Prepare for the Great Initiation of the last
9th Wave
of the Mayan Calendar
March 9, 2011,
Dawn of the
Unity Wave,
through to the
October 28, 2011,
the end date of the Mayan Calendar.
Excerpts from
a previous
article by Dr. Calleman:
(for the full article,
click here)
Following summary points are paraphrased,
color-coded for emphasis ~ C:
We are now approaching the initiations of the final 9th wave of
which begins on
March 9,
This wave includes thirteen 18 day periods which
propel a process designed to reboot the energetic (morphic) grids of matter with
the Spirit that matters -
unprecedented Unity Consciousness
- at the heart of
this “9th wave” (Universal Underworld, also known as the ‘Universal Field’ or
‘Quantum field’) now representing humanity’s highest state of
There are basic laws of the universe engaged at this extraordinary time.
As March 9th,
2011 arrives, we are called to begin co-creating with
Consciousness: the dawn of this initiation of mass unity.
"Thus, the year 2011 is not ordained to be just another year.
likely this is our last chance to live up to being
co-creators with the cosmic plan for this time."
this Gregorian year began, the messages that circulated reflected
our heightened ambivalence to the passage of time. On the one hand
there were the every year kind of messages like: 'Hope you will have
a great 2011' or 'What do you want to create for yourself in 2011?'
as if this would just be like another year; messages centered on the
individual, based on a linear view of time made up from years
following one after the other. [See: “Mass dying of life on Earth conveys urgent signs of the times” ~ C]
This instead pointed to anything but a linear continuation of time
in 2011. The aflockalypse is possibly due to the frequency increase
that the nine levels of the Mayan pyramid undergoes combined with
the extreme degree to which humans have now pushed the ecology of
the planet off balance."
[There are consequence for abuse to our global life support systems.
~C] |
ninth wave of unity would then be calling for a complete shift
in our way of being, to manifesting
is the intended end result of the cosmic plan.
this is to happen, it may also call for extraordinary cosmic energies
[and our resonance with them ~C]
to fulfill
the cosmic plan.
fact, maybe the ninth wave will be a Judgment Day that will save the world."
YouTube/ Ten minutes long / 38,082 views
Introduction by C:
Scientific research on the affect of cosmic rays on genetics has provided ample evidence to show that our DNA and consciousness are directly affected. Furthermore, ice core samples from the Arctic have recorded the evidence of cosmic rays for tens of thousands of years, and have revealed that peaks in cosmic rays have corresponded to great leaps in human evolution.
Just as fiber optics are the vehicle for laser light with carrier frequencies digitally coded with thousands of e-mails, phone calls and videos, and just as wireless transmissions also stream digitally coded frequencies to our cell phones, TV’s and computers, so are cosmic rays from the Great Central Sun of our Milky Way Galaxy – with Galactic Alignment in 2011 – now streaming the coded intelligence of hundreds of billions of star systems in our Galaxy, all of which are aligning the energies of Earth as our solar system orbits into perfect alignment with the Galactic Plane in 2011. Consider the portents for a peak in cosmic rays corresponding to a great leap in human evolution. |
Enigma: Blueprint for a Golden Age"
by David Wilcox (about 8 minutes)
Note from C: The Mayan Calendar references an
ancient cosmic cycle of 28 million years
whereby every form of life on Earth spontaneously changes and upgrades from one
type of creature to another, and David Wilcox provided the evidence of
not only how
the DNA code itself is rewritten, but also, why we will soon see,
"We're all being challenged, and if we
can phase through these challenges with positive attitude and focus,
then we actually have the potential to go through a multi-dimensional evolution
of our being...
I'm talking about an on-going spiritual transformation
[beyond 2011 ~ CR]
on Earth,
in which there is a much higher degree of the very energy that makes us psychic,
plunges us through these initiations, and quickens and revivifies
the very nature of our being."
The Mayan Calendar, Dimensional Shift and 5D Earth
by Dolores Cannon / about 6 minutes / 59,908 views
Note from C: The Mayan Calendar ends in 2011
because of a dimension shift
that goes beyond the paradigm paralysis of prevailing ‘reality’ perceptions.
As Dolores explains, this dimensional shift is difficult to comprehend and is
“the greatest show on Earth”, or what I call “reality TV for the ET’s” with
millions of cloaked ET vehicles from throughout our universe watching
to see what happens to our conscious evolution as
As the veil thins in 2011 with
accelerated dimensional shift,
the role of
common sense
for a new
‘Unity Conscience’
is becoming self-evident.
The power of a new freedom-in-love
is defining and refining our
Please Contribute
It's one of the great truths of life that
the only thing we take with us,
past this life, is what we
give away with the
one spirit that
I Am,
One for All.
Holistic Visionary
Editor, GeoNotes News
Founder, HEARTcom Services
BBS Radio
Show, Cosmic Love
Author, Emerging Blueprint for a Golden Age
Director, UltraMedics Services
and Legacy Project
And above
care enough to share;
link the light -- what you have learned.
Remember that
for giving.
Network for the Net worth of Net reality
at the
of the global web of life...
the emerging
blueprint for a golden age.
2010, 2011
All “Rights” () Well “Rounded” (
) & “Synergized” (
with the healthy, holistic and otherwise holy “whole”
in all five archetypal dimensions of universal-cosmic
To love with all your mind ~
of a
and all your
heart ~ , right-brain
intuition of a nonlinear nature,
and all your strength ~ , balanced
brain of a synergy nature,
and your Netizen neighbor ~
in our Global Village
as thyself ~ , culturing