2020s Global Co-Creation Series
Christ mass
for 'Initiates'
Who would Initiate Aquarius
We Are the Media ~ Mediating Reality
As the light
of Aquarius surges,
the ICCC
(Deep State) purges
and a New
Media emerges
with response
ability for
governance of 'US'
United Sovereigns
of Earth.
Truth and Love is the Mediation Message.
is the Mediation Modality.
is the Key to Unity
via mediation
We shape our public-social common sense with
interactive social media communications
- mediating collective conscience
for wisdom of the crowd -
and then that modality of ‘community’
- for coming into unity -
shapes us…
“The Media Is The Message”
~ Marshall McLuhan
Mediating How We Think About
Conceive ‘IT’ and believe ‘IT’ to achieve ‘IT’;
The problem and challenge for REAL community-building in social networks
is unity building that resolves the divisive
dialectic which creates and manages cognitive dissonace and social
dystopia in 'virtual' or 'pseudo' community networks - Facebook,
YouTube, Twitter, etc. - that don't welcome REAL solutions nor
Those social media networks are compromised.
The solution is always ‘more light’ in terms of what the problem is – a
conscientious whole systems analysis – as recognizes common patterns for
a common sense of HOW we can empower the wisdom of
at the heart of ‘smart’ for optimal, holistic and systemic
The language of consciousness is the ‘Language of Light’ as an exquisite metaphor for a universal language that involves and evolves our individual and collective consciousness of HOW we are conscious – the creative learning process at the heart of conscientious evolutionary ascent; the Creative Ascent Process.
This is the CAPstone of Self Realization
Light language is biometric biomimicry of the natural processes of
consciousness as corresponds to the quadrants of one’s 3D brain field -
- from upper pituitary brain to lower reptilian brain, from left brain
linear logic to right brain intuitive knowing, and from forebrain
(foresight) to hind brain (hindsight).
This CUBE thus corresponds
to ‘cosmic’ Conscience:
A high state of
is our divine destiny,
This healthy-holy spirit is
what defines and
The wisdom of
is the wisdom of the ‘crowd’ or dot-pattern ‘cloud’ of real-time
whereby a thousand or million people can respond to the same video at
the same time with light language as represents collective
through a universal interface for global interaction;
Heartware CyberEthics.
Culturing general
enlightenment for our
ascension For those who know my story - from personal initiation 'On the Path'... to Ascended Master confirmation of 'The Lost Symbol'... you will more likely appreciate the organizing intelligence in the first principles of cosmic law that frames the Universal Interface. Some of you know the history of 'heartware' development - how I coined that term back when the Internet was going mainstream in 1997... but I first introduced the interactive interface to ten agencies of Fed-gov on Capitol Hill in 1974. Since then, I've been‘hiding’ the components to G.O.D.~ VISION right out in the open... knowing that in God's time, enough good people will assemble the components to the CAPstone to conceive, believe and achieve the Power of Love that initiates Aquarian Spring with a thrust of purpose for establishing the Aquarian Dispensation of Freedom-in-...
Initiating the Age of
Aquarius with quantum reality;
Heartware thus cultures social consciousness with
Consider heartware as an interactive application that centers heart
coherence via biofeedback resonance with the
Language of the Angels of Love…
culturing mind congruence aligned with the
Law of the Angles of
as ‘G.O.D.’
(Geometric Ordered
Divinity). By positioning participatory represention through interactive at the heart of local and global social networks, the golden rule of -in-action naturally 'rules' collective CONSCIENCE from Internet to InnerNet; the portal from cyberspace to inner space as a unity state of universal sovereignty for all of 'US' as United Sovereigns of Earth.
That’s the ‘gift’ this Christmas.
This is the 5th Ray MEDIA
SOLUTION introduced
to 10 Fed-gov agencies on Capitol
Hill in 1974 - and
now upgraded online as Global TeLeComm.
the light of Aquarius surges,
Aquarian Vision for Establishing
See the 5 TLC gifts of Christ
mass at:
Christ mass