Socrates is
famous for saying, "Know
thyself. The unexamined life is not worth living. To find yourself,
think for yourself. Education is the kindling of a flame, not the
filling of a vessel. Strong minds discuss ideas, average minds
discuss events, weak minds discuss people."
The same applies for global civilization, now emerging with surging social conscience in our instant-everywhere and interactive global social networks. This larger 'Self' -- The Global Mind -- is worth knowing, and strong minds will kindle that flame as cultured by the 'Language of the Angels' (heart coherence) at the heart of the 'Law of the Angles' (Geometric Ordered Divinity). A Univeral Law-Language Frame of Reference for Global Holistic Healing As you can hear at 'Cosmic LOVE ' (for June 28, 2014), I interviewed Dr. Carl Calleman regarding his prescient book, The Global Mind and The Rise of Civilization. See also, Chapter 12 of Emerging Blueprint for a Golden Age for more on 'THE GLOBAL MIND'. There are some very enlightened and compelling ideas in Dr. Calleman recent books.
first novel idea about the rise of civilization in many
Social science historian Arnold J. Toynbee (1889-1975) is famous for
showing how 19 of the 21 great world civilizations
self-destructed for lack of the spirit that matters,
a united social conscience that holds the fabric of civility
together. It was Toynbee who showed how civilizations rise
with abundant spirituality that creates abundant prosperity
which leads to materialism, corruption and their demise. 'The Global Mind' by Dr. Calleman gives new insight into the cosmic cycles and quantum field resonance in our DNA. Could it be that this morphic field is the cause of morphogenetic mutation of our DNA that affects consciousness and civilization? The rise of global civilization now and hope for the future is served well by your understanding of the dynamics shaping global conscious evolution. |
This reality may be disturbing to many Americans as are the portents
of global economic reset and war on a global scale.
But the systemic problem has made the
systemic solution urgent as well as 'Self' evident to the higher
The timely test
that's best for global civilization is to get past the fearsome 'dweller on
the threshold of Self and Civilization'. We don't unlock the
GLOBAL TREASURY without the key to the
KINGdom Conscience where ALL
are sovereign
'K.IN.G.' with the "Keys
to the INner Sense of
A global village of universal RIGHTS- |
Unveiling the
universal gold standard; heart
coherence with
for valuation of the 'global treasury'...
Revealing the
1st principle of 'atONEment'
personal and
is for
Integrating Divine
Direction of the "CAPstone"
Ascent Process)
at the heart of the
'5D Shift'
for both 'Self' and 'Civilization'...
Centering and connecting our highest and best gifts,
talents, and “Source Resource”
Fulfilling the
Great Law of Spirit
that Matters;
what goes around
comes around from beginning to end and new beginnings.
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() It's like the eye of the hurricane. When you are centered and connected with the spirit that matters, there is relative calm and discernment of spirits, whether negative or positive. But when we lose that cool, calm and collected center within, we get caught up in the swirl of faithless fear that negates fearless faith. |
So Think for Yourself, Keep the Faith and Co-Create
with Divine
Order at the Heart of 'The Global Mind'.
All Ways
~ Christopher
"To understand the nature of God, it is necessary only
know the nature of love itself.
To truly know love is to know and understand God;
to know God is to understand love."
~ Dr. David R. Hawkins, "The
Eye of the I" (pg. 88)