Out of a global population of 7.2 billion, the following chart shows
that almost 4 billion global Netizens are now
connecting to the
Internet for an experience with the ‘Global
Mind’ that will naturally
mature with a
interface for mass-to-mass

The core issue for culturing local and global
real community
rather than “pseudo” (virtual) community is the
heart coherence
distinguishing true unity in our diversity. This is the ‘gold
standard’ for the
currency of
conscience that will culture the Next Economy with
the next generation of the computer/Internet revolution:
“Conscience is the most sacred of all property.”
~ Chief Architect of the Constitution and
4th U.S. President, James Madison
Deep Shift
"There has never been a time on Earth like we see today. What we
need are
more ways
to experience our interconnectedness - it is a precursor to
love. So in this quickening light, with the dawn of each new day, let us
for love. Let us no
longer struggle. Let us ever become who we most want
to be. As we begin to
be who we truly are, the world will be a better place."
~ John Denver
are two primary choices in life:
to accept conditions as they
or accept the responsibility
for changing them."
Denis Waitley
Co-Creation of, by and for a
United State on Earth
the ability to respond –
response ability.
Without well-formed choice in our social networks,
freedom and opportunity for all are compromised.
why pure intent for unity in global diversity is
the heart of conscientious common sense which is
the genesis of
Neutrality Reality to
make it so!
does not take a majority to prevail ...
but rather an irate, tireless minority,
keen on setting brushfires of freedom
in the minds of men.”
Samuel Adams
Serious readers of my
news overviews
since January are aware of major changes in global civilization
that have been accelerating dramatically the last few years.
Numerous signs of the times now indicate that the SHIFT is
about to hit the ‘fan’ as the ‘brush fires’ in the minds of mankind
go mainstream in 2014. See: ‘From
Arab Spring to Global Spring’.
We’re headed for DEEP SHIFT...
if you get my drift:)
highly recommend that you keep your sense of humor and occasionally
rejoice that you are alive at this time of emerging global
civilization BEYOND the
paradigm paralysis that causes so
much 'stinking thinking' in the mainstream media mind control
might have to read that twice… and don’t click on the link at
paradigm paralysis unless you want
a good check up from the neck up... overcoming the “energy
veil” (e-veil as evil)… and upgrading your understanding of
collective humanity waking up to a global village of
instant-everywhere and interactive
capabilities with free online ‘Universal
Self Care’ for the Family of Mankind.
Countries that heavily restricted Internet access in 2013:

course, the whole world is under surveillance now,
but responsible social conscience self-corrects any
and all pathological psychopathic policies.
Scientific studies have shown that
silent meditation
creates harmony and order in our collective consciousness.
Imagine what will happen with the global mind of humanity when
a universal interface for mass-to-mass
heart coherence
to evolve mind congruence,
hearts and minds with social
conscience in our social networks.
Responsibility for social conscience in social networks in today’s
reality requires
response ability… the ability
to respond in a way that is consistent with global mass-to-mass
interaction capabilities.
Overcoming Evil (previous article)
requires responsibility for good.
Naturally, mass-to-mass interaction of a dozen or million Netizens responding
to the same video at the same time requires a universal interface.
And the more universal that interface is with
quantum science in archetypal ‘Language
of Consciousness’ terms, the more that
interface will involve and evolve our individual and
collective conscience with conscientious common sense…
A Unity State
for the
of Earth.
Without well-formed choice, all our other freedoms are compromised.
No amount of ‘corporate personhood’ with unlimited corporate funding
of political campaigns will improve public responsibility and
accountability as long as Big Banks, Big Oil, Big Pharma, Big Media
and Big War corporations are in collusion with Big Government to
protect their profits and power by keeping informed choice FROM the
people rather than
“of, by and for the people”…
Common Sense of One Earth with One Allegiance
for Self-Correcting, Self Healing Self Governance with
a Universal Interface for Global

Family of Mankind in a global village;
a ‘Unity State’
and ‘Universal Solidarity’
of, by and for “US”
(United Sovereigns),
the global-connected Netizens of Earth.
Raising the Standard for a United State of:
Universal Rights + Public
Sphere = Co-Creating: Global TeLeComm
All 'Rights' (
Well 'Rounded' (
) and
'Synergized' (
for wholEness (
with the five typology
archetypes of
Obviously, the future is what we make it. Let the past
be past. The fully present NOW is how we contribute to
the global evolution revolution (rEVOLUTION)
in conscientious common sense as benefits 100% of
Way back in horse-and-buggy
days, it It took 13 years from the 1776 Revolution to
ratification of constitutional government for the United
States of America.
Today in the global Internet Age, the vision of virtue
and valor for the victory of global rEVOLUTION could
go mainstream in 13 weeks, before the end of 2014.
Whether or not this victory vision goes 'viral' or not
is up to the billions of global Netizens who are now
online; our new 'Net reality' - the 'Global
Mind' that is maturing as the 'United
Sovereigns of Earth'.
In the larger scheme of eternal progression
common law, patterns of perfection,
and common language for inspired direction
love within, so when we all enter in
we find a unity state with one
clear mandate:
we optimize unity or we're insensate.
Like no revolution in the past, the business of global
evolution will reinvent the evolution of business
models. Public serving interests will check and
balance self-serving corporate interests. This will
naturally evolve as social conscience matures in our
ubiquitous social networks.
The pure in heart will champion this evolution
revolution. If you KNOW in your heart-of-hearts that
global humanity is ready and willing, you have a CHOICE
to do better as much and as well as you know better.
Consider the personal/planetary benefits that come with
affirmation, confirmation, determination, integration
ratification of
Constitution of Conscience for mainstreaming the
power of
with the interactive
heartware interface for global conscious rEVOLUTION.
Networking for the Net worth of a
more enlightened Net reality
The power of
one person
in an ALL-connected world can make a difference if not
THE difference for accelerated conscious evolutionary
ascent in higher consciousness.
ONE PERSON could e-mail this
page link to one person who e-mails it to a list where
one person posts it on a large social network where one
serious Netizen champions this vision on a dozen social
media websites. It could go viral in a few weeks as an
alternative to WWIII insanity.
This is a good time to keep the faith in
a vision of virtue and valor for the
victory of mankind as kind men
in our new
global ‘country’.
“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility
of servitude better than the animating contest of
freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your
counsels or
Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your
chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget
ye were our countrymen.”
Samuel Adams (paraphrased
The 2014
Big Shift towards global ‘Common Sense’
is from secret
surveillance of public communications
to open
as cultures social conscience.
This is the
Big Shift from exclusion
to inclusion;
win/lose competition to win/win cooperation,
and from rigged 'closed systems' with little choice
to a free-open social networks with
Net neutrality.
This shift is from 'top-down' command and control
to 'bottom-up' grass-roots (Net roots) consensus.
It is from highly centralized one-way programming
to highly decentralized interactive social media.
is ‘attractive’ with a positive vision of evolution
rather than repulsive with negative revolving of
habits, and yet expecting positive change.
That’s a common definition of insanity, to do
we’ve always done yet expect different results.
We have all witnessed how the computer/Internet
revolution has externally represented the evolution of
‘less is more’ as mainframe computers morphed into
desk-top computers with the same power… and how desk-top
computers connected to global computers with the power
of the Internet… and how smart phones have combined the
former computing power of mainframe computers with the
power of the Internet. Now it’s time for ‘computing
with a heart’.
This now requires a more enlightened concept of
global TeLeComm
as now represents the
coherence standard at
the heart of The
in global social networks,
with social conscience,
with universal
self care, and
with ‘cyberEthics’...
Continued at:
Global Netizens of Earth Uniting!
Global freedom, opportunity and justice for all is
naturally at the
heart of the
whereby we
create the worldwide web we want.
Divided, its
win-lose; the 1% win and 99% lose.
United, its win-win; 100% of humanity benefits.
The bottom line in the 2014 ‘Big
Shift’ is
a natural function of the ‘top line’ vision of virtue
and valor for the victory of ‘The
Alliance’ of alliances on the Global Network of
This requires global Net
in order for Net reality to thrive.
Someone has to do it:)
You have freedom and opportunity to qualify,
magnify and optimize freedom and opportunity for ALL of
of Earth.
It’s your world, your life…
Make It So!

Global TeLeComm