Evolution of Heartware Series

The 'Power Shift' Chart
Christopher Rudy © 1997 (graphic origin)
Upgraded intro copy: 1-1-2025

     Imagine the graphic below in 3-D with the center being the top of a ‘cone’,
  a spinning vortex of energy that is a "gateway" (portal) as the ‘
Creative Ascent Process) that -- in time (4-D) -- spirals you higher into
a centered-and-connected
5-D CONSCIENCE… the V5 Vision of Virtue
Valor as Vows for the Victory of pure intention and focused attention
love’s retention for conscious ascension in a unified field dimension
of full spectrum comprehension whereby the golden rule always

 Note that the outer circle is the 'outer world'
and the inner circle is within you.

The negative spin of the ‘outer world’ is a downward spiral; devolution.
The positive upward-mobile clockwise spin of the inner circle is
the Creative Ascent Process at the centered heart of our
individual and collective evolutionary ascent 'home'
 with enlightened social conscience - Web 3.0,
co-creating Effective Sensory Perception.

 Shift HappensJ

To better read the words in the dark blue area, see the lighter version at