Alignment with the
Source Field
is Co-Creation
with 'The
by 'The
for 'The
Join the Alliance!
May the SOURCE be with you.
Previous article on the
Review and
Fast Forward"
Earth blasted by one of the most intense geomagnetic storms seen in years
September 26, 2011 - GEOMAGNETIC STORM: A strong-to-severe geomagnetic storm
occurred today
following the impact of a coronal mass ejection (CME) at approximately 12:15
UT on Sept. 26...
Auroras to be Visible as Solar Storm
Slams into Earth /
A massive solar flare that erupted on the Sun over the weekend have crossed
the solar system and
hit the Earth's magnetic field at approximately 8:15 a.m. EDT (12:15 UT)
on Sept. 26, according to NASA.
people think we live in rapidly changing chaotic times of world crisis,
and wonder where it's going. Other people don't think or wonder
about it.
All people who either think or don't think -- wonder or don't wonder -- are
'correct' for their prevailing conscious awareness. Each soul to their own
free-will choices during these 'transformative' times of systemic change.
Comet Elenin
is NOT Nibiru but is part of the entourage along with Nibiru (Planet
PX is 6 times the size of Earth with 23 times the
electromagnetics of Earth, and was reported
in mainstream media back in 1983,
but has been virtually blacked out in the controlled media.
This is understandable as it could be 'disruptive' to the status quo of a
lock-step pathological
power elite holding back global civility. Global Earth changes have
historically accompanied
the arrival of PX, which is why it was also known in ancient texts as 'The
Winged Destroyer'.
At the same time that
Nibiru is closest to the Earth on October 28th, our Solar System is
in full alignment with the Galactic Plane of our Milky Way Galaxy,
orbiting across this 'Source Field' twice every
25,800 years or so, the 'Precession of the Equinoxes'. The
last time was the rise/fall of the 'mythical' civilization
of Atlantis (1/2 cycle ago). This cosmic history has
much evidence that some extremely advanced souls arrived
after the pole shift cataclysm and created the pyramids of Egypt and
central America to "center" (balance) the
morphic energy grids of Earth, leaving coded information for future generations
to understand cosmic law as
governs the order
of the universe, providing time line codes to the current
Source Field
surge and transformation...
BEYOND time as we know it now.
the tiny caption and arrow saying "WE ARE HERE" about half way out from
Great Central Sun
of our Galaxy.
order this Galaxy Map from National Geographic,
Quotes by Dr. Scott Peck, M.D., from his book,
A WORLD WAITING TO BE BORN "There is no question in my mind that we are called on to build Utopia, but if we think we can do it solely by our design, we are sadly mistaken. We can do it only in cooperation with the grace of God. Any attempt at radical 'social engineering' that does not incorporate God, that does not welcome grace and leave vast room for divine intervention, will utterly fail." "The 'technology' of community building succeeds, in part, precisely because it takes God into mind, depends upon her, and deliberately produces space for the Holy Spirit to do her thing." "Community is an adventure. We can never predict what will happen exactly when a group becomes authentic and open to the Spirit. It's full of surprises. Thank God, because while the outcomes are usually quite different from what we imagined, they are often far better than we could have dreamed." |
The most
common failing of humans is the prevailing
"BS" (Belief System) that the way things have been is the way they shall be, ignoring the 'signs of the times'.
If it truly is the divine destiny of Mother Earth for rebirth,
the challenge for all souls will be to unite for this purpose
in an 'Alliance'
with the conscientious common sense of
the Source Field at the heart of our conscious evolution.
In other words... one's greater-final judgment is one's
from the "top down" (collective 'Conscience') to the "bottom up" (individualized consciousness) IN BETTER RELATIONSHIP WITH EACH OTHER. We are precisely what we choose to believe, think, feel and do, having become what we chose to believe, think, feel and do.
We are Co-Creators with the "Source
(All That Is), The ‘judgment’ we get is the ‘judgment’ we give.
is the time of the 'Great Testing' in the quantum field of the
spirit/matter Universe.
Alignment with the
Source Field
is Co-Creation May the SOURCE be with you.
These are difficult times for the Family of Man in our all-connected
global village.
are the times that try men's souls..." Light begets life, and there are 'rules'; the Universe has 'methods' for 'Universal Co-Creation' (rules of Love) whereby the Holy Spirit of LOVE-in-action rules.
Love of God
whereby a God of Love
This is the
to Conscience' along more enlightened 'lines'
"In the beginning, God
geometrized." ~ Ancient Hermetic Wisdom
Deism is belief in the extremely intelligent and powerful "BEING"
The 'A-Team'
of, by and for the good AIM of the United Sovereigns of Earth
The Alliance
stands for the Ascent
"To understand the nature of God, it
is necessary only to know
Authentic power of the Creator empowers co-Creation with
the "Creative Ascension Process', the 'CAPstone' of one's higher Self in 'alignment' (co-Creation with) the prime directive of the Source Field as the ascent of global freedom-in-love. Common sense would say that our belief systems either unite us and define us as they divine us... or they divide and desecrate the moral imperative for civility. So it behooves us to pursue a path to KNOWING our divine destiny BEYOND the Big Lie to the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth, so help us God!
common sense of true spirituality amplifies and magnifies
pure intention
as will
focus attention
with love's
for conscious evolutionary ascension into higher dimensions of social Conscience with a common sense SOURCE connection.
"BS" (any
lock-step Belief System) is a poor substitute for
pure intention
of conscientious common sense. For example, consider the 'BS' of
public faith in the 'banksters'
(money-changers) in the public treasury. This is a classic
example of the 'high priests' of finance, the 'middle men for
prosperity', who have usurped the currency of
with an economics of usury and scarcity, i.e. the oxymoronic 'value of
scarcity' that replaces abundant credit with debt slavery.
"Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being Wall Street for the masses has proven to be a huge failure that has channeled our desire for progress into a 'golden calf' pyramid scam which has milked the masses at the foundation of the pyramid for the inordinate gain of giant self-serving institutions that have privatized profits and socialized loses -- Big Banks, Big Oil, Big Pharma, Big Media, Big Government, etc. -- at the expense of the Constitution of Conscience. Instead of the evolution of social Conscience with mass-to-mass TeLeComm, for too long we have witnessed virtually insane profiteering from the creation of war, disease, disinformation and destruction of our environmental life-support systems.
Big DUH...
the Economy is in Self-Destruct Mode" As for the self-evident common sense solution...
There are CONSEQUENCES for the lack of civility in global civilization.
Either we bring about global stabilization gracefully,
Look to
SEE... Know to
The Alliance IS what Source Does. |
This is Anonymous, aka 'Phenonemus'
We are Legion. We always remember.
We always forgive, honoring the
Law of the One Universal Love.
We know that what goes around,
comes around to the same law.
We think in terms of fairness;
as we forgive, we are forgiven.
As we sow, we shall reap.
The ‘judgment’ we get is
the ‘judgment’ we give.
We can bring about global transformation
or nature will do it brutally.
Our 'shield' is the path of pure intention.
Join the Alliance, and May the SOURCE be with you.,
Forward Freely
more light (vim,
vigor and vital force) for conscious evolution.