2012 Dimensional Shift – An Upgrade
DUH to
Division to
By ‘Dr. Christopher’
/ Updated 1-25-12
Previous article:
Power of Prayer'
Different densities exist simultaneously; several realities can
occur in the same space. I'm not just referring to the human
condition that ranges from dim-wits to enlightened genius.
Contemporary UFO research worldwide reports how star craft are
increasingly appearing or disappearing in an instant… coming ‘down’
to our third dimension for appearance, and disappearing by raising
their frequencies to a higher level that is imperceptible to our 3-D
senses. As crop circles and other signs reveal, our universe is
frequented by many dimensions/realities simultaneously. These dimensional
realities are observed from their respective perspectives...
right where we are in the year 2012.
Earth's energies are going through some remarkable transformations in 2012. That's well-documented in a compendium of articles on the current shift in the intensity of the 'Source Field'. This shift is sometimes referred as the 'thinning of the veil' -- our sense of separation from the heart of God and mind of 'Source'. That 'thinning' or 'shifting' in dimensions is actually The Big News of 2012...
Alignment and multi-dimensional perception: As I've matured past my previous understanding of dimensional shift two years ago, I've discovered a greater truth. The power of prayer (PowerLove) creates a 'prayer field' that co-Creates with The Creator-Source. Pure intention with heart coherence does that.
When in heart coherence, the auric field around the body creates its own prayer field of ‘holy spirit’ whereby prayers "register" (resonate with) pure intention in the all-connected Source Field. The power of two people praying together is synergized and 'co-Creates' in a much more powerful way. Get a hundred people praying together with pure intention and focused attention on holistic solutions to systemic collective human problems, and guess what? Miracles happen. Conscience happens. Peace happens; crime diminishes. Healing happens - spontaneous remission of all kinds of dis-ease.
could call this a 'dimensional shift'
A lot of 'prayer science' (key words for search)
has validated the direct correlation between prayer fields and
extraordinary results. The more specific a prayer request with pure
intention's focus, the greater the results. The more people praying
for the same purpose at the same time, the greater the results.
This is the natural consequence of dimensional
shift with the current
surge in the Source Field. It's actually the divine destiny for
Earth at this time. The implication are HUGE.
Consider how global healing in 2012 will also naturally occur with a surge of dimensional shift. It’s going ‘critical mass’, the systemic Conscience that sheds light on the systemic social dis-ease caused by the sick 'health care' system. In good Conscience, we know that the medical-industrial complex now rivals the military-industrial complex in unconscionable profit from human misery. Corporate profits from disease supersede preventive policies and natural cures for disease. Again we see fear porn. People take their health for granted until they lose it, and then, out of fear, they'll pay just about anything to get it back. Modern day snake-oil salesman still push drugs with side-effects that are worse than the disease. The U.S. is the only 'civilized' country that promotes conspicuous consumption of drugs on TV, and it's killing us as you can see HERE. But this too shall pass with dimensional shift. Common sense solutions like 'Universal Self Care' will make global holistic healing capabilities self evident. When you are fully aware with informed choice, you naturally embrace the public option for health and prosperity.
Unconditional love
is blind to
porn, This brings us to the fear-porn behind the destruction of our environmental life support systems. It is fear-frozen paradigm paralysis that has caused the social, political and economic inertia that resists and even resents public recognition and support of free-energy technologies that could clean up the environment and liberate human potential in a phenomenal way. There’s nothing holding this liberation back except the self-serving special interests of the corporatocracy that has a vested interest in keeping abundant and clean power FROM the public rather than "of, by and for the people."
[FEAR PORN] IS THE TACTIC OF THE SERVICE-TO-SELF 'DARK SIDE'. Dimensional shift is like what happened when the Berlin Wall was torn down. The spirit of freedom would not allow the division any longer. We saw that this last year with the 'Arab Spring'. Yet in the name of ‘helping freedom’, people worldwide watched in horror as Libya became 'collateral damage', devastating that sovereign nation as was done to Iraq. In both cases, their infrastructure was destroyed and their oil wealth was stolen. Millions have died or suffered horrendous deprivations. Is it any surprise that the 'war economy' in the US is as depressed as the American people are? Would you agree that they are both disconnected from the spirit that mattes?
"There is no anti-depressant (chemical
drug) that
will cure a depression that's Our politicians, except for a very few, have supported the corporatocracy forcing this unconscionable agenda of fear porn with terror, war, disease and destruction polices. That's why dimensional shift is imminent for our global village. The 'walls in the mind' – dividing us with fear -- are coming down. The surge in the Source Field is the surge in fearless faith that makes us ‘whole’.
Time and
space have been eliminated by There are real solutions to the systemic problems facing the Family of Man in our new Global Village. There is a new social Conscience emerging in our global social networks. The collective Conscience in any social network wants only to resolve the vicissitudes of "DUH" (Dumb, Unconscious & Heartless). 2012 is revealing how this will happen.
There is a science to what's going on with the Big
Shift of energies to a higher dimension of
on Earth. There is a divine order framing the process of
dimensional shift. To the extent we resonate with Source and align
with the
emerging blueprint for global civility, we naturally do better
to make it so... our own self-fulfilling prophecy.
"Urge all of your men to pray, not alone in church, but everywhere.
than praying for 'resistance' to the dark side's
Activism without morality is blind. Morality, in good
THESE ARE HEADY TIMES: Mass awakening is disrupting institutionalized "paradigm paralysis" (stinking thinking). Thrive capabilities are challenging fear-porn of the corrupt corporatocracy. The 2012 surge in the Source Field is morphing the matrix of Earth, our DNA, and our collective Conscience as a unified field WHOLE. Full disclosure of quantum reality, dimensional shift, 0-Point energies for free energy, and 'uncloaking' of our star brethren are all imminent in the coming year. All divisions of the 'A-Team' (Advanced Ascent Alliance Affiliates) are uniting to raise the 'flag' (standard) for the 'United Sovereigns of Earth'. That standard will center-and-connect via 'cyberEthics' for web 3.0 - interactive mass-to-mass TeLeComm... bringing decentralized checks and balances to highly centralized, top-down, command-and-controlled militarized corporate government of "the empire" (corporatocracy). This vision "ALONE" (ALL ONE) is naturally the catalyst for a self-fulfilling prophecy. Consider how the 'Currency of Conscience' will upgrade core Constitutional freedoms with 'real time' (instant-everywhere) interaction capabilities that include 'Universal Self Care' and new private/public win/win partnerships that define the Next Economy. Claim the Victory - the 'gold standard' for the currency of Conscience whereby fearless faith -- the ordained power of love -- will increasingly neutralize the faithless fear behind the inordinate love of power in 2012. Pray for discernment on these core 2012 issues.
May the
pure intention
your prayers
So 'RE-MIND' and 'BE-KIND'.
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