Understanding the computer/Internet revolution...
Software-driven 'process' empowers personal computingFirst Wave: Hardware-driven 'product' empowers corporate computing
Second Wave:
There's extraordinary opportunity here for those tech leaders who would qualify the trend towards
"OPEN SYSTEMS" along more enlightened "lines" that frame the constitution of universal law and the language of consciousness at the heart of a process - The Heartware Project - that involves and evolves a worldwide standard for TLC cyberEthics... 'Education of the Heart' (TeLeConscience)... 'Wisdom of the Crowd' (TeLeComm 'cloud')... 'Whole Systems Healing' (Global TeLeCare)... and an 'Economics of Abundance' (TeLeCommerce), based on abundant TLC.The cause and core solution to
endless war insanity is ultimately in
relationships of relevance and core reverence of, by and for the
first principles
framing cultural DNA at the
of our
Net reality;
a universal law/language interface for
mass-to-mass TeLeComm;
global TLC at the heart of the Worldwide
Christos Lightweaver
And with HEARTware
at the Heart of it...
HEARTware Vision
Since its 9-9-99 inception, a singular vision - The Network is Conscious - has advanced the 33 year trendfitting of a universal law model of cyberEthics (HEARTware) as will define, refine and combine (synergize) the hardware, software and netware infrastructure of our global village... raising the standard for "Net worth" through an interactive interface that cultures the frequency and form of cyberEthics --
the web of conscience -- at the heart of the TeLeComm processes that shape our consciousness and and community... qualifying "open systems" with real-time biofeedback, psychefeedback and self-regulating checks and balances in all four archetypal "POWERSHIFT" dimensions of learning organizations.TAKE
Next Big Thing in the I-Net Revolution
News Release / HEARTcom Services, May 1, 2003
An entirely new paradigm in search engines
is preparing to take on google
as the definitive tool for finding and organizing information. Based on a
frame of reference that utilizes pure geometry and Jungian archetypes, HEARTware defines and refines the laws and language of consciousness
with a process of "information's ecology", recycling
general knowledge
in the way that geometrizes specific wisdom. Utilizing
exquisite metaphor
for the most valued virtues at the heart of universal maps of consciousness
that provide coordinates for "global" searches, HEARTware will involve
and evolve our individual and collective consciousness along enlightened 'lines'
that frame context and meaning within any communications community.
HEARTcom Services Director, Christopher Rudy, says
the Next Big Thing in the computer-Internet revolution will
thus integrate the core
hardware, software and netware infrastructure of the global 'neural-net
with the heartware that qualifies whol spirit at
the heart of that 'brainware'.
The result is not only a higher standard for 'Know Thy Self' (
but also
-Health (heal-thy self),
-Learning (higher conscience),
(universal sovereignty), and
(Net worth).
According to Rudy, "Earth is at a key turning
point" -
that transformative stage where local/global dissonance and division needs
to be harmonized and healed with an interactive 'TeLeComm' (TLC) interface
that integrates the 'mind of G.O.D.' (Geometry Ordered Divinity) with heart
compassion. This gateway portal from cyberspace to innerspace will empower
transitioning from the economics of scarcity to an economics of
abundance that integrates divine order with divine love at the heart of the
communication processes that shapes our consciousness and community.
Bottom line
The greatest need in this Information Age of "info-overload" is a process for organizing all information IN FORMATION... along more enlightened "lines" that frame e-valuation criteria for "heart-centric" Net worth; computing with a heart (high touch high tech). The more information we have, the greater is the need to get it all in order... in the spirit of the "law" of OPEN SYSTEMS. I'll share with you an in-depth, chain-reaction (idea virus) masterplan that is the masterkey to OPENING all our social, political and economic institutions to 4th Wave virtues. There's a story here that is whole enough and bold enough that when told enough... you can define, refine and combine (synergize) the expectation and anticipation of a wholly new industry at the heart of the computer/Internet revolution. If you don't take response ability -- now that you have the ability to respond -- who will? Pay attention cause attention pays here. Indeed, higher conscious attention is the core currency at the heart of the Next Economy... you'll see. It's the law of free will in practical spirituality... that where we focus our attention is where our "worth-ship" and valuation is... the core commodity of commeasurement with value... that in ultimate terms is ultimate virtue of, by and for divine love... God. So realize that the ultimate product is thus a process that takes e-valuation to the highest level of conscious awareness of God-Love in frequency and higher mental form. So as I said... "Pay attention. Attention pays." New standards for a wholly new "Next Economy". The Next Big Thing in the computer/Internet revolution. If you connect the dots, common sense would say so. But common sense is uncommon.
There's extraordinary opportunity here for those tech leaders who would qualify the trend towards "OPEN SYSTEMS" along more enlightened "lines" that frame the constitution of universal law and the language of consciousness at the heart of a process that involves and evolves a worldwide standard for cyberethics.
2006 > 2023
Positioning E-Valuation Criteria --
HEARTware -- along more Enlightened Lines;
- Networking
Vision of Spiritual
Virtues for the
Victory of Global and Local Civility;
- Framing Personalized
Gateways from Cyberspace to Innerspace
via HEARTware;
- Centering/Connecting a Higher Standard of
CyberEthics; the Heart of Net Worth;
- Involving/Evolving
Spherical~Spiritual 'high
touch' TeLeComputing with a Heart.
Seize the Vision (L), Embrace the Virtue (O), Make the Vow (V) and Claim the Victory (E)
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