planetary
Big Shift
from 3D
suffering separation syndrome
to 5D+ unity in global diversity.
This is the ‘Quickening’
– A Process that is
The Family
of Mankind as a whole has been rapidly waking up and wising up to the
opportunity for rising up with an emerging identity of
common cause with billions of global Netizens who are yearning to
breathe free from 3D paradigm paralysis. New sign/symbol language for
this purpose is
quickening as the
Emerging Blueprint for a
Golden Age.
Health is not merely the
absence of
This is the Movement Without a Name The Family of Mankind is emerging as a 5D+ global village - a process known as 'Dimensional Shift'. Instant translation capabilities already exist between the major languages of the world on Facebook alone – two billion interactive Netizens - with about 2 billion on other social networks. That's more than half the humans on Earth. A new Net reality is rapidly integrating the common sense of Universal Rights in the Global Sphere – a Bill of Rights for The Alliance of United Sovereigns.
We’re ALL in this
together. The pure intention of kindness that best defines 'mankind' is the heart of this movement. This is the gold standard for civility at the heart of every golden age; peace, mutual respect, cooperation and life in harmony with Nature.
‘patriots’ who are devotees of this movement have pure intention to
‘get it all together’ – a
process of general enlightenment with the conscientious common sense of
one for all and all for
One Earth with Universal
Rights in the
The global
paradigm shift is now poised for the next phase of the computer/Internet
revolution after prior emphasis on hardware (IBM), software (Microsoft)
and netware (Web 1.0).
is emerging, and as with the Cherokee parable above, this involves a new
sign/symbol language for
real-time mass-to-mass interaction as defines and refines social
conscience in our ubiquitous social networks.
All global problems are at
communication problems - how we come into unity for healthy
community. Culturing health in our all-connected social network communities comes back
to this – how to organize information IN FORMATION to provide
global Netizens with well-informed CHOICE to own our own lives.
Optimizing Common Sense Common sense as global unity in diversity is naturally maturing with evolution of the Internet itself. The global Internet has optimized freedom to know better and opportunity to do better as no other technology in modern history.
Some of us are old enough to remember when one’s
desk-top computer evolved into the network of computers – the Internet;
Web 1.0. Then we saw how social network ‘platforms’ like Facebook
evolved; Web 2.0. And now we’re on the threshold of Web 3.0 with
interactive mass-to-mass
for culturing conscientious common sense
with the
is common to two
free-online ‘sovereignty models’ that represent the
language, tech-tools and info-processes for upgrading, optimizing and
otherwise culturing personal and
planetary health.
TeLeComm and
is an Internet Web 3.0 platform for culturing social conscience in
social networks. Global
TeLeCare is a Web 3.0 platform for highly personalized self care that
is customized to one’s unique body type, learning style, current symptom
profile, and a 'crowd-healing' results-oriented database showing which diet, health
modalities and holistic protocols work best for one’s unique health
‘Heal thy Self’ for a
‘Healthy Self’
The first
step in the process of
“Heal thy Self” – to
“Be Thou Made Whole” – is
to take inventory of information that best serves optimal
personal health and social
conscience with our new
TeLeCare and
TeLeComm capabilities.
The whole world has awakened with
unprecedented holistic healing capabilities. Billions of global Netizens are now
connecting with a new Net reality in the spirit of caring to share what
they’ve learned will do the most good for the most people.
Upgrading Core Internet Freedoms
This process
is following a natural trajectory from Internet to ‘Inner Net – from
cyberspace to inner space. As the world wide web links the light of
lightworkers as
‘cultural creatives’
(video), the
language of light (as
consciousness) is maturing with a universal ‘sign language’ for
simultaneous mass communication of a dozen or thousands of people – real
time ‘voting’ of one’s conscience – to represent a unified field of
conscience for an objective perspective of ‘common sense’ with both 3-D
and 5-D evaluation criteria – the best of both worlds of ‘smart’ and
Co-Creating the World We
Want Co-Creation is a co-operative win/win process - a 5D attribute that cultures REAL community through a higher common sense of unity-in-diversity communications. Conversely, 3D conflict through divisive win/lose coercion is destructive to healthy civility. It has laid waste to the Middle East with millions of innocent civilians killed and displaced. That 3-D divide-to-conquer model of eye for an eye hate creation makes the whole world blind. Only the 5-D Power of Love can empower the wisdom that neutralizes 3-D psychopathy as perpetuates war and disease for the profit of power elite potentates who are ethical infants.
The abundant life begins with abundant light as wisdom, and love as
heart coherent connection to all
sentient life. That's a world where the personal and planetary potential
of a
golden age is conceived, believed and achieved in the linear 3-D
'Global Mind' -
on Earth - even as it already exists in nonlinear
heaven - a
coherent heart connection to the
1st principles of Cosmic
Look to SEE ~ Know to BE ~ 5D REALITY
It helps to understand
4D time as the bridge from 3D space
to 5D intuition of an Effective Sensory Perception nature.
Mastery of the illusion of space and time is a process of mastering the
direction of perception from
This makes
public health assurance uncommon, I'm referring to the institutionalized 3D paradigm paralysis that is stuck in the mechanistic 'chemistry-of-disease' paradigm that resists and resents 5D paradigm shift to the quantum 'energies-of-health' for holistic healing with light and sound as well as hundreds of proven healing modalities that have been suppressed along with clean free-energy technologies. A classic example of the 3D profits-before-people paradigm is the $200 billion per year cancer industry that drips chemo poison into one's whole body with the idea of killing cancer in part of it. That modality has a 3% cure rate which will go down in history like blood-letting to remove evil spirits. But I digress.
Claim the Victory of 5-D
You are
either busy being born with more 5D atonement for laggard 3D ‘stinking
thinking’, or you are busy dying to the opportunity. This is the
‘Ascension Judgment’ – to affirm your highest and best service to
others… or not so much.
In the
larger scheme of soul evolution, the ‘Judgment’ we
come from is the
‘Judgment’ we
go to – a process like
separating the 5D wheat from the 3D chaff. Every lifetime in 3-D is an
opportunity to transcend self-serving survival with others-serving
thrival. To the extent that we serve others for their thrival,
the rise of 5-D floats
all boats:
"One individual who lives and vibrates to the energy of pure love and reverence for all of life will
counter-balance the negativity of
750,000 individuals who
calibrate at the lower
weakening levels." ~ from the decade-long research with millions of tests utilizing behavioral kinesiology, documented in "POWER VS. FORCE - The Hidden Determinants
of Human Behavior" by Dr. David R. Hawkins , M.D., PhD in
5-D “Real Time” (Now
Time) When we are taught HOW to think rather than WHAT to think in public school, we will KNOW that left-brain dominant ‘thinking’ is more linear, logical and letter of the law limited – with masculine attributes – whereas right brain dominant ‘feeling’ is more nonlinear, intuitive and spirit of the law oriented with feminine attributes.
Past Time Becomes Future
future has already
happened in
the continuum.
The vision of
where it’s going hasn’t caught on
yet. But just as surely as the
Internet caught on worldwide,
heartware will define and refine a
Interface for Web 3.0 - a
TLC healing process based on
the language of light and universal
As the Family of Mankind embraces the
Prime Directive – to do no harm in the process of personal and planetary healing – we
will begin to assimilate 5-D
wholEness principles and processes of
‘public service first’ that
naturally begins to eliminate the pathological parasitic
problem of a 3-D patriarchal power elite intent on ownership and control
for their
‘self-serving profit first’.
The End of the 3D World as We’ve Known
The old 3D paradigm system called ‘the
matrix’ has become parasitic and is consuming itself. The
military-industrial complex and the Mideast debacle comes to mind when
the parasitic problem is examined. That pathological system has become
dependent on creating and managing endless terror, war, death and hell
on Earth to feed the parasite.
Perhaps the most insidious parasite in the
brain and body of the 3D matrix is the ‘banksters’ who create an
environment in which all the other parasites can thrive, fouling the 3-D
matrix terrain with their “debt” (excrement). All parasites poop in
their host, but the bankster parasites are the worst because they help
the war and disease parasites thrive on
the demise of the host, milking the masses of their health, security and economic vitality.
But this too shall pass.
The bankrupt policies of parasitic pathology that
profits from debt, war and disease will
dissipate as the opportunity for holistic healing of self and
civilization integrates with recognition of 5D
TLC capabilities and deployment of
Five Core Internet
The conscientious evolutionary ascent process
is not a mystery when known. Universal laws govern
global evolution.
G.O.D.~ |
– To Seize the Vision –
color-coded 5D Light Language;
AFFIRMATION of light as a ‘Universal Language’.
Embrace the Virtue – wisdom with
5 Global Freedoms Upgraded.
Make the
– co-Creation with ‘Light’ and
Language of Angels.
with Valor – sovereignty in service to others;
INTEGRATION of holy spirit as
Claim the ‘Capstone Victory’
for Ascension
And keep in mind:
“Pure intention focuses attention
on love’s retention
for conscious ascension in
multiple dimensions
of enlightened full-spectrum
without contention or 3D
Aquarian Mandate
Culturing Sovereignty
to Own Our Own Lives with
Holistic Healing ‘TLC’
With Freedom and Opportunity for
Related Articles and Videos of the Month:
Understanding the 3 States of Consciousness: