Law of One
and Global Community:
The Path of
Ascension for Humanity
From Victim Dictum to Victory Virtues
Note: For an audio podcast on this article,
listen to the Cosmic
Show HERE.
It is helpful for spiritual
initiates to comprehend
how we are multi-dimensional
beings; powerful
experiencing the profound transformation
of Earth into a unified field of 'Common Sense';
the dawning of an astonishing
global upgrade.
Global Ascension of REAL Community
We can hold the immaculate vision of victory
- the proactive evolutionary ascent process -
or by default we can react with victim dictum
and bring our worst
fears and 'SIN'
upon us.
In Negativity)
So Keep the Faith and Hold the Vision of Virtue
and Valor for the Victory of Global Community.
All Ways
Skip to the bottom for more information on
Update Debriefing August 13, 2024
For almost 6 years, I've referenced the
Law of One
in numerous videos and articles archived at the
Heartcom Network. This Law of
“Law of
(balanced synergy), is the trinity '
The “Law of Four-in-
As this video explains, modern psychic science has confirmed ancient
metaphysics. Unfortunately, the Deep State considers our High
State future as an existential threat to status quo "DUH" (Dense,
Unconscious & Heartless). But that is rapidly changing as
spherical (common sense) consciousness goes global with Net reality
of a unified field nature.
“…the key
to ascension of the planet.”
"One individual who lives and vibrates to the energy of pure love
and reverence for all of life will counter-balance the negativity of 750,000 individuals who calibrate at the
lower weakening levels."
There are rules whereby Creator's intention…
This Conscience Currency
"To understand the nature of God, it
is necessary
Personal/Public Ascension is via ![]() |
We are in the prophesied time of
Revelations – Great Unveiling
Some will wake up, wise up and rise up.
Others will get along by going
along with
politically correct mind control
Selective Memory and Willful Ignorance;
Why We Go Along with PC Group-Think
May 31, 2018 /
Political correctness is like mass hypnosis
deletes reality which doesn’t conform to the
status quo narrative of the Deep State.
[includes a VIDEO]
For example, much of history as we know it
is wrong.
Giant Humanoid Skeletons Found
May 28, 2018 /
And the future may be much different
from what we are told is possible.
Crop circle message of our future:
Who could make a face like this and include a
binary code message in the middle of night?
May 18, 2018 /
Be Free to Accelerate, Shift Gears and Ascend
Clearing negative memories
behind negative thinking
is the best atonement for ‘SIN’
A Personal and Planetary Clearance
If you don’t know better, you can’t do better.
Once you know how bad some
things are
- and how good they actually could be -
the choice is rather self-evident.
See the good and
make it so!
The best way to move forward beyond
the dark night of the soul for “US”
Sovereigns of Earth)
is to KEEP IT
"Paradoxically, the dark night of the soul is often a sign of significant spiritual progress for it is not really the soul (higher Self) but the ego that is in the dark. Some comfort can be obtained by recalling the spiritual dictum that one can only go as high as they have been low, or that Jesus Christ sweat blood in Gethsemane, or that the Buddha reported that he felt as though his bones were being broken and he was being attacked by demons." ~ David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D., from: Transcending the Levels of Consciousness |
Global civilization is on the brink of
a collective High State, and is now
"sweating blood"... "attacked by"
Deep State
divisive dysfunction.
Realize how
corporatocracy has
been killing US,
making a killing via false science and fake news
to maintain illusion that is no longer sustainable.
The criminalization of science whistleblowers:
A mind-blowing interview with
Judy Mikovits, PhD
25 million Americans infected with lab viruses in
vaccines - causing chronic fatigue and cancer -
and for warning us, she was
jailed without a trial.
Mass deception of perception is unraveling.
See GMO's,
fluoridated water,
and the medical-industrial
disease care complex
that profits from disease (no incentive for health)
like the military-industrial complex that has no
incentive for peace, making a killing on war.
Know what they’re doing and get past it.
This descent into politically correct mind control
- the 'Standard American Deception' (SAD) - is
the last gasp of population control policies
that have lost their vitality - their validity -
losing the public’s blind subservience.
The whole truth has always been disruptive to the Big Lie.
Perception correction trumps perception deception.
Specifics at:
The Currency of
Web 3.0 - the Next Economy
Core Internet Freedoms
Quantum Computing
The next phase of the computer/Internet revolution
from hardware, software and netware to heartware
will integrate new holistic disciplines of biomimicry,
quantum science and epigenetics with
more heart.
The higher the concept of
for practical
application – a
system upgrade – the greater
the results as an
integrated and holistic whole.
"The mind once enlightened
cannot again
become dark."
~ Thomas
Paine, author of Common Sense
that sparked the American Revolution
The Internet creates a global village in principle.
A universal
interface for interactiveTeLeComm
will culture cooperative co-creation in practice
with real-time mass-to-mass democracy via a
5D model of participatory
"Governments arise either out of the people
or over the people."
~ Thomas Paine, ‘The Rights of Man’, 1791
The upgrade of
Five Core Internet Freedoms
will update our
horse-and-buggy Constitution.
“Give to every other human being every right that
you claim for yourself - that is my doctrine.”
Thomas Paine
Universal Rights in our Global Village;
Unity-in-Diversity; E Pluribus Unum;
‘US’ as United Sovereigns of Earth.
“We have it in our power to
begin the
world over again.”
~ Tom Paine, Common Sense
Couldn’t say it better!
~ C.R.
(G.O.D.~ Constitution),
Effective Sensory Perception
enlightened TeLeCommunion:
TeLeComm for TeLeCommunity,
TeLeConscience, TeLeCare and
NEXT TeLeCommerce
Support the
Aquarian Spring Prelude
supporting your holistic health:
Advanced holistic modalities
for optimal health