2021 Aquarian
Spring Prelude Series
General Enlightenment – Conscious Ascent
For Those Attuned to the Great Awakening
Enlightenment is a paradigm shift process,
waking up, wising up and thus rising up to
conceive, believe and achieve the
the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
You know you are truly awake if
you are truly grateful for the
whole truth, even when it
contradicts ‘old truth’.
“Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because
fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities.
Truth isn’t.”
~ Mark Twain’s Notebook
America is going through a near-death experience.
Some explain this as a kind of
unconventional war,
and others see the dynamic of chaos
before order.
Many are wondering how we’ll make it
through this.
‘US’ nationalism is
experiencing a global reset with
spiritual, mental, physical and
financial reset as a
holistic, healthy and otherwise holy
whole – a new
common sense of ‘US’
as a United State
The United
Sovereigns of Earth is the divine destiny
of the ‘I AM RACE’ (anagram
code) for ‘AMERICA’.
This compendium takes ‘The Event’ (global reset)
from the top –
spiritual reset
first – with videos and
articles of the
month that tell the story of the crisis
between a deep state of paradigm paralysis and
the high state of paradigm ascent for
- mass awakening
with conscious ascension -
exposing the pharmacidal 4th Reich psychopaths
who have made billions while culling the population.
yet can't see the solution to a problem they deny,
skip to the 'bottom' - the 33rd level of hell - for the
Zombie Apocalypse compendium on
who scared the be-Jesus out of people worldwide
and have already murdered 1/2 million Americans
with a genetic-altering injection they said was safe.
isn't that they can't see the solution.
It is that they can't see the problem."
~ G. K. Chesterton (1874 - 1936)
with a sense of humor - that this too shall pass -
while principalities of darkness reap the whirlwind.
June 10, 2021 / AwakenWithJP
Keep centered
in the all-seeing eye of
the hurricane - relative calm -
and move with it,
June 20, 2021 / Solstice / Father's Day
Spiritual Reset –
The Great Law of One for Greater Reset
The Spirit that matters – on Earth as in Aquarius –
is mass ascension of a new ‘Common Sense’ as
a unified field
The long-prophesied ‘Second Coming’ of Christic
Revelations can be seen as the Great
the whole world is waking up. As we become
more conscious of how we
are conscious
- with the instant~everywhere Internet -
all time and space become relative;
we conceive, believe and achieve
new relations of relevance and
ultimate reverence; a whole
that is holistic and holy
we are one;
As Aquarian light surges,
the Deep State purges.
"If the shadows appear to be getting darker,
it's because the light that casts them
is getting brighter."
~ Daniel Pinchbeck
Mental Reset – Global
Information overload can
be as debilitating to
one’s right mind as sensory deprivation, and
global society is now dominated by Big
behemoths who are possessed with big
that is collected on everyone and
in order to control everyone and everything,
utilizing Artificial Intelligence
as programmed
by the controllers and for their total control.
The more information
we have, the greater is
the need to get it all in order –
divine order –
organizing all information IN FORMATION
along more enlightened ‘lines’ of
that frames universal law and language for
‘information’s ecology’ (Web
recycling general knowledge in the
way that
empowers wisdom with true Aquarian love.
As we involve and evolve our individual and
collective consciousness with
light language
- the universal language of
consciousness -
we naturally culture Conscience
with a capital
C as in Christ-like – the
golden rule standard.
Dealing with Media Fakery and
Covid Insanity: "We are living in the land of fake-believe. Nothing is as it seems in this virtual world invented and monopolised by deceivers. A world in which warriors of truth are named 'conspiracy theorists' and masters of the lie are named 'upholders of the truth'. And all the while, a largely hypnotized humanity bows down its head to this vainglorious game. This game of thrones." ~ Julian Rose
Who would ever have guessed, just eighteen months ago, that a very
significant percentage of the worlds population would unthinkingly
follow the call of madmen to accept being locked-down in their own
homes? “We are discreet
sheep; we watch which way the
The sheeple follow obediently
so ready to be hypnotized into submission to protagonists of the New
World Order; their ‘Great Reset’.
The World Economic Forum’s
Klaus Schwab has championed the Great Reset, explaining that human
beings will soon receive a ‘chip’ (nanobots operating system) which
will be injected into their bodies in order to merge with the digital
This is the Transhumanism Movement
Haven't heard of The Great
Convergence yet? Oh, its just the plan to merge biology with digital
technology and redefine what it means to be human, that’s all. Today on
the podcast James covers the biodigital convergence that is already
being rolled out and what it means for the future of homo sapiens.
show notes and mp3 audio This biodigital convergence has been rolled out with experimental mRNA ‘genetic modifiers’ injected into more than a billion people worldwide, ostensibly to protect us from a virus that 99.8% of people recover from.
If it’s true that the new
GMO humanoids are transhuman ‘transceivers’ – that provide data for AI
control remotely – then counter measures for culturing social Conscience
in our
ubiquitous social networks becomes common cause for social activists
All social problems are
at heart communication problems – how we come-into-unity for REAL
community which is the hallmark of Aquarian principles of enlightened
Holistic Health Reset –
We're either busy living or busy dying.
TeLeCommunion =>
TeLeConscience =>
Financial Reset –
Look to See... Know to Be...
Advanced Initiates,
Communicants and