Heartcom Network
Labor Day, 9-1-14
Creating the Future - A Time of Testing
The 2014 Shift from Full Spectrum
Dominance to Liberation
The best way to predict the future is to create it.
Christopher Rudy
Host of Cosmic LOVE
Preface Note:
I've worked on this article the last week under
difficult global
astrology/psychology (video) that I'm sure many sensitive souls have
been feeling. This is a time of serious testing in both personal
relationships and global dynamics as this video explains well, even for
"astrology" (The Field)
amateurs. For those who have a passion for solutions to the world crisis that threatens war and economic collapse, you may find this article on 'Testing Time' to be both helpful and hopeful. Sometimes we don't self-correct old unproductive habits or relationships until we go through severe testing. This is true for nations as well as individuals. The 2014 'healing crisis' is at a critical stage of shift in global dynamics. Many hearts and minds are uniting to 'hold the balance' for conscious evolution of a more enlightened nature. May you pass every test during this 'Testing Time'. ~CR |
If you are still alive, it's not."
~ Sir Francis Bacon
In the previous article,
Healing the Health Care System
the power of belief was explained as more powerful than
drugs. This placebo effect has been shown to empower
a sugar pill or unproven drug to be effective when belief
in the remedy conveys expectation of results as believed.
shaman and native healers throughout millennia, and we
can see the same dynamics at work in the Global Mind.
real with the focus of one's own intention and attention.
This research has shown how the mere observation of a
quantum experiment will mysteriously effect the outcome.
the external authority that conveys our expectation that it
represents our core freedoms and justice, even when it
has been corrupted by powerful special interests with a
vested interest in full spectrum dominance of
our lives.
but when the natural right to own one's own life, learning,
health and PEACE is overruled by an external agenda of
full spectrum dominance, that "BS" (Belief
System) will
either be exposed and neutralized or it will be a challenge
to our most cherished beliefs in the healing
power of love.
In the larger scheme of belief in
our conscious evolution,
love of the truth leads to the truth of universal
is the genesis of a full spectrum
that liberates the
InnerNet heart
"Man can harness the winds, the waves and the tides,
but when he can harness the power
of love,
then for the second time in the history of the world,
man will have discovered fire."
Teihard de Chardin
The whole world that we conceive and believe as 'real' is
the world we co-create in 'The Field' of the
Global Mind.
This is the quantum field reality of unity in global diversity
whereby we all achieve what we
conceive and believe,
considering the Natural Law
governing all manifestation.
population control becomes highly profitable for the power elite?
first billionaires who became the first trillionaires who financed
a system of stealth ownership and control of power systems
ranging from Big Oil, Big Banks, Big Pharma, Big Media and
Government that has become militarized to force their agenda
of full spectrum dominance
for power over people rather than
enlightened full spectrum
conscience of, by and for all people.
To appreciate the virtue of
full spectrum liberation of our conscience,
understand the psychopathic agenda of
full spectrum dominance
this powerful recent speech by the world renown journalist Chris Hedges.
like a physician diagnosing some deep disease."
Walt Whitman, "Democratic Vistas
initiating the Aquarian
Dispensation of Freedom-in-.
in geometric form
and in frequency (heart
as in frequently,
the greater the results with
heartware cyberEthics
for the whole-holistic-holy
Consider that the Family of Mankind in our
global village has
reached the turning point of
conscious evolution 'revolution'
whereby our new instant-everywhere and interactive Internet
is transforming dominance agendas with liberation agendas.
To achieve liberating conscious evolution in
social networks
we must naturally conceive and believe the process whereby
mass-to-mass interaction through
frequently at the
of our Net reality through
holy spirit
of our conscious liberation.
Consider what a
full spectrum conscious evolution process
will look like when a
universal standard for
cultures ‘TLC’
at the heart of our interactive social networks:
TeLeCare (holistic
e-care) and
as universally represents the
standard at the heart of The
in global social networks,
with social conscience,
with universal
self care, and
with ‘cyberEthics’.
is the high tech
high touch
vision of
culturing more light-as-consciousness;
for interaction as will
gather the tribes of
‘IS REAL’ who will
realize (real eyes) how
liberation of
with the universal
law language of
will effectively culture global civility
in the name and flame of the
same torch of global enlightenment.
all-connected social networks has brought us
to this revelation.
We all create the future in our own way, and a united way
evolving conscientious common sense with light
has the power to reboot "AMERICA"
(I AM RACE anagram) for
a global 'United
all of "US"
of Earth).
So Seize the Vision, Embrace the Virtue, Network with
and Claim the Victory of the
InnerNet: the
heart of the
InnerNet Technology (IT)
will harness the power
of love
for social conscience in our global social networks.
Conceive IT and
believe IT to
achieve IT
Make It So!
universal law language at the heart
of global
World Netizens will thrive with the currency of
conscience that
prevents wars, heals disease, and
cultures prosperity with the
enlightened policies that serve the foundation for global peace.
"Carpe diem! Rejoice while you are alive; enjoy the day;
live life to the fullest; make the most of what you
It is later than you think."
~ Horace