The Festival of Lights is Upon Us.
Highlights of the year are celebrated.
Aquarian Love is the dispensation
as birthing of Christ is consecrated.
Affirmations of faith are remembered.
Holy purpose transcends mediocrity.
Heaven knows it's time for mass birthing
of Christ-like ascent, the opportunity.
The 2nd Coming is clearly upon us.
The Big Shift of cosmos ordains it.
Eternal life is an on-going process
and LOVE now simply re-frames it.
2009 Christmas Letter to All
It's been quite a year here in
Paradise Valley Montana and in our global village.
is what Christhood does." I realize that it is far easier to gump my way through life with stupid as a side-kick, but the fruits of that are stupid. We're known by our associates and who (or what) we associate with. That's why I'm writing you - the nearest and dearest -- who at least tolerate my proclivity for enlightened self interest. Christ would save the world. I guess the mind of Christ can't think of anything better to do. Some things just don't change. Christ in you would save the world too! Always would - all ways will. It's a Christhood thing.
What an idea! Imagine it going mainstream... Adoration of the Christ child has always been a core message at Christmas. The birthing of the mind of Christ within us -- individually and collectively -- is the pure intention of this adoration. Such adoration is, at heart, divine LOVE. Obviously there are no human solutions to human problems. There are only divine solutions to human problems. Human solutions only compound the problem, which is where Christhood comes in as a soulution -- the quintessential light-as-conscience that lighteth every soul that comes into the world.
A mature conscience forgives a multitude of sins Those who aspire to such mastery know how the mind of Christ-like intelligence works -- the mind that knows the meaning of LOVE as a frequency... as in frequently.
The holy spirit of LOVE-in-action
is the frequency of Now is that time prophesied when great light will awaken many souls unto their divine destiny in the image and likeness of Christ -- the 2nd Coming in our heart and minds... en masse. The emerging blueprint for a golden age reflects and perfects this heart-mind connection ALL WAYS.
The pure in heart know this intuitively - the Spirit that matters. 2009 has been a great year for BIG changes. The Earth is going through BIG changes on the accelerated 2012 timeline. Human consciousness is going through BIG changes with a massive dimensional shift in the quantum field of galactic energies. The portents for global rEVOLUTION are self-evident. Ready or not, all souls on Earth will be affected. The first principle for a global rEVOLUTION in higher consciousness is not a mystery when known. It may yet be the common sense that's uncommon, but COMMON SENSE sparked the American Revolution, and a new COMMON SENSE is going global. We're all in this together - revelation rEVOLUTION. A New Conscience is emerging with the Spirit that matters. Call it "judgment time" or just the end of stupid times as we have known them. Stupid is retro. Once a soul is enlightened, there's no going back to stupid.
The Divine Destiny of Earth awaits your participation. The web of light is the web of conscience that sustains Mother Earth. The Mother of all Networks -- the Internet -- has now matured with the potential for birthing Christ Mass Conscience -- an enlightened social conscience in our instant-everywhere and interactive social networks.
Mass-to-mass TeLeComm with LOVE
is not just possible. I'm grateful to give as I've been given. I'm thankful for all who have helped. 2009 has been an awesome year for outpicturing a comprehensive vision of the Next Big Thing in the computer/Internet rEVOLUTION.
By the grace of Christ-like conscience in our global social media, The gift that keeps on giving is the top line that runs through to our bottom line - the Next Economy -- and I need your help in this regard. Culturing Christ-like mass-to-mass consciousness is a gift you can give to make it so. Pure intention will increase attention for evolutionary ascension.
What goes around comes around - please forward this for love to all. Ask what Christ would do for lack of anything better to do.
Ask yourself what vision is most valuable for global healing at this
time. The frequency of Collective Love is the 2nd Coming in our hearts
Claim the victory of the "LOVE Frequency"
on Earth as in Cosmos.
Become a "Keeper
of Cosmic LOVE.
Keep on Keeping on, Gifting and Re-Gifting the
Gift the gift that is all ways for giving in the Spirit of Christ-like
Christ above and so below,
All Ways