2013 Foresight
You are among a select Group of souls
who won the lottery to be here, on
this planet, at this time!
The prize not only ensures you a front row seat but also the
to co-create the future of the human race.
This is a time to remember.”
~ Dr. Christine Page
Spectrum Conscience
All bands of the
perceptual spectrum co-create Shift Happens☺
To appreciate this
shift, understand
light language
Executive Blue
Judicial Gold
Lovely Pink
Healing Green
Frequency Violet
~~~~~~~~~ The gifts of 2013 have been many – all things considered. To count one’s blessings is to reflect on highlights of the past as will illumine encouraging opportunities for 'The Blessing'. It is an attitude of gratitude in the present that gifts the future by releasing the emotional charge latent in past fears.
original, literal meaning of “apocalypse” (Greek) is not destruction
but "lifting of the veil" or "revelation”, the disclosure of secrets
hidden from the majority of humanity” A new dawn at the cusp of Aquarius is rapidly initiating a revelation revolution in the consciousness of global humanity. Luminaries worldwide are waking from the former prevailing paradigm paralysis as though from the dark night of the soul. See what the world's leading experts on the Mayan calendar have to say regarding "THIS TIME".
Expectation and anticipation of more light to come The future is what we make it, and the greater one’s prevailing awareness of a future that we all aspire to, the more likely that such a future will become a self-fulfilling prophecy. End Times? Or New Beginning? The Great Cycles converging now my well portend the end of the world as we have known it, a world dominated by violence, greed and corrupt institutions whose love of power eclipses the power of love. Instead of predicting a physical destruction of the material world, the prophecy may refer to death and rebirth as a mass inner transformation that resurrects the power of love in the prevailing conscience of the Family of Man. Metamorphosis... Phoenix Rising... Shift Happens☺ Most people have change blindness, a proven psychological phenomena as that short video link reveals. They don’t realize how the shift to a new consciousness is accelerating through to Winter Solstice of 2011, when a Great Cycle will culminate five 5,125-year cycles. Those dates, given to the Mayans about 25 centuries ago, speak of this time when our solar system spirals into the Galactic Plane of the Milky Way, a unique alignment with the Galactic Field, a Field that like a beam radiates forth from the Great Central Sun at the heart of our galaxy.
This is
not a battlefield; it’s a
unified field
of enlightened Conscience Prepare the field
"Be ready for love when it does come.
This new dimensional shift will translate to different unified field experiences for different souls, but it has certain initiations or “testings” that will be common to all souls. The business of evolution is about to take a quantum leap with this new currency of conscience at the heart of the Next Economy.
Earth is
getting charged with a “light” that is Mass awakening changes everything. There’s no going back to conscience-challenged support of institutionalized ignorance and the organized greed that profits from war and disease. That’s insanely retro. Who with a well-rounded conscience would want that! We have a choice now. That choice was gifted in 2013 if you were paying attention. If you haven’t unwrapped that gift yet, pay intention with pure intention. There will be no security for any of us without pure intention of, by and for ALL of us – an unprecedented win/win that has one singular characteristic:
Linking the light of global Netizens – world citizens -- in a new Those who don't connect the dots to the big picture of the Big Shift -- the majority with change blindness -- will not see the natural progression of the computer/Internet revolution to the InnerNet rEVOLUTION in higher consciousness until it goes mainstream in our social networks. For them, it will be like trying to understand someone's explanation of the Internet before the Internet.
this case, the dynamics of conscious evolution are Enlightened souls understand that there is no good reason for self-destruction of global civility. A civilization that continues to create and manage war and disease for profit – while expecting different results -- is suffering from collective insanity. But that too shall pass... and SOON.
Collective sanity and mass healing
is our divine destiny. Those who are conscientious in their pure intention to pay attention to the future ordained for this unprecedented time will be empowered to make a difference with the power of choice... to help establish the emerging blueprint for a golden age.
The greatest power we have is in optimal free-will choice. As our Solar System moves into this new Field of the Galactic Plane, a cosmic intelligence of a Higher Power is matriculating the matrix of energies for conscious awakening to the full portents of Cosmic LOVE in ways that our primitive sciences have yet to grasp.
In the
collective unconscious of humanity, Science has revealed that 90% of what was once called “junk DNA” is actually like tuning fork transceivers that receive subtle energies from cosmos which resonate into the DNA blueprint of the whole body.
is the blueprint for every cell of the body, The evolution of life and consciousness on Earth has naturally evolved with the resonant frequencies of cosmic intelligence as can be well understood in the series of short YouTube videos -- a profound lecture --beginning with http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jEyZFbkvJjw . God has methods:)
In the
collective subconscious of humanity, This has been another huge revelation “highlight” of the year 2013… that the highly decentralized nature of the instant-everywhere and interactive Internet is culturing a new social conscience that is challenging the collective ego in highly centralized self-serving institutions as never before. That collective ego has co-opted core social institutions for profit and control by a relative few at the expense of the social purpose for which our social institutions were created.
In the
prevailing conscious awareness of humanity, Netizens worldwide have been experiencing the virtual omniscience, omnipresence and omnipotent power to know better and do better, and a new prevailing conscience is breaking through the breakdown in core institutions. Self-evident solutions are gaining traction, reaching a critical mass that sees the full potential of our new all-connected global village.
In the
collective superconscious of humanity, A new Common Sense of social cooperation and altruism is obviously a challenge to those love-challenged momentums that profit from war and disease. Stock market metrics indicating a good economy based on the promise of future wars and disease are banrupt. No soul will escape the “Judgment” as a final "life review" whereby one’s choices become one’s own final judgment.
will either choose to unite for the purpose ordained, Yes beloved, there are laws that we are all accountable for. Get over it – over the top. Political correctness won’t save you. Paper money won’t save you. Disease care insurance won’t save you. And spin-doctored corporate media won’t save you.
Only the
full Presence of Great L O V E in The Power of LOVE becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy in your world to the extent that you make choices that are self-correcting for self-elevation of a salvation nature.
Self-governing sovereignty for global Netizens What we all aspire to at the heart of the emerging blueprint for a golden age is TLC of a global nature. An ethical standard for cyberEthics with “TLC” is becoming the prevailing awareness of global Netizens who also see the path to TeLeComm for TeLeConscience at the heart of social networked TeLeCommunities, TeLeCommerce and TeLeCare – free-online universal self care that provides self-perfecting database standards for the analysis, prevention and treatment of disease.
The power of
an ethical standard for global
goes around, comes around.
The last
frontier of freedom for global Netizens is the InnerNet at the heart
of the Internet, the gateway “portal” from cyberspace to innerspace.
This is the interactive interface for mass-to-mass
that nurtures cultural DNA with the Holy Spirit of
As the
veil thins on the accelerated 2013 timeline, Culturing the frequency of the holy spirit of Cosmic LOVE, as in frequently, is the natural consequence of an interactive web 3.0 interface for culturing social conscience at the heart of current web 2.0 social networks.
It is
currency of conscience that provides My appeal to all Lightbearers, Lightweavers and LOVEmakers is to link the light of Lightworkers who share this vision of the emerging blueprint for a golden age.
The best
way to transform and transcend Within the context of accelerating change, the only permanent condition for each soul is the intelligence at the heart of eternal progression. This is the intelligence of the Aquarian Dispensation – mass awakening as smart with a heart.
LOVE of Aquarius is bringing freedom to Take heart. We go to where we are coming from. We are what we conceive, having become what we conceived. We are what we believe, having become what we believed. And we are what we achieve, having become what we achieved.
Consider the full portents of this opportunity with Unwrap the gifts of Christ-like mass awakening. Re-member or otherwise become one with the core message of the Piscean Dispensation – that LOVE is for giving… not forgetting. And get with the program – the Aquarian Dispensation of freedom in LOVE.
Seize the
Vision -- pure intention for
Unity Conscience. In the cosmic scheme of personal and planetary evolution, this is an unprecedented time with extraordinary opportunity for all souls to win stripes for their ascension. Make it so! ~ Christos
If you have a recent Mac laptop you aren’t using,
The higher the
concept of LOVE in form and frequency, the greater the results
We are
what we think,
having become what
we thought - the habit of our
prevailing conscious intention and
attention in a net or web of global love;
a golden pink light that weaves the fabric of
global space/time with the relative spirit that matters
as the angels of our best nature find enough willing hearts
for evolutionary ascension of Net reality on Earth as in Cosmos.
The veil of separation is rapidly
thinning on the 2012 timeline.
The illusory sense that materialism is more real than
spirit that matters is rapidly loosing traction globally.
The instant-everywhere and interactive Internet
has now succeeded to the point where the
power of love in our social networks is
culturing a new social conscience
that knows the meaning of a
unity in community and
with greater
Thoughtform for the Turning of Cycles, 2010--2011
Christ-like Mass
Conscience is Going Global
Divine LOVE is more than just a
It's a choice for a new Conscience
at the heart of the Family of Man.
The new currency of conscience
is more about faith with new eyes
rather than seeing with old beliefs.
The world as we've known it has changed profoundly, but who among us
just what the New World will look like when we finally wake to realize that
we are all responsible for the change we have all been waiting for?
If we put our heads together with enlightened self interest,
we can define, refine, combine-synergize and shine
our gifts and talents by linking the light of a
higher conscience of Higher Power
at the heart of the Net reality
empowering wisdom
with Aquarian