Conscious Evolution Revolution Revelations
serious student of Western history is likely aware that
Europe emerged from the Dark Ages
when the printing press
liberated the mind of the masses, sparking a spiritual revolt
against religious tyranny –
The Protestant Reformation – and
transforming Agrarian society with the
Industrial Revolution.
This ‘Enlightenment’ made the
American Revolution possible.
printing press, liberating the spirit of
independence again,
universal rights
in our new social networks, and
sparking global conscious evolution
revolution revelations
that are rapidly transforming the world
as we’ve known it.
This new ‘Enlightenment’ initiates the Aquarian
of universal freedom in love - an ascension process that
honors Earth as a platform for the business of evolution
as evolution of social, political and economic business.
With about four billion global Netizens connecting with our new Net
reality on-line, a new ‘Global Mind’ is emerging. Just as TV is an
extension of our eyes and ears, and the computer is an extension of
one’s brain, so is the Internet like the neural networking of our brains
at the quantum field
level of collective consciousness - the “Innernet” (inner space) at the
heart of the Internet.
The rate of change with mass awakening of the ‘Global Mind’ is
accelerating with full disclosure of the ‘Whole Truth’ and the ‘Big Lie’
fake news
- the big buzz these days. It’s a core discernment issue.
“If the shadows appear to be getting darker,
In Chapter Twelve of
Emerging Blueprint for the Golden Age,
there is a video on the ‘Global Mind’ that is maturing according to
cosmic cycles explained by Dr. Carl Calleman’s decades-long research on
the true meaning of the 2012-2017
shift in the quantum field
that calibrates Earth's frequencies and corresponds to brain waves
for our experience of paradigm shift from Innernet
to Internet.
What we see in the world of form is a reflection of the ascension
process that is matriculating the matrix of
spirit that matters, both
personal and planetary. Believe it or not, this process of global
enlightenment is ‘ordained’ for this time, and it’s ALL in divine order,
as obscure as that may seem. |
'COMMON SENSE' sparked the American Revolution – Tom Paine’s writings that we are a free and independent people with the sovereign right to govern ourselves. The U.S. Founders’ vision of unity in diversity – E Pluribus Unum – is now going global for all of ‘US’ as United Sovereigns of Earth; free, independent and self governing. |
2- Heart Coherence ‘Gold Standard’ for Conscience:
Education of the heart will become the focus of formal education because heart coherence is now understood scientifically as the key to mind congruence. The higher the concept of Universal Love in form and frequency, the greater the results, i.e., "Conscience is the most sacred of all property." ~ Chief Architect of the Constitution, James Madison. |
3- The Language of Light for Global Enlightenment:
The universal language of ‘light’ is exquisite metaphor for the language of consciousness that involves and evolves our individual and collective ‘Conscience’ as we link the light of social conscience in our new global social networks. This is the language of connection whereby the Law of the Angles is centered with the Language of the Angels. |
4- Mass-to-mass TeLeComm in Social Networks:
Responsibility begins with response ability, and our new global interactive social networks will mature to the next level of enlightened social conscience with the origination and evaluation of programming on a mass-to-mass scale that is now possible with Web 3.0 cyberEthics - the next phase of the instant-everywhere and interactive computer/Internet revolution. |
Free, Online,
Universal Self Care
Going Global:
Optimal holistic health is one's greatest
wealth, and the digital revolution will reinvent health care with tools
and processes that provide global Netizens with free, online access to
well-informed choice for the analysis, prevention and management of
disease - showing which modalities for building health are most
effective considering your unique metabolic type and symptom profile.
Thanks to Net reality, people worldwide are now discovering extremely advanced technologies that came out of the Secret Space Programs, and full disclosure will liberate advanced technologies to better serve the thrival of love and life on Earth. |
Please Network for the Net worth of
Ascending Net reality.
Full-Spectrum Enlightenment:
The Emerging Blueprint
for your health
life support for