Continued from:
Heroes of Full Spectrum Conscience
seven rays of full spectrum Conscience are optimized by
combining the primary geometrized first principles of
-balanced integration
as a
frequency (frequently).
Consider the seven 'rays' of the light spectrum
as the seven 'hats' that we wear in our auras.
These are the frequencies that are mastered
for Effective Sensory Perception.
The Seven ‘Hats’ of the One Light
For Conscious rEVOLUTION Revelations
The ‘7
Hats’ provide color-coded coordinates for using the
language of light
as evaluation criteria for enlightened coordination, collaboration and
conscientious common sense co-creation among lightworkers who are the
way-showers for the Aquarian Dispensation.
are the ‘7 Hats’ of full-spectrum
Conscience. Granted, most people have a habit of ‘wearing’ a combination of hats as
a blend of frequencies in the spectrum. But understanding these seven
‘rays’ or ‘hats’ serves the purpose of becoming more conscious of HOW we are conscious… to culture
of a more enlightened full-spectrum nature.
Obviously, if we are going to culture a global rEVOLUTION in higher
with self-correcting self-elevation of a salvation nature,
we need to at least respect the awareness of others corresponding to the
“hat” they are wearing.
Is it
true that the more “hats” represented in communication, the more full
spectrum 'light’ that shines as Conscience? Are you aware that the “ 7 hats” in the perceptual spectrum correspond to the same 7 rays of spirit in 7 major world religions with the same message?
you agree that the
natural progression of
7 “Hats” to Wear for Full Spectrum Consciousness
ideal dream team of conscious components
for oneself each day, or the rays of the 7 days, or for a 7 hat team as a mastermind alliance, or as the Heartware evaluation language for 'mass-to-mass TeLeConscience' in our local and global social networks:
Yellow Hat ~
Law of the One ~
![]() - The beginning & end in the circle of cycles; - Represented as the brightest of all colors; - Corresponding to wisdom as wise dominion; - Enthusiasm for all things spherical (spiritual); - Upholding the Spirit of the Law of the One; - Wearing the hat with humility as atONEment; - Fulfilling the sacred purpose of One for all. The bright golden sun "S ![]() Pink Hat ~ Think Pink / Heart Coherence: 'Right-brain' Emotional Intelligence (EQ) qualified by: - Coherence frequency... as in frequently; - Love intent... energy-in-motion; e-motion; - Corresponding to the spirit of family love; - Represented by kind-hearted legislators; - Upholding the Spirit of the Law-in-action; - Wearing the hat with joyous love at heart; - Fulfilling the core purpose of Love that is ‘for giving’. The Pink “LOVE HAT” Blue Hat ~ Executive Blueprint Vision: 'Left-brain' pattern recognition skills qualified by: - Reflection on direction, perfection & protection; - Correction with decisive blueprint coordinates; - Corresponding to one’s best discernment gifts; - Represented by decisive execution of plans; - Upholding the 'Spirit of the Law' via good will; - Wearing this hat with humility of true power; - Fulfilling the purpose of the Prime Directive. The “EXECUTIVE HAT”
Gold-Pink Hat ~ The Pink and Gold Mediator:
Green Hat ~ Holistic
White Hat ~
Full Spectrum Conscience:
- White light as full spectrum common sense; - Pure intent for conscientious enlightenment; - The collective conscience of united good will; - Focused attention on evolutionary ascension; - Upholding the Spirit of 'Light as Conscience'; - Wearing the hat for over-all enlightenment. - Fulfilling the purpose of conscientious evolution with balanced 'Effective Sensory Perception'. The White "FULL SPECTRUM HAT"
Violet Hat ~ The Power of Love:
- Synergy of blue and pink for violet frequency; - The holy spirit as frequency of love-in-action; - Highest frequency (ultraviolet) in the spectrum; - The color in the aura of Aquarian masters; - Upholding the Spirit of Love as Higher Power; - Wearing the hat for holy spirit discernment; - Fulfilling the holy purpose of love-in-action. The Violet "HOLY SPIRIT HAT"
Perhaps you agree that conscious evolution is the divine destiny of the global dimensional shift... moving forward. In the eternal continuum of soul evolution, there’s plenty of time, but there’s no time like the Future of Time in the 'prescient present'. The Earth as a platform for conscious evolution blesses souls with great opportunity to win stripes for one’s ascension, the test that’s best for the spirit that matters in this dense octave of 'initiation'.
A big global powershift is underway. A clear vision of how
to harmonize and optimize that process is the catalyst for
self-correcting self-elevation - conscientious
evolutionary ascent -
as a self-fulfilling prophecy. The more simple that process with a
pure geometry frame of reference -
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The Heartware Project
geometric thoughtforms also make it less likely we forget the intent
for a global
of vision, virtue and valor that claims the victory of the 'Law
of the Angles' and 'Language
of the Angels'
for all of ‘US’ -
Sovereigns of Earth.
the word. Network freely. |