Jan. 4-5 / 1st Full Moon of 2015
atONEment for 'atonement'
Decoding the Mysteries of
Divinity ~
for Co-Creation with 'Creator'
Previous article: 'Paradigm Shift in 2015'
The world, as senior adults have known it, has rapidly changed with new instant-everywhere and interactive Internet abilities. Young adults didn't experience this massive paradigm shift but will more likely look forward to its meaning in their future. You can only expect mass responsibility for our future with greater response ability consistent with Internet capabilities. Interactive mass-to-mass communication requires a universal interface that represents the language of consciousness. Global humanity is thus returning to its 'roots' in conscious evolution with understanding of universal principles as common archetypes within ancient and modern maps of consciousness. In modern psychology, pioneered by Carl Jung, it is revealed
how the collective mind of humanity is represented throughout history by
repeating patterns (maps) of consciousness seen in dream symbolism, religious
ritual structures, astrology geometry, alchemy formulas, design of cultural
artifacts, systems of government and those core processes of consciousness that
define creative learning with a conscience. In Christian mysticism, there
are numerous references to the '4-square gospel' and 'New Jerusalem'
depicted as the 'City Foursquare'. These all refer to the same
archetypal pattern geometrized by the ' Spirit
(fire) ~ Mind (air) ~
(water) ~ Physical (earth) In New Age mysticism, advanced by Theosophy and teachings of the Ascended Masters, the same 4-sided archetype is referred to as the most powerful thought-form in the universe and the key to ascension of the planet. In native cultures worldwide, we see the same archetypal mandalas of Christian mysticism and modern psychology as seen in Hopi and Tibetan sand paintings, the Mayan calendar, and Aztec and Hopi symbols on pottery and weavings. Native Americans had a language for the four archetype 'codes' that represent the four 'powers' or 'spirits' that are represented holographically throughout all creation. |
In the
model of universal archetypes, there are
4 'directions' towards the same centered and
"CAPstone" (Creative
Ascent Process) representing
conscious evolution via "Great
Spirit" (Power
of Love)
for global power shift
towards wholEness
Etheric blueprint
via Law of the
holistic holographic wholEness.
Mental framing
via Law of Two-in-
polarity versus divisive
via Law of the "Thr
synergy of the trinity.
via Law of the Four-in-
Hermetian Matrix
4 wholEness.
quantum science of the
source field, it is known that
energy 'forces' -- right
dynamic (),
round magnetic (
-- are all integrated
to geometrize the fractal
order of the holographic
universe as represented in the brain
'holodeck' as "processes of
consciousness" (light language).
The True Test of Spirituality is
Integrated Practicality
The Key to Worldwide Enlightenment
Integration of ALL the Archetypal Keys
for WholEness and Holistic Healing via
for Global TeLeComm.
Global TeLeComm and 'The TLC Project'
Since the best way to predict the
future is to create it,
predictive modeling will ideally see 2015 manifest
a holistic whole systems approach to systemic
with more TLC
of an archetypal
Cultural DNA for
Global TeLeComm
Networking for the Net worth of
a more Enlightened Net reality
Linking the Light of Conscience
with the Language of Light
May the light on your path in 2015
lead to atONEment and wholEness.
And may your health be optimal with
~ 'Dr.