2020 Global
Co-Creation Series
Codes – Revelations Unveiled
“When the human races learns to read
the language of symbolism,
a great veil will fall from
the eyes of men.”
~ Manly P. Hall
Compendium with 7 videos:
This is another ‘Love sandwich’ with some
‘strong meat’ (serious food for thought)
that even vegans may appreciate.
At the TOP are the
universal law frame of reference for
conscious evolution revelations.
In the MIDDLE is the straight skinny
on the deep doo-doo – exposing
the challenge & opportunity.
At the BOTTOM is a vision of virtue
and valor for the victory of ‘US’;
United Sovereigns of Earth,
plus 5 inspired videos.
Big LOVE resolves big challenges,
and the 2020s will be full of them.
Those who truly love in a big way will
naturally want to focus their attention
with pure intention, or otherwise pray
for more light and love at the heart of
conscious rEVOLUTION revelations.
If it's the TRUTH that will set us free,
and if it is LOVE that truly heals all...
here's to the TRUTH of a big LOVE.
Of course, there
are truth-tellers and
there are
baby-truth tellers for those
who can't digest 'strong meat' well.
Just as babies must crawl before
their first baby steps, so must we
learn to unveil
'baby steps':
Law of
One - Unity in Diversity (E Pluribus Unum),
and the Two-in-ne,
& Four-in-
'CAPstone' (Creative
Ascent Process):
Linear Nonlinear Trinity Four-in-One
Left-brain Logic + Right-brain Intuition + Coherence = Congruence
Self Rule
Healing Self-Mastery
common law, patterns of perfection,
common language for inspired direction
love within... so as we all enter in,
find a unity
state with one clear mandate:
we optimize unity or we're insensate.
The higher our Conscience
through co-Creation with
the greater the
and 'Universal Interface'
at the
heart of
interactive TeLeComm, TeLeCare and
TeLeCommerce for
- the next 'Currency of Conscience'
is harmony with the nonlinear spherical spirit
of the law
- atonement for the sense of separation via atonement -
that IS REAL for our conscientious evolutionary
gathering the tribes of IS
REAL in 'AMERICA' (anagram)
for the 'I
AM RACE' globally ~
~ as a Unity State
As for Conscious Evolution Revolution
as the 'Big Unveiling'...
Most readers of this blog are well-
aware that the mainstream media
is a ‘limited hangout’ of the whole
truth; a mass mind control psy-op.
“The general population doesn’t know
what’s happening, and it doesn’t
even know that it doesn’t know.”
~ Noam Chomsky
very powerful forces of
in collusion with
and bureaucracy under Deep state
have been at war to control US government
every since Clinton was defeated by Trump.
No one in corporate media is reporting this,
while independent media exposes Clinton’s
treason as the reason for this war on truth.
Both Bill and Hillary are Rockefeller agents
if not direct relatives as Ben Fulford reports.
Hundreds of billions of dollars
were extorted
from Deep State oligarchs and plutocrats
Hillary’s ‘Pay to Play’ quid pro quo
racket as
funded her Clinton Foundation 'war chest'
that now funds Deep State control policies.
So corporate media calls
independent media
“fake news”, and begins
censoring any media
that challenges the
corporatocracy of and for
Deep State power without High State principle.
For example, Dept of Justice holdovers from the Obama administration have NOT been replaced. Trump appointments are being blocked by Congress Democrats. Billions of dollars in the Clinton Foundation simply pay off the career bureaucrats at the Dept of Justice - if not Congress critters - as a 'choice' rather than a bullet for them or their family. That's how the Clintons have operated since Arkansas days.
Is it better to be corrupt and rich rather
than honest and dead? |
Let Her Off:
DOJ Inquiry Into Hillary Clinton
'Finds Nothing'
Jan 10, 2020 /
You may be shocked to learn that the Justice Department's
‘inquiry’ into Hillary Clinton's den of corruption reportedly
nothing of consequence!" Rather than
"lock her up" they've decided to let her go.
This is why there is now an overt 'uncivil war'
- witnessed by global Netizens for 3 years -
between Deep State desperados and High
State champions of
Core Sovereign Rights.
This is the war of power elite special interests
for ownership and control of the financial and
human resources of the
planet, and this is the
backstory behind the Coronavirus pandemic.
State depravity has hit the wall;
time is short, wrath is
~ Revelations 12:12
Aquarian Spring
High State is surging;
plenty of time, faith is great, etc.
Higher Power purges Deep State
It’s now well confirmed –
– that
this new coronavirus strain is a
biowar version
that – by accident or intent – was
released at
the epicenter of contagion in Wuhan China.
The quarantined city of Wuhan
– with 11 million
people in China’s 'Chicago’ (transportation hub)
is showing the
combined effect of toxic
air pollution
a huge 5G deployment,
PLUS Coronovirus!
Well documented in the film
The 5G Apocalypse,
5G exposure is linked to DNA corruption, oxygen
deprivation, depression, Alzheimer's and infertility.
This new video is a must watch for the FULL story.
Feb 22, 2020 /
Dana Ashlie
This is the TRUE NEWS that fakestream media is
desparate to contain - that 5G radiation is proven
to cripple oxygen assimilation, causing pneumonia
and severe depression of one's immune system.
Rights always go out the window under terror attacks – bioterror or
otherwise – especially since 9-11. Under national emergency powers,
social engineers and scientist technocrats are given special powers to
fulfill plutocrat agendas.
According to CIA expert, Robert Steele,
Health freedom is the heart of ALL
freedoms. Any system of government that no longer serves the pure intent
for health of, by and for its own people, that government is SICK and
needs healing… or ‘abolishment’ as it says in the Declaration of
“It is no measure of health to be well
For a good example of how bad is
the tyranny in health care, watch the following candid interview with
Del BigTree, and specifically his
comments at 15 minutes when he details WHY and HOW the
CDC and Big Pharma are in collusion to
make a killing on vaccines and drugs that create and then treat public disease.
Del Bigtree On Coronavirus And The
Vaccines for coronavirus are currently being developed by companies that
are being funded by eugenicist Bill Gates in an effort to control the
outbreak. But who are these companies and are their products tried,
tested, and true to be safe? In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth
speaks with vaccines expert Del Bigtree about the science of the
coronavirus and its vaccine manufacturing programs that are being
introduced at the same time that laws are being passed that would force
individuals to get vaccinated!
To learn more from Dell visit:
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. - short video:
The CDC Is A [Criminal] Vaccine Company (Video, 12:46 minutes) Feb 5, 2020 / Public Intelligence Blog
Whether the heartless
5G/Pharmacide agenda is purely for profit or for a population reduction
agenda or both, you can see in this video that 'healthy choice' has
been politicized and weaponized for health tyranny with mass deception
through Big Tech subservience to Big Pharma dictates of
‘Stockholders come before the public when profits are at stake’ ~
Corp Law.
Witness the grief of
this Chinese Mother
Health policy devoid of well-informed choice
Spring initiates the process
TeLeCare is a choice-based solution