Cosmogenesis and Return to Source
Reframing ‘Success’
If we consider
‘success’ as the on-going realization of a worthy goal,
the cosmic ‘window’ now opening with ‘Source
Field Alignment’
empowers wisdom with the same love of freedom behind
the flame of
that sparked the American
Revolution and will fulfill global rEVOLUTION
with the same
of the Spirit
that matters…
"We are
bound, you, I, and every one, to make common cause…
to maintain the common right of
freedom of
~ Thomas
The Family of Man has arrived at the time ordained for our global village. For millennia, human evolution has prepared for this time beyond our prevailing awareness of space and time in a ‘linear’ sense; the Big Shift from the inside-out.
preparation going mainstream now is the understanding of the
Cosmogenesis and order in the Universe
‘unveiling’ has become self-evident to anyone who follows the
amazing phenomena of crop circles and increasing UFO phenomena.
This has become
disclosure of UFOs (unveiling) The public wake-up call regarding the truth of the ET presence is now happening more frequently with increasing media exposure. Take for example this recent 25 second YouTube clip of jet planes escorting a flying disk. If you think that video was faked, you need a check up from the neck up.J
to watch this full length YouTube video at… EBE Award Winner! ‘Best Historical UFO Documentary’ ~ International UFO Congress. This film is one of the most complete profiles on the UFO subject and exopolitics ever released to the public… exploring the history of secret advances in science, explaining why and how world governments have limited the flow of information to the public regarding the truth about UFOs, Nikola Tesla, Free Energy and Antigravity Technology... plus a fantastic collection of interviews from top scientists and researchers from around the world, stunning computer graphics and amazing photos and videos of UFOs in flight. Obviously, it doesn’t require “official” recognition for the divine destiny of Earth’s rebirth to proceed from the inside out… as the surge in the Source Field* naturally accelerates mass awakening. Heaven knows that extremely advanced civilizations from other dimensions of space/time have been visiting here for a LONG time, monitoring human evolution for millennia.
Because in the vast
Source Field* continuum, Indeed, there is nothing more exciting for extremely advanced civilizations than to watch emerging planetary civilizations awaken in the unified source field of universal sovereignty with solidarity for that purpose. The timing now is of the essence. We are reminded of the genius behind the pen-name ‘William Shakespeare’ who had a way with words as true today as hundreds of years ago:
"There is a tide in the affairs of man, which taken at the flood,
leads on to fortune; The Source Field* surge is the Current for Success
Fact is,
the current
surge in the Source Field* is flooding the Earth with the This congruence is a convergence… a process of conscious evolution that is now progressing from its inception with pure intension to its fulfillment with evolutionary ascension into a dimension that represents a higher level of ‘co-Creation’ in terms of human/divine collaboration and convergence.
provides extraordinary opportunity for every soul
with Reframing Success with the Currency of Conscience ‘Reframing’ is a psychological term meaning that the reaction to any situation is found in the frame of reference from which it is viewed. This is another way of saying that we can't solve our problems with the same frame of reference that the problems came from.
As we reframe our way of thinking about That ‘currency’ is the foundation of the Next Economy… but don’t expect that currency to be recognized or validated by those who have monopolized public currency along with core social and political institutions for ownership and control of global resources... fearing disclosure of the truth as would set us free.
Not just with free-energy technologies or
shall not cease from exploration
foundation for worldwide
Cosmogenesis has ‘rules’
reframing or otherwise repositioning our concept of ‘community’ as a
process – for culturing
social Conscience in our global social networks – we can see that
This is
a natural cause-and-effect relationship
You have
the ability to respond… responsibly…
The ‘rules’
of the
Source Field* naturally apply whereby Now is the time for Earth’s rebirth thereby.
Take Command
Make it
* Source Field Footnotes:
Your own ‘Source
Field Investigations’ will paint a "big picture" that is quite
an adjustment for the average person... but the ordained process for
reframing your beliefs, thoughts, feelings and action is nonetheless
backed up by extensive evidence:
*Many souls have progressed much, much farther, spiritually and
technologically, * Full disclosure of the Source Field’s nature, our cosmic progenitors, and the cosmic ‘genesis process’ now surging (cosmogenesis) will naturally follow the intention of humanity to make it so… transforming and transcending false-flag fears with fearless faith as will define and refine our divine destiny as the ‘United Sovereigns of Earth’, representing Universal Co-Creation with the Source of ‘All That Is’. * There is nothing to be stressed or worried about unless your Belief System is out of order with the divine order of the Source Field. In other words, when you are in 'alignment' with the nonlinear sense of "spherical" (spiritual) accountability and response-ability, you KNOW that what goes around comes around to the same universal laws of, by and for eternal progression of the soul - evolutionary ascent; * We can change our Belief Systems and behavior to reflect, perfect and direct our Co-Creation with the Source-Creator of the Source Field.
* As we ‘awaken’ with
pure intention
atONEment – at ONE with the pure
of cosmogenesis along more enlightened lines framing universal law
as *Global humanity is now discovering that the true meaning of ‘source field surge’, ‘cosmic convergence’, ‘unity consciousness’, ‘universal co-creation’, and ‘common sense’ are ALL referring to the same purpose and plan that ADEPTS know and serve, i.e. our conscious evolutionary ascent HOME to a more enlightened world of divine harmony and order. This is the pure intent of ‘The Alliance’. One-in-Source represents a majority. Return to Source is our one destiny.
And now
is the time ordained to |