Love will Prevail, Christopher Rudy Editor, GeoNotes News Publisher, HEARTcom Network Host, Comic LOVE Radio Talk Show Author, Emerging Blueprint for a Golden Age
“8” as the
universal symbol of “as above , so below
and the nexus where they meet is the point where
infinite and
eternal order
of the universe
the fully conscious
in the here
and now BEING
of, by & for the spirit
that matters.
"LAWgiver" as higher mental discernment framing "universal RIGHTS" ();"Squaring the Circle" via "Geometrically Ordered Divinity" (G.O.D.~LOVE);
"RIGHT" thinking qualified along more enlightened "lines" of ---.To “OVE” with ALL your mind… (pay attention)- Language of LVE as the frequency of kindness among mankind;"LOVEgiver” as heart intelligence of a "well-ROUNDED nature" ();"Circle of Wholeness" as one's spherical (holistic) cmeasurement;"Unconditional LVE" qualified by a nonlinear spirit (between the “lines”).To “LVE” with ALL your heart… (pure intention)
- Synthesis of aw & LVE language in all 4-quad ’s of wholness; "MARRIAGE" of the + archetypes of "Alpha-Omega" (Father-Mother);"Balance" (nexus) in the figure “8” flow of conditional∞unconditional + ;“Higher Conscience” up rising via balanced power, wisdom and love.To “LOE” with ALL your soul… ( Ascension current)
- The whol- vision that is greater than the sum of + + parts; “INTEGRITY” as the integration of 4-D components to 5-D Self-Mastery; “Higher Power of Love” spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically. “5-D Capstone” as the whle point of personal & planetary rEVOLUTION.And to “LOV” thy instant-everywhere “neighbor” as thyself.~~~~~~
-- above all -- is for giving.
To love with all your heart and all your mind and all your strength
and your Netizen neighbor in our global village as thyself.Networking for the Net worth of Net reality that
cultures the Power of Love at the heart of
the HEARTcom Network™"Man can harness the winds, the waves and the tides,
but when he can harness the power of love,
then for the second time in the history of the world,
man will have discovered fire."
~ Teihard de Chardin
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all "Rights" Well-Rounded