Co-Creating a New World in 2011
“Cosmic Love for Sat. Feb. 5th”
(non-audio ‘night side’ of the 14 day
show cycle for
Cosmic Love)
This is a
multi-media 'show' with both articles and videos.
If you like this show and would like to be a ‘virtuous host’
(resonating with this vision of virtue for our global village),
this article on ‘Conscious
link the
Christopher Rudy, Host of
Cosmic Love
See the YouTube video, “2011
– Co-Creating a New World"
Note from
Christopher: This is an inspiring, timely and MOVING video – highly
recommended for the
BIG PICTURE of what we can expect in 2011. This 30 minute video of Ron Van Dyke
is a
stellar example of a Great Soul with an enlightened
message that emphasizes the
core portents for massive societal changes in 2011, and the reason for
this massive shift, signs of the times, accelerating changes,
highlights on the subject of conscious evolution,
and insight on what this all means as
freedom-in-love goes
In the video,
Ron begins by referencing the Swedish scientist,
Dr. Carl Calleman, who has done
breakthrough research over many years on the Mayan glyphs and the corresponding
timing of
the Mayan Calendar as relates to our current time-keeping system with the
Gregorian Callender.
See Dr. Calleman's “Mayan
End Date”.
Dr. Calleman’s research has uncovered the evidence which clearly shows that the
correct day
of completion of the Mayan Calendar is actually
October 28, 2011.
See: Galactic Alignment.
Notice, near the
video’s beginning, Ron’s very concise and congruent explanation
of the 9th
and final wave of the Mayan Calendar in 2011
and what that means
in terms of a ‘quickening’ of the rate of change as will accompany a
massive awakening of a new ‘Common Sense Conscience’,
a new enlightenment as a ‘Unity Conscience’ which
involves and evolves our individual and
collective consciousness via
in the graphic above: Ron’s reference to the
8th ‘Ethics’ wave
which began in 1999 and ends next month…
March 9, 2011.
Consider all that has transpired in the last 12 years as the global
instant-everywhere and interactive capabilities has nurtured a new unity,
a new common sense rEVOLUTION in consciousness of, by and for the
Family of Man in a Global Village. Ethics is now the core issue
Witness the ‘Tea Party’ movement here and the freedom movement in
"I have sworn
upon the altar of God, eternal hostility
against every form of tyranny over the mind of man."
Thomas Jefferson, September 23, 1800,
as inscribed in the Jefferson Memorial
Consider how the
truth of all things has been revealed via the global Internet
and consider how the most sacred ethical values of the Family of Man are
now challenging greed, corruption and mass tyranny over the hearts and
minds of mankind merely wanting to live as kind men –
a peace movement.
Witness the
appeal to a new
unity in our diversity,
the appeal of Conscience,
by Conscience and for the conscientious common sense of a new “U.S.”
in “Unity
State’ of “Universal
Service” to the purpose
and plan the
9th Wave in 2011 knows and serves -
Universal Co-Creation.
As I’ve
stated in numerous articles on the subject of
‘Conscious Evolution’ *(1)
the evolution revolution in higher Conscience will embrace the ‘Law of One’,
atONEment for our sense of separation from the “United
State of
is love of freedom at the heart of one Universal Law…
To love with all your mind ~
of a
and all your
heart ~ , right-brain
intuition of a nonlinear nature,
and all your strength ~ , balanced
brain of a synergy nature,
and your Netizen neighbor ~
in our Global Village
as thyself ~ , culturing
In Ron’s inspired
YouTube video, he says that we are all
like the ‘Prodigal Son’ returning home in 2011”.
To appreciate this archetypal parable of the ‘hero’s journey’,
read: Understanding
the Millennial 'Hero'
Ron’s video is
actually a very effective highlighting of key points
from his recent article that is going viral on the Internet.
Following are some
from that article:
“For those who think 2010 was a significant year
of change, hang on!
Before 2011 is over, we will look back at 2010
and think we were standing still.
“Many will rightly ask, ‘On what do you base this prediction?’ "
the video, Ron begins by referencing the Swedish scientist,
Dr. Carl Calleman, who has done
breakthrough research over many years on the Mayan glyphs and the corresponding
timing of
the Mayan Calendar as relates to our current time-keeping system with the
Gregorian Callender.
Dr. Calleman's “Mayan
End Date”.
Dr. Calleman’s research has uncovered the evidence which clearly shows that the
correct day
of completion of the Mayan Calendar is actually
October 28, 2011.
See: Galactic Alignment.
As Ron explains
in his following article on the 2011 Shift,
theme for 2011 is conscious co-creation.”
“Each of the nine steps in the evolution of consciousness has a theme. The theme for the eighth step that we are just completing is that ethics and integrity would overtake the lust for power and greed. I think it's fair to say that we have witnessed many examples that capture even mainstream attention in regard to the financial system of the world, a system rife with fraud and corruption. Once something becomes known, it can never again be stuffed back into the box. What is revealed is revealed; and the lies will no longer work. This is not to say that there are no longer any people who believe the lies. Many are so set in their ways that they would not recognize the truth if you beat them over the head with it. Their disillusionment will continue in 2011; at least until.... (We'll get to that soon.)”
“Together, we
will be creating an entirely new system based on the paradigm of
openness and transparency. It is also a paradigm of unity.”
--------- Main body of Ron’s article follows:
2011: A Year of
Massive Visible Changes'sArticles.htm#2011CHANGES
According to the best interpretation of Mayan Calendar information, the entire ninth step in the evolution of consciousness will take place in 260 days: basically, from March through October 2011. Unlike most Mayan calendar teachers, Dr. Carl Calleman does not buy into the December 21, 2012 theories. He studied the information as a scientist, and came to a different conclusion, with October 28, 2011 being the completion date. Many other teachers who have looked at his information are in agreement. I am one of those, purely on the basis of resonance.
Each of the nine steps in the evolution of consciousness has a theme. The theme for the eighth step that we are just completing is that ethics and integrity would overtake the lust for power and greed. I think it's fair to say that we have witnessed many examples that capture even mainstream attention in regard to the financial system of the world, a system rife with fraud and corruption. Once something becomes known, it can never again be stuffed back into the box. What is revealed is revealed; and the lies will no longer work. This is not to say that there are no longer any people who believe the lies. Many are so set in their ways that they would not recognize the truth if you beat them over the head with it. Their disillusionment will continue in 2011; at least until.... (We'll get to that soon.)
The theme for 2011 is conscious co-creation. Together, we will be creating an entirely new system based on the paradigm of openness and transparency. It is also a paradigm of unity.
Unity is difficult to imagine when you look at the world around us. Opinions are as diverse as the multitude of perspectives from which we view reality. How can we possibly attain unity within such a diverse field of experience and observation?
There have always been unseen energies that impinge upon our visible reality. Many world religions have referred to these energies as angels. Those who look at the evidence, going way back in human history, come to the conclusion that there are many ancient records of Earth being visited by beings from the sky. Many cultures referred to these visitors as gods.
Open-minded scientists and researchers in today's world recognize an exponential increase in the activity of beings from other dimensions that are involved in events happening now on planet Earth. Yes, there has been a strong desire to keep this information from the public on behalf of the powers that be – the proverbial Man behind the curtain. However, many nations have already released their UFO files to the public. The United States still has not followed suit, with its leaders grasping with great determination to prevent widespread disclosure from occurring. What are they afraid of?
Paradigm Shift from the Big Lie to the Whole Truth
The truth is, our history, as we have been told it, is a lie. From the very foundations of world religions to the structures of modern governments, the truth has not been told. Irrefutable evidence and revelation of facts will transform everything. Perhaps that will be the big change in 2011. Disclosure, not only of the fact that we are not alone in the universe, but more importantly the reality of the deep involvement of ETs throughout our history, will shift the paradigm of reality virtually overnight. Faced with undeniable proof, mankind will have little choice but to see the world with new eyes. It will be the overwhelming display, often referred to as first contact, of ET presence that will create unity very quickly.
Not everyone is ready to buy into this; nevertheless, the critical mass has already been exceeded. What is the critical mass? Scientists tell us it is the square root of 1% of the world's population. Rounded off to the nearest thousand, that would be a little over 8000 people*. That's all it takes to shift the entire human race. From a biblical perspective, perhaps it's the 144,000, that enigmatic number that brings the Kingdom of Heaven to earth. In truth, I think even that number has been exceeded. Whatever the number, we have crossed the threshold of the point of no return. The Word has been made flesh, and the manifestation of the Golden Age is here now, unfolding day by day.
As a seer, I can sense the struggle taking place right now in the human population. I know how hard it is for people of many faiths to even consider the possibility that some of their precious doctrines may be in error. Nevertheless, incongruent beliefs will, of necessity, fall apart. So much that has been built into our belief systems has been included for a specific purpose: to disempower the average person and keep them subservient to the control of those who would be masters over them.
Note from CR: this
‘disempowerment’ is a disconnect from -- and depression of -- the Spirit that matters, i.e.,
duality’s divisive dysfunction
versus unity’s
atONEment function. We're either busy
being born in the image and likeness of 'the light side' (lightbearers), or
we're busy dying
to the 'dark side', the ‘shadow
part’ of our collective Conscious Self
which mirrors not only the paradigm shift to -centric civility, but also that
great light's 'shadow' on the screen of
Collective Conscience.
The 'shadow' is our collective unconscious habits of
an unloving nature; The paradigm paralysis
of division and dysfunction is naturally disintegrating as the paradigm shifts to
Unity Conscience,
integrating the unconscious, subconscious and supraconscious dimensions of
consciousness via
full spectrum Conscience of a
whole, holistic, holographic or otherwise holy
"Our minds will unite like the fragments of a hologram.''
~ Terence McKenna (from: “Conscious
The big lie has been easy to sell, since it coincides so well with our physical observation. That lie is separation. I look at my body; then I look at yours. Obviously, we are not one. I am me; and you are you. And every other person is also separate from me and you. However, this paradigm presupposes that only that which is visible is real. Modern mystics, called quantum physicists, have demonstrated scientifically that the world we see is only a small fraction of the world that exists. In other words, reality is mostly invisible to us.
That which we have been unable – and in many cases unwilling – to see is going to be made abundantly clear to everyone as the invisible becomes more obvious. Can you see, or at least begin to see, how quickly this revelation will be able to shift everything? It will be as if higher compartments of our minds are suddenly opened, revealing our blind spots. Most of us will ask ourselves: "Why couldn't I see this before? It's so obvious!" ... Everything in its time!
The hidden treasure within each of us will soon be revealed to all except the most hardhearted and stubborn minded individuals. That treasure is what the world religions have always pointed to. It is the Christ, or the Divine within each of us. Can you begin to imagine what we will be able to create together, knowing that the God Spirit is in everyone; and it has never had anything to do with one's religion?
Whether you can imagine it yet or not, this is what will happen, or at least begin to happen on a large scale in 2011. This is why 2011 will make 2010 look as if it wasn't going anywhere; yet, in truth, each step in the evolution of consciousness builds for the next step. Everything that ever has been, has been building to a grand climax of ecstatic revelation: the revelation of Christ as ALL and in all.
Note from CR: This
is the true meaning of the ‘2nd Coming’… the mass “awakening” (Coming) of
Christ-like spiritual virtue in our collective hearts and minds. This is the
way out of the ‘healing crisis’ whereby love heals all. It’s the end of war
whereby Love conquers all, winning hearts and minds, and culturing
mass-to-mass TeLeComm
to re-establish the infrastructure for the ‘Next Economy’ based on the
currency of Conscience… the foundation for
worldwide ,
The promises of God are: Yes… and Amen (so be it). The Creator has always had a purpose for Creation. That purpose has not always been easy to determine, and even more difficult to see. As the plan has unfolded, most of us have only been able to see the chaos. Conflict has seemed to rule the day; and making sense of the whole thing has been well-nigh impossible. Yet, those who have been able to see from the other side have always told us that there was meaning. These were able to see, if only in flashing glimpses, that a grand plan was underway.
Note from CR: The web of consciousness with the “www” (world wide web) today has matured to the point of a natural mandate for the 'grand plan' - our divine destiny of, by and for self-correcting sovereignty principles at the heart of Net reality, a heartware upgrade of, by and for the all-connected web of Unity Conscience at the heart of the ‘web of life’.
"This we know. The
earth does not belong to man;
man belongs to the earth ...
Man did not weave the web of life; he is merely a strand in it.
Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself."
Chief Seattle
Witness how the
mysteries of time and space are being unveiled –
quantum reality -- with an emerging “common sense” (Unity
which honors our new instant-everywhere and interactive response ability
-- the ability to respond by linking the light of
Conscience; weaving the fabric of the web of
life with pure intention that focuses attention on our evolutionary ascension as
a holy whole… a holographic unified field of
enlightened full-spectrum
“global brain” (5-D
Conscience), i.e., a ‘prayer field’ of expectation and anticipation for the
whereby all are sovereign “KING”
(Keys to the
of God;
This is the internal Constitution – the golden rule of
Affirmation of the
of the “
as a
framework for the cosmic constitution of
(Masculine mind-control principle; ‘Father as lawgiver’)
of the Spirit of the Law with
Non-linear right-brain knowing of the Spirit of the Law as
(Feminine heart-control principle: ‘Mother as lovemaker’)
of the Great Spirit with
Co-creative synergy of the left and right brain hemispheres
as a balanced whole which is greater than the +
(Masculine/Feminine Law/Love principle: ‘Unity
of the Spirit that matters with
Integrating the four sides to the “capstone” (5-D
as the role and goal for UNITY CONSCIENCE of a holy whole.
(Spiritual~Mental~Emotional~Physical wholEness: ‘’)
We've called them prophets or shamans; and each
of them with an honest heart always told what they felt, saw or heard. They have
spoken in every culture and in every age. They were the Voice of God, inspired
to speak to their generation.
I'm not about to tell you that any of them were perfect – far from it. They were men and women, just like you and me, who had to deal with all of the perplexities of their individual lives and still make sense of their dreams and visions that often contradicted what they saw in the physical world. These are those that have held the dream alive within the human family. As the Spirit of the Living God brings these gifted men and women together, a new world will be born. These are the co-creators responsible for the time in which we live; for we are the ones that have searched for a city that has foundations, whose builder and maker is God. We are the ones who have often been despised and rejected of men.
Yet, in a very real sense, we are only eyes in the body. We are important, yes, we are. However, we cannot do it alone. Everyone must find his and her part in this Body of Humanity that is being transformed, day by day, in ways that will manifest more clearly in 2011. We are talking about a new humanity here. That which was impossible before will be soon possible again. We're about to see the Son of God with new eyes; and as I look at this beautiful creature made without hands, my eyes fill with tears. The whole cosmos marvels at the magnificence of the Word Made Flesh, multiplied to infinity – a multitude that no man can number (or at least count). To me, this is the real meaning of the second coming of Christ. And all the world shall see Him, and be like Him.
Let each with eyes to see and a heart to love rejoice. The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. 2011 is our year. "Behold, I make all things new!" says the Lord Most High. Namaste.
* The square root of 1% of 7 billion people is 8,367. The estimated population, however, is 6.67 billion; and the square root of 1% is 8,167.
### End of Ron’s article ###
*(1) Articles on the subject of “Conscious Evolution”:
The Currency of Conscience
The business of evolution is not a mystery when known.
How we connect our God-given gifts and talents is how
we culture civility with the currency of Conscience at
the heart of our social networks and next economy.
2011 Mass Awakening
Conscious Evolution Quotes
The Great Human Leap Forward
Linking the Light of Conscience
The Conscious Evolution
Conscience Convergence
Ron Van Dyke
Many people may not associate the word power with the word peace. Perhaps it is because power is often associated with force, which is often anything but peaceful. Those who have read Dr. David Hawkins book: Power vs. Force may realize that true power is an innate spiritual quality, whereas force is often seen as a military-like feature. To me, world peace can never occur on earth until its people step up and exercise our inherent, natural power ... together; however, I feel that we will actually do that this year ... in 2011. When we do, we will co-create a new world together. 2012 will be vastly more peaceful than what we have always known—all because of what is called: THE AWAKENING.
See Ron's
Feb, 2nd video on the 9th Wave of the Mayan Calendar:
'dreaming' of quantum reality is mirrored in your
DNA, Consciousness and Morphic Grids of Earth
~ Article on 'The 2011 Quantum Shift'
And for Keepers of the Frequency of Divine Love:
As the SHIFT
goes mainstream in 2011,
we’re all response able as messengers
of one G.O.D.~
the frequency of
at the
heart of one universal order;
"When you
are engaged in absolute Reality and absolute Unreality,
then your
vision by Love can span all dimensions.
But when you are not, beloved, then your vision is limited,
the senses of the soul are not awakened,
and the third eye has no clear vision.
For, beloved, God does not open the kingdom of heaven to you
unless he also opens the depths of hell.
Understand, then, beloved, that
those who truly love
will not fear
the embrace of Christ or the challenge of Death and Hell."
John the Beloved, June 24, 1990 via Elizabeth Clare Prophet
© 2010, 2011
Worldwide Foundation
All “Rights” ()
Well “Rounded” (
& “Synergized” (
with the healthy, holistic and otherwise holy “whole”
in all
five archetypal dimensions of universal-cosmic