2023 Mainstream Awakening Series

Founders Program

Updated Easter, 2023

If you are an ‘Affiliate’ of the Heartcom Network,
 you may receive news updates free of charge,
joining or leaving the Affiliate List anytime.

Subscribe at: CosmicLove@mcn.net

Free-will sovereignty is honored
for Affiliates at every level.

If you are an Initiate of the Heartcom Network,
you appreciate the value of this information
for involving and evolving (
contribution in your own way.

  Initiates are intent on awakening in one's own way to the
'Great Awakening' - conscious rEVOLUTION revelations
for the Family of Mankind in our global village of instant-
everywhere & interactive Internet capabilities; 
Aquarian precepts of local-global commUNITY for 'Unity
In Diversity'
 (E. Pluribus Unum on the Great Seal of the 
initiating 'US' (United Sovereigns) on Earth as in
'heaven' (Galactic Federation of Sovereign Planets).       

Your initiative with pure intention
focuses conscientious attention.

  As a Communicant of this Heartcom Network,
you network for the Net worth of Net reality
along more enlightened ‘lines’~.

 Our community is unity in our
full spectrum 'TLC' diversity:
Geometric Ordered Divinity
- G.O.D.~ Constitution -
  for Effective Sensory Perception
 via interactive
TeLeComm for TeLeCommunity,
TeLeConscience, TeLeCare 

   If you are an ‘ADEPT’ in our TLC Network,
   you identify with the Holy Whole of, by and
for atONEment...

   having integrated the 'Prime Directive' into
  the Creative Ascent Process (CAPstone).


  The Heartcom Network is thus an alliance
 of affiliates with different levels of interest
 but common intent for personal-planetary
benefit via the Web 3.0 Heartware Project.

Culturing the Worldwide  Foundation with heartware for 'The Alliance' of alliances on the network of networks, the Mother of all networks, the Internetwork 'chalice' for the Spirit that matters, the 'Father' of Good Will as focuses pure intent for conscious ascent along more enlightened 'lines' of in both pure form, the 'Law of the Angles of G.O.D.', and frequency, the 'Language of the Angels' - the 'Mother' of our better coherent nature - for matriculating the matrix of affiliation and manifestation for United Sovereigns... on Earth as in Cosmos.

'The Affiliate Model'

   +  =

 on all 4 sides:

Honoring the pure intention of U.S. Founders
- their prescient vision, wisdom and initiative -
 by networking for the Net worth of 'Net reality'
as will finish globally what they began locally.

  Culturing civility at the heart of a global powershift
- from the love of power to the power of love - 
in order to involve and evolve order
that reflects and perfects the
Aquarian Dispensation
of conscientious


Establishing Source Code for
cyberEthics whol
in the 4 Quads of

   Free Affiliation ..................
(GeoNotes News™ and Cosmic Love are free)

 Pure Intention - Framing G.O.D.~ Conscience

 Organizing information IN FORMATION
with the Law of the Angles framing the
   golden rule/law Language of the Angels;
   culturing the Constitution of Conscience
 at the heart of our all-connected global
 social networks, core social freedoms,
  and our conscious evolutionary ascent
Effective Sensory Perception via
mass-to-mass interaction through the
holy Spirit of our

   Initiate Affiliation  ........
(HEARTcom Network Subscriber)

Pay Attention / Attention Pays 

   Culturing spherical Conscience in our global village
    with proactive initiation of well-rounded attention,
    focusing pure intention for conscious retention of the
  evolutionary ascension process in the dimension of
  co-Creation comprehension representing all of 'US'
"We the People" - United Sovereigns of Earth.  

   'Universal Co-Creation with at the heart of the
web of Light, the web of consciousness as will naturally
    define, refine, combine and shine the fulfillment of our
       full-spectrum Conscience, the golden rule/law standard
a process of vision, virtue and valor for
 the victory of atONEment with

An Initiate's highest reward is more opportunity for
      a higher level of co-Creation service with a higher level
   of conscientious common sense
- Unity Conscience.

Initiation with the 'Ascent Codes' for the
'Heartcom Alliance.

'Graduation' prerequisites HERE


   Communicant Affiliation ...
(Networking for Net worth as a "Communicant")

Evolutionary Ascension with Love's Retention

      + =

Seminar/Training as a Communicant Affiliate

(details available to Initiates)

   A.D.E.P.T. Affiliation ..........  
(Tools and Processes for "Community Organizers")

 The Unity Dimension of wholEness

     + + =

Servant leadership support systems as an
A.D.E.P.T Affiliate

(details available to Communicants)


To with all your strength and mind , heart and soul,
and your Netizen neighbor in our global village as thyself.


Culturing 5-D Conscience for Global rEVOLUTION

As the Big Shift accelerates now on the 2020s timeline
those with great love in their hearts are awakening
to the realization that little else matters now.
The end of the world as we've known it
is the beginning of a new world
 that promises a return to
'The Foundation'. 

 - Seize the Vision (Founders),
  - Embrace the Virtue (Initiates),
            - Network with Valor (Communicants),
 - Claim the Victory (A.D.E.P.T.s)

  the global rEVOLUTION from top-down tyranny
- highly centralized one-way programming -
 to highly decentralized interactive co-operation
 of, by and for 
TeLeCommunity co-CREATION
in the image and likeness of '
  Law of the Angles (Geometric Ordered Divinity)
Language of the Angels (heart coherence).


CopyRound © 2000~2023
Worldwide  Foundation

All “Rights” ( ) Well “Rounded” ( ) & “Synergized” ( )
 with the healthy, holistic and otherwise holy “whole” (
in all 5 archetypal dimensions of the universal-cosmic     
  law of the angles and language of the angels of

    To love with all your mind ~  , eft-brain ogic of a inear nature,
                 and all your heart ~  , right-brain intuitive-nonlinear nature,
            and all your strength ~
  , balanced brain of a synergy nature,
and your Netizen neighbor ~ 
 in our Global Village (whole brain)
                          as thyself ~  , interdependent TLC Co-Creation.