Folks, it’s a month before we celebrate
in the Spirit of ’76.
Prepare for lift-off; evolutionary
'aHEAD of my Time'
Easter 1975 self portrait:
egg head in my egg rocker
June 4, 2022
Skip to the bottom for a special report
from the Master Hilarion and 7 Chohans
A Wondrous Time to Be Alive?
51 years ago, I had an
experience of ‘Cosmic Consciousness’ and went on a sacred pilgrimage –
the archetypal ‘Hero’s Journey’ (Joseph Campbell) – hitch-hiking to a
modern day school of the ancient mysteries.
I published that 1971 photo-journal account
This initiation on the
path ‘home’ (5D), blew my
mind – my 3D mind. If you ever hear of a better case of ‘cosmic
synchronicity’, let me know.
That experience
convinced me that there is a loving hand, higher power and wise dominion
behind the scenes of 3D mass illusion and ‘DUH’ (Dense, Unconscious &
Heartless). But only those who come up higher will appreciate the
difference between 3D ‘woke’ and 5D ‘awakened’.
In the meantime, there is an 3D => 5D via ‘4D’ (just in TIME).
Consider three good reasons why this is
It may be much different from what you expected
So ask
Is it true that the instant-everywhere and interactive Internet has
connected the Family of Mankind in a global village as never before in
Are you aware that a unified field of social conscience is maturing in
our all-connected global social networks?
Would you agree that a new common sense of enlightened ‘Net reality’ is
emerging for interactive Netizens worldwide?
Based on your response,
consider that… You are an enlightened Netizen when you: Wake Up to the
global CRISIS now challenging the Great Awakening to Aquarian
sensibilities. Wise Up to the holistic and systemic SOLUTION with a global rEVOLUTION in conscientious 'Common Sense' (unity in diversity; 'US' as United Sovereigns; 5D TLC, etc.) Rise Up with
affirmations of pure intention, confirmation with focused attention,
determination via love retention, integration for conscious ascension,
and consecration of the
5th dimension with
‘full spectrum comprehension’
(Effective Sensory
Spirit as: Aquarian
Three years after my 1971 ‘initiation’ (awakening), I found myself speaking to ten agencies of Fed-Gov on Capitol Hill. I was way ahead of my time, introducing a universal interface for mass-to-mass global interaction that would celebrate the '76 Bicentennial with a Space Age communications upgrade of five core Constitutional Freedoms. Keep in mind that this was two decades before the Internet Age.
That amazing experience in Washington DC
This last year I
Aquarian Book of
As food for thought, that’s quite a mouthful😋
Future ‘memory’ – as
ordained by divine order in the unified field continuum – wants to take
shape in the infinite and eternal here and now. So for the last 13 years
– on my
Most readers of my eclectic Heartcom Network newsletter are well aware of the core global dynamics with the 5D Aquarian Frequency Shift.
shift to Earth's deeper Aquarian relationship with the
Source Field is
raising the frequency to 5D - for equalibrium - in a
3D world where the ‘divisive dialectic’ (godless materialism of the Deep
State), resents and resists any ‘timeline adjustment’ (4D) to a 5D ‘High
State’ (Unity-in-Diversity), at the heart of the Aquarian dispensation
of Light Language and
Think about it folks. We
are witnessing the ‘Hero’s Journey’ on a global scale. The whole world
has gone through the Dark Night of the Soul – collective tyranny – and
is now awakening to the compelling opportunity for rapid upgrade of
Five Core Internet Freedoms. If ‘home’ is where your heart is, then take heart; we are all coming ‘home’ to the Aquarian 5th dimension of ‘full spectrum comprehension’ (Effective Sensory Perception).
‘home’ is a New Common Sense that is rather uncommon. What Thomas Paine
achieved with his wildly popular Common Sense - that sparked the American Revolution -
is now an accelerated global rEVOLUTION,
emphasizing 90% of the word.
heartware –
the next phase of the computer/Internet revolution after hardware,
software and netware - naturally
nurtures the healthy, holistic and otherwise holy spirit of Aquarian
The golden rule-law
language for every golden age is now matriculating the 3D matrix with 5D
frequencies ‘just in time’ (4D)… as in
frequently… with real-time interactive
heartware fulfilling the Great Law of
A truly wondrous time to be alive.
So what can YOU do?
Keep in mind the
CAPstone Vision – Creative
Process – at the
of personal and planetary transformation. As
the Aquarian veil thins, the light brigade of ‘white hat’ special forces
– lightworkers, lightweavers, lightservers, etc. – are raising their
frequencies of joy and
'KoF' (Keepers
Frequency) can always pray. The pure intention of
divine desire is often the prelude to focused attention on divine
revelations. And from
divine direction
– as in
frequently – builds
momentum for manifestation… easier and faster.
In the larger scheme of
quantum reality,
heart coherent
of the Angels
leads to
mind congruent Law of
the Angles via
Divinity’ (G.O.D.~
Are you a wounded healer? And upward
If so, consider joining the 'A Team' with THE 3-STEP 'AAA' PROGRAM (Accelerated Ascent Alliance):
1- Keep the Faith. 2- See the Good.
~~~~~~~~~ The Master Hilarian and 7 Chohans of the Rays