"These are the times that try men's souls: The summer
soldier and the
sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of his
but he that stands it NOW, deserves the love and
thanks of man and woman."
- from "The American Crisis" by Thomas Paine,
the author of COMMON SENSE
that sparked the American Revolution
- The United States is in a serious crisis. There are
five stages for resolution of this crisis, taken in essence from the recent
book by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross & David Kessler, LIFE LESSONS - Two Experts
on Death and Dying Teach us About the Mysteries of Life and Living.
- The first stage (core problem) of many Americans is
"no problem - never mind".
The second stage is ANGER;
"The system is corrupt - those bastards must go!"
The third stage is BARGAINING:
"We've got to get new reps - a new administration".
The fourth stage is DEPRESSION;
"Both parties are corrupt - the whole system is rigged".
The fifth stage is ACCEPTANCE;
"Just do what the poor in Spirit are not able or willing to do -
reboot the divine in 2009.
The value of these lessons regarding the
American Crisis today should be self-evident. Many Americans are going
through a mental breakdown and "re-assembly" process. It's not just numb
disconnect over endless war insanity. It's grief over the loss of America's
honor, the moral high ground, and the direction of many of our core
institutions that barely serve the purpose for which they were created:
1 - A government where corrupt special interests deny the best interests of,
by and for the people.
2- Mainstream media monopoly that cultures subservience to special interest
3- A backwards "health care" system that makes a killing by treating
disease rather than preventing it.
4- An economics of scarcity that creates and manages scarcity for the
profit of special interests.
Healing the grief in America over this crisis -- the
psychotic break since 9-11 -- requires we go through this process. The
healing of this crisis begins with an understanding of its genesis, a vision
of it's resolution, and a process for getting there.
------------- article follows:
Graphically archived at
by Christopher Rudy
People worldwide are grieving over what has happened to America. At least
those -- after 9-11 -- who said in sympathy for our plight, "We are all
Americans". And now that the myths of 9-11 are coming out, the stages
for healing grief are progressing.
This is a brief overview to veteran truth-seekers on the Net. Enlightened
Netizens I call them. They know the problem with systemic fascism in the body
politic. They understand how the collusion of big corporations with big
government is creating an Orwellian Big Brother nightmare. Rampant fascism. And
they know who the REAL terrorists are who orchestrated 9-11. What has been
lacking is an action plan with the pure intent of the same U.S. Founders who
would be aghast at the corruption of their "Great Experiment" in government "of,
by and for the people".
Most Americans can read no further. They're still in
"Don't go there" they say.
It's not hopeless. There is a way to turn things around. Some neophyte
truth-seekers believe the next election is the only hope. But they haven't read .
Or they just refuse to believe it - that the last election was stolen by rigging
the electronic voting machines installed across the country by Bush
administration cronies. Otherwise they would get
When a man who is honestly mistaken hears the truth, he will either cease being
mistaken, or cease being honest. We have a dishonest government that is making
the public dishonest. Honest people want to change that and typically -- at
stage three -- get struck thinking they can
BARGAIN with the corrupt system that rewards
loyalty and punishes dissent.
"We have the greatest
opportunity the world has ever seen, as long as we remain honest
which will be as long as we can keep the attention of our people alive. If
they once become
inattentive to public affairs, you and I, and Congress and Assemblies,
judges and governors
would all become wolves."
- Thomas Jefferson
You could have the best candidate in the world but the
fascist system now would not let him get anywhere near the top since that would
threaten the status quo of mainstream monopolies on oil, drugs, armaments and
communications run by the cabal of government fascists. This is a SERIOUS
problem - one that leads to
millions of American and much contempt abroad.
There is no electoral "choice" in the current system to change things at the
top. The fascists are entrenched, embattled and in "survival mode". They are
dangerous because they have a habit of resorting to treason and treachery like
9-11. But moreso they are dangerous because the sheople are in denial and have
a habit of victim dictum, getting along by going along... over a cliff. Or as
Mark Twain quipped, "We are discreet sheep; we watch which way the drove
is going and then we follow the drove."
The most common failing of the sheople is that they fail to see through the mask
of the wolves in sheep's clothing who continue to pull the wool over our eyes.
The wolves are fleecing the public while programming apathy and indifference
with endless terror and tyranny in their monopoly media.
So the solution must come from the grass-roots, worldwide. It's a global issue.
There is no time or space in our "global village" now. The instant-everywhere
Internet has eliminated time and space. We're all in this together. There no
resolution or restitution -- stage five
-- without seeing the big picture of global ramifications -- the public sphere
-- how were ALL connected globally.
What is needed is NOT another token political figurehead in America that
fronts for fascists who DENY what's best for ALL. What is needed is
ACCEPTANCE -- somewhere in
this world -- of an electronic upgrade of our horse-and-buggy representation
system. NOT a rigged system that the fascists manipulated to steal the last
election. A working system that will resurrect the revolutionary Legacy of U.S.
Founders and shine for the world as American once did.
All it would take is one nation state or one
U.S. state, or one large corporation or even an on-line Internet community
willing to pioneer HEARTware - an interactive "LOVE
Model" interface -- at the heart of their communications infrastructure.
The VISION alone of how this will work -- to check,
balance and harmonize the change process needed -- could be the catalyst for
self-fulfilling prophecy... globally.
Stage Five: the United State of Love
for the United States of Earth. ACCEPTANCE of the Vision for the ultimate
healing of planetary war, dis-ease and grief.
In short, what is needed is a working process of, by and for "SELF GOVERNING
MEDIA" -- InterNetworked global/individual "community networks" -- that check
and balance the love of power of the few via the power of love in the community
- ALL community networks. Spiritual communities, government communities,
education communities, health care communities, business communities, etc. They
are ALL defined by the MEDIA in our instant-everywhere world.
As things are now, fascism is deeply entrenched. So what do we do? Let the
fascists destroy the economy, create chaos, and institute their Police State
agenda? That's where it's going if enough good people don't do enough now.
The real question is how to finish what U.S. Founders began. What is the BIG
difference now that the Founders would agree is the key to re-alignment with the
first principles of enlightened self-governance? If you boil it down and
connect the dots, it ain't rocket science. The "heart" of the Founders' Legacy
is the same Constitution of Freedom today as it was then. And there is a simple
way to upgrade that vision if we "take heart" - the will to do it.
How can we get past the "media gatekeepers" who have become fascist? How do we
institute a new "InterMedia" system that is most likely to insure our safety and
happiness? Think about that seriously!
We need to educate the obvious rather than investigate obscure. Has it
occurred to otherwise intelligent humanity that the obvious solution is within
the capabilities of the network of networks -- the Mother of all networks -- the
Internet? Not the way it is but the yet unrealized potential.
Do you
agree that U.S. Founders would see the ALL-connected Internet as the best way to
liberate their Legacy for ALL mankind?
The ALL-connected
Internet is decentralized, grass-roots, instant-everywhere
and interactive in a "bottom-up way" (one for all / all for one)
that aspires to cooperative communication co-ordination
in the Spirit of what is best for all sentient life on Earth.
Unity in diversity is "co-ordinated"
through the power of love.
Big government collusion with corporate media is centralized, highly
and "one-way"(their way) in a "top-down way" (ownership and control)
that utilizes war powers for command and control by a power elite
in the spirit of their own "pride" (sense of privilege) to profit
through power.
Divide to conquer is
manipulated through the love of power.
You can see why the Internet
has been a challenge to the fascists from the beginning. If they were going to
stay in power, having infiltrated government for decades, how else where they
going to survive the Spirit of "Best for all" if it would threaten their
government "regulated" (protected) monopolies on oil, drugs, weapons of mass
destruction, communications, etc.?
The effete elite have a different set of values -- monied power above all, with
revenge and retaliation for those who don't agree to their "religion" of
ownership and control through money and power. Their "golden rule" is
"he who has the gold makes
the rules". And their first rule that they are
the ones entitled to rule, NOT to love God with all your heart and all your mind
and all your soul and your Netizen neighbor in our global village as thyself.
The public may be slow to see the fruits of that elitist religion but they are
waking up - the greatest fear of these wolves in sheep's clothing. That's why
they are dangerous now - like cornered wolves.
The elite believe in survival of the fittest and that they are the fittest. The
arrogance and hubris behind their provocateur 9-11 attack is beyond what most
American sheople can conceive or believe. But even though these wolves look
human with their "sheeple masks", they are alien to a world of servant
leadership. The Bush Family dynasty was raised as a pampered elite,
indoctrinated by the Skull & Bones cult, compromised with debauchery, and
groomed for Illumanti supremacy with other global power elite potentates who
believe religiously in their right to rule through the creation and management
of crisis, terror, disease and war of all kinds. Their god is power through war
and you'll know them by their fruits. Endless war and propaganda in the media.
"Propaganda" is a strong word. But ask yourself, have the American people been
purposely de-moralized by the incessant media programming of terror with a
tyranny agenda? Do Americans have a habit -- a passive "Belief System"
(BS) -- that believes what it is told without thinking critically about it --
like 9-11?. Given the mainstream media "BS" on 9-11, ideological control of a
people becomes easy. It just layers the lies of "faulty intelligence" with more
"BS" that never takes responsibility for the original lies and simply piles on
more "BS" to the foundation of "BS". Until we have full blown propaganda in the
media that people deny is propaganda!
Or as media reporter, Robert
McChesney, brazenly stated, "The
first rule of being a great propaganda system and why our system is vastly
superior to anything in the old soviet Union is not that people think they are
being subject to propaganda... people don't think that - they aren't looking for
that - they are much easier to propagandize... and that's the genius of our
media system. It's a system of ideological control, compared to an
authoritarian system."
Personally, I don't see the genius in a system of ideological propaganda
that people don't realize is mind control. How would you know you are
programmed with ideological "BS" if you are programmed with ideological "BS"?
Have mainstream Americans lost their right minds to ideological mass media propaganda?
How many otherwise intelligent Americans are unaware that a handful of giant media conglomerates control the "official
truth" in approx. 97% of the dominant media - TV, radio and newspapers? Do we
mindlessly forget that these corporations profit directly or indirectly from oil
consumption, endless war and drugs for whatever ails you? Do we care that these
powerful media special interests have a vested interest in keeping the truth --
the WHOLE truth -- from the American public?
Or have we accepted ideological propaganda as truth and equate dissent with lack
of patriotism? Or just don't think about it at all... preferring to believe
that the system works and we're the good guys. Just eat, drink and be merry
watching the unabashed materialism and unembarrassed hedonism on the boob tube.
Insensate masses act like sheep. If there's no mind, it doesn't matter.
Behind their sheople masks, these wolves are not "friendlies". It's only
victimized "sheople" -- too fearful to think for themselves --who deny the
reality of fascist wolves among us. And depend on them for solution. Enlightened
humanity knows better.
Like innocent Dorothy, singing down the yellow brick road to find the Great
Wizard of Oz, Americans have been on a journey to find a way out of this mess.
Now they are looking behind the screen and finding that the "great and powerful
Oz" is a puny man. And in this case fascist. It's a shock, but when exposed,
challenged and tongue-lashed by Dorothy, she gets to go "home".
Home is the "better angels of our nature" as Lincoln phrased it. Home is faith
in God - a God of Love. Home is where our hearts are when we
"take heart" and demand -- as
Dorothy did -- restitution. Restoration of the Spirit
that matters at the heart of the Founders' Legacy.
Some will "get it" (stage five). Some won't (stage one). But the revolution
in the New World "global village" today -- emphasizing 90% of the word "rEVOLUTION"
-- will be spearheaded by the same type of committed self-starting freedom
fighters who came from near and abroad to fight for America's Independence.
They won't have to be babied and coddled with perks and prestige. THEY WILL DO
Heaven knows -- as they do -- that a
NEW GLOBAL LOVE-CENTRIC MEDIA is our best hope for healing the cancer of
encroaching fascism. And like girl-child Dorathy, they will speak and act from
their hearts with the power of love for "HOME" -- the holy Spirit of Love-in-action.
The survival of civilization is at stake. The warfare is mostly informational
and psychological at this stage. Most people equate "survival" with their
comfort zone of cherished illusions about our corrupt system of government and
how to fix. But there are many wise Americans who are committed with the same
zeal of the Founders to restore our "home" to a "State of Love". The virtue in
the Constitution is a framework for LOVE-centric governance. That's what the
Founders meant by "God government" -- NOT making government God with religious
"BS" that spiritualizes fascism!
Stage Five is really so simple yet profound. The simple part was defined by the
computer/Internet revolution that wired the global "brain". The profound part is
the implications for the heart of Freedom when the constitution of virtue -- the
virtue in the Constitution -- is upgraded to bring a framework of LOVE to the
"global brain" with the frequency of compassion at the
heart of it.
Love is the key - always has been. Now it is needed "BIG TIME". Heaven knows
we can define the "Next Big Thing" in the computer/Internet revolution worldwide
with an interactive LOVE-centric interface for
global Internet media. And there are numerous way you help with that.
Let's be honest. We've got a global problem -- power elite globalists who have
hijacked global government with terror and tyranny tactics. They talk freedom
but act as fascists, profiting from endless war, disease, death and hell on the
planet. They brazenly use the mainstream media to maintain their tyranny over
the hearts and minds of men. That's what fascists do ya know!
Enlightened Netizens worldwide know this - that the mainstream media is largely
a "propaganda vehicle" for highly centralized government policies... and is a
"marketing machine" that uses sophisticated mind-manipulation techniques that
push increasing thresholds of "shock and awe" (emotional trauma) to "embed" your
memory body (subconscious) with "a charge" (terror, horror, graphic violence,
explicit sex) that binds us to the TV drug pushers, warmongers, oil monoplists,
etc. This is the psychology of subservience to
tyranny that passively believes in Big Brother as the solution to problems
they have created.
It's time to discharge that charge. And begin the process of healing
with a special "LOVE" at the interactive interface
"heart" of the media that defines our conscience and local/global "comm-unity"
(with unity).
This isn't rocket science. The New
Testament is "Love is
for giving" - NOT for getting.
Fascists forget the for-giving part. They've lost the
meaning of "servant leadership"
as U.S. Founders intended our government to represent. Fascists forget that the Old
Testament's "eye for an eye" madness makes the whole world blind. And
that the New World of the Founders was very strong on the virtues of the New
The true test of spirituality is practicality. An advanced spiritual
civilization would culture civility with a "TLC-centric"
system featuring a universal interface for interaction
that empowers the wisdom of love at the heart of it. Indeed, the holy
Spirit of Love-in-action.
All it takes to turn things around is enough good people committed with their
lives, resources and sacred honor above all. That was the Founder's commitment
that is being dishonored by the fascists.
the BUSHwhackers who hate our freedoms, NOT those
who resist their invasive attacks on U.S. or Mid-East sovereignty.
Either we discharge the "charge" of global
terror the BUSHwhackers created -- with the rEVOLUTION
of enlightened "mediation"-- or the "side-effects" of fascist "preemptive war"
insanity may boomerang.
Remember that the doctrine of preemption was used against us by the Japanese. It
was called Pearl Harbor. And the fascists are setting up another Pearl
Harbor in no uncertain terms. That's what they do. That's who they
are. And only a mass public awakening will make them accountable to the
pure intention of social conscience that focuses attention on our evolutionary
ascension out of this mess.
TRUE patriots -- enlightened Netizens worldwide -- will do what they can to
reboot the divine in 2009.
Christos Lightweaver
"When I despair, I remember
that all through history the way of truth and
love has always won. There have been tyrants and murderers and for a time
they seem invincible but in the end, they always fall -- think of it,
Mahatma Gandhi
"Following the 1941
attack on Pearl Harbor and the ensuing cover-up,
President Roosevelt's chief of staff reportedly told other officers,
'Gentlemen, this goes to the grave
with us'.
The parallels with 9/11 are
[article at ]
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And consider how you can Link the Light of Lightworkers
by caring enough to share these posts with them.
You never know who will make
a difference if not THE difference.
Some will (stage
five). Some won't (stage one).
YOUR CHOICE !Christ Mass 2008 - The Gift of Gifts in our
Heart of Hearts