The 2012 Thrival Series
Something Big is About to Happen
It's bigger than 9-11, bigger than the global war
on terror,
and bigger that the portents for WWIII in the Mid-East.
· The
energy fields of Earth are rapidly morphing.
· Spontaneous
evolution is globally accelerating.
· Collective
common sense 'Unity Conscience'
Previous articles:
2012 Dimensional Shift - An Upgrade
Source Code Coordinates for 2012
Occupy the Thrive Movement
you don't understand the energy shift driving the
accelerated rate of global change, you either
haven't been paying attention, or haven't
had it spelled out clearly, or perhaps
just don't care enough to know.
better to do better
in good
Mankind has free will, so anything is now possible
in our instant-everywhere interactive Net reality.
The free-will choice of global humanity in 2012
is not a mystery when you connect the dots to
the big picture of
Galactic Alignment as our
Solar System crosses the Galactic Plane…
known anciently as the ‘Great Crossing’
in the 25,920 year cycle known as the
See the amazing 3-D animation of
the 25,920 year precession-of-equinoxes at this
2 min. YouTube video:
The ‘Source
Field’ is surging
and 3-D density is purging
all that betrays 'urging'
of, by & for 'Source'
co-Creation with
the power of
"In the beginning, God geometrized."
~ Ancient Hermetic Wisdom
"In the end, we
become what we geometrize."
Conscience as Source Code for 'G.O.D.'
The power of
is a Higher Power that is
‘morphing the matrix’
for co-Creation via
the unified field
Source Field.
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing,
there is a field, l'll meet you there.
~ Rumi, the Sufi ‘Poet of Love’
That ‘field’ is not a battlefield but a ‘unified field’
of intelligence at the heart of the
Source Field
which is now surging with the etheric ‘Light’
that is flooding the Earth and transforming
our DNA, our consciousness and world.
At the heart of the Source Field is a ‘Force Field’,
the power of Cosmic framing Creation
with the ‘Cosmic Code’ that is not only beyond
time and space but also deepest within us all.
The core nature of
this ‘Source
Code’ is the
universal urge to unite. We resist this urge
at our peril because the power of
is the source of the force that gives us
the meaning, value and purpose of life.
"We can never predict what will happen exactly when a group becomes authentic
and open to the Spirit. It's full of surprises. Thank God, because while the
outcomes are usually quite different from what we imagined,
they are often far better than we could have dreamed."
~ Dr. Scott Peck, M.D., from his book,
A WORLD WAITING TO BE BORN - Civility Rediscovered
As the
G.O.D.- code
for our
personal and planetary ‘holodeck’
reboots all-connected
a new awareness of our wholEness
will conceive, believe, achieve and
thus receive abundant blessings of
peace with a new ‘inner sense’ of
the power of wisdom via universal
love in our collective
is the most sacred of all property.”
~ James Madison, Chief Architect of the Constitution
We are here for a purpose – to thrive,
and we are all part of this together.
All life serves this larger purpose,
and our
to know better
opportunity to do better
compels that we
make it so.
“The greatest achievement was at first and for a time a dream.
The oak sleeps in the acorn; the bird waits in the egg; and
in the highest vision of the soul, a waking angel stirs.
Dreams are the seedlings of realities.
The vision that you glorify in your mind,
the ideal that you enthrone in your heart,
this you will build your life by,
this you will become.”
~ James Allen
Article follows:
Something Big is About to Happen
The Nature of the 2012 Perceptual Shift
In the 4 Quads of 2012
4 quads of 12 weeks + 4 week-long transitions
between the 4 quads of 2012 = 52 weeks
The following article represents the ‘holographic time coordinates’ for 2012, the ‘time codes’ for our individual and collective ‘holodeck’ as explained in the previous articles linked above. How we perceive time is how we manage our perceptions and 2012 is an unprecedented ‘window in time’. That window is opening from a ‘closed’ 3-D perception of ‘linear time’, as it goes ‘nonlinear’ in 2012 with ‘real-time’ (4-D) providing a bridge to 5-D Unity Conscience. This process of ‘mass awakening’ is according to 'real time' cycles governing the ‘Source Field’ as is surging now with Galactic Alignment and re-alignment of our Conscience, BEING and all-connected Net reality. Luminary leaders of the Alliance – a wide range of lightbearers and lightworkers – serve the mass awakening of humanity for a singular purpose – our evolutionary ascension via pure attention that will pay attention with love’s retention into the 5th Dimension of a new common sense Unity Conscience.
“So long as space
remains, so long as sentient beings remain,
This is the purpose and plan the ‘Light’ knows and serves;
In the 1st
pure intention
the year cycle.
In the second quadrant,
focused attention initiates wisdom.
In the 4th quadrant,
evolutionary ascension is
understand the nature of God, it is necessary only to know
Earth's evolutions have finally reached the time - 2012
2012 is building to a grand climax of ecstatic revelation:
This is the meaning of the ‘2nd Coming’ as the "budding" (Buddhic) The web of consciousness with the “www” (world wide web) today has matured to this point of a natural mandate for the 'grand plan' - our divine destiny of, by and for self-correcting sovereignty principles at the heart of Net reality, a "high touch" (personalized) vision for interactive mass-to-mass TeLeComm - an upgrade of, by and for the all-connected web of Unity Conscience at the heart of the ‘web of life’.
"Man did not weave the web of life; he is merely a strand in it.
Conscious Co-Creation with Source~G.O.D.~
... the inner net at
the heart of the Internet and the
For more on the holographic ‘Source Code’ coordinates for the ‘holodeck’ between your ears, see also: ‘The 2012 Source Code’.
2012 is what we make it. This is no time to fake it.
Always Christos
“Our minds will unite like the fragments of a hologram.” ###
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