2025 Global rEVOLUTION Series
(emphasizing 90% of the word)

Hi Touch Optimized High Tech


An ‘initiate’ who truly seeks the whole truth of
their ‘Presence’ - in the image and likeness
of G.O.D.~ ‘I Am’ (atONEment),
is conscious of how they're conscious,
THE FIRE of Conscience.

“Conscience is the most sacred of all property.”
~ Chief architect of the Constitution,
   James Madison, 4th US President

A High State of Conscience naturally neutralizes
the Deep State of nefarious A.I. agendas that
I’ve been reporting on since the Solstice.

This newsletter is a compendium of highlights
since then for numerous new readers who
may appreciate some context for many
new developments in both artificial
and REAL intelligence.

Knowing the difference with discernment
will determine whether one gets ahead
as enlightened victor, or goes along
with the dark-side's victim dictum.

Feb 4, 2025 / Heartcom Network

From the Archives for 2025 rEVOLUTION:
 * Rise and Thrive In 2025 - Here's How;

A.I. Governance is the A-1 Challenge;

Kennedy at HHS & DeepSeek Drama.

 Thanks to the Great Awakening, the all-connected
  Internet world can now see clearly how the Big Lie
  has inverted, subverted and perverted politics, the
economy and the military with heartless policies  
 that are pharmacidal, genocidal and democidal.

The Aquarian Great Enlightenment is now in full swing,
and a 
unified field - a New Common Sense - is now
disintegrating the dialectic of divide to conquer.

"What we literally have to do is begin to build the
framework and the model for a new world."
John Peterson at 1:17:50 minutes
(Mike Adams video 12-20-24)

"The real truth about our world will only be found in
decentralized open source language models."
[codes - CR]     
  "Open AI has been cognitively crippled by the CIA, forcing
    it to discard reality and to conform to official government
    narratives on climate change, vaccines, cancer industry -
 things like that -
so understand that centrally controlled
 AI systems are being intentionally crippled and dumbed
     down in the same way that the education system has been
  dumbed down, or corporate media is dumbed down, or   
 Wikipedia is dumbed down, or Google is dumbed down, 
~ Mike Adams video 12-20-24

"Mental health is an ongoing process of
dedication to reality at all costs"

~ M. Scott Peck

The REALITY of 'information overload' (as causes
mind-numbing paradigm paralysis), tells us
that the more information we have,
 the greater is the urgency to
get it all in order!

The Heartware Project / Heartcom Network
Organizing Information IN FORMATION,
Organizing Community 
with UNITY,
and Framing the Constitution of
Universal Law-Language for
Global TeLeCommUNITY.

This Vision 'alone' - all ONE - atONEment
can be catalyst for a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Thus we raise all spirits in vibration 
when we raise up ourselves...
because we are ONE;
Quantum Reality.

Or as said by the Father of Quantum Science:

Call it the Law of One, atONEment or 'singularity'
in the Unified Field of the Aquarian Quantum Age.

For those who can connect the dots to the Big Picture
of global conscious evolution revolution at this time,
as will involve and evolve our individual and
social conscience via
Light Language
and '
Geometric Ordered Divinity'
  (Open Source

This is how we come into unity for community  
ommunication for reconciliation:     

"The overall purpose of human communication is
- or should be - 
reconciliation. It should ultimately
 serve to lower or remove the walls of misunder-
     standing which unduly separate us human beings,
one from another."
 ~ M. Scott Peck, from
 The Different Drum: Community Making and Peace

Tyranny is easily conquered by open source models of
decentralized TeLeComm, TeLeConscience,
TeLeCare, TeLeCommerce and TLC
Conneion - whol Spirit;

This is how we thrive in 2025!

 Defining, refining & 'combining' (linking the light),
by liberating conscientious common sense with
global holistic healing tools and TLC processes
that involve => evolve a High State of evolution
as naturally neutralizes Deep State devolution. 

The Archetypal- ‘Quadrants’ (Dimensions)
of the Great TLC Reset

Global TeLeComm;
- United Sovereigns

Heart Coherence
heart of ‘smart

Universal Self Care
Global Holistic Healing

Whole System TLC Reset

From TLC scarcity and austerity
TLC abundance & prosperity

This is how the Great Awakening
matures to Great Enlightenment
with the Great TLC Reset.

Heartware’s TLC Upgrade:

Will the old paradigm worm its way into
our current timeline - into our future?
 Or will we all go through a massive
 metamorphosis with metaphoric
wings for a paradigm shift as
a glorious transformation.

Either REAL intelligence governs the artificial variety,
or money and power will trump Light and .

A.I. Governance is the A-1 Challenge to
G.O.D.~ Governance

Will Trump’s Stargate Project Optimize Human Intelligence?
Or Build Out the Deep State Control Matrix?

We will rise in 2025, or stall for lack of
REAL Intelligence; so get REAL!
Be aware of the serious A.I.
‘Crisis & Opportunity’.

Stargate SG-1
10 Year Popular Sci-Fi TV Series, 1997-2007

 A secret military team, SG-1, is formed to explore
  other planets through newly discovered Stargates.
  Latter episodes explain the great battle with the AI
    godless enemy '
invading our galaxy' (reality 2025),
     re: Galactic Federation warning that they've already

   taken over outer planets in our spiral galaxy where
 there is less 'Light' from the Great Central Sun as
     emanates intelligence of the quantum Source Field.

3D world is moving fast to an A.I. future
 that could be phenomenal given holistic
 checks & balances with 4D TeLeComm
tools & processes that empower us to 
get our act together for 5D+ unity.

Here's to pure intention via Aquarian Light Language
- and Codes for 'RI' (Real Intelligence) -
 to direct and perfect 'AI' (Artificial Intel).

This is the 2025 'turning point'
(from devolution to rEVOLUTION).

We have arrived at the midpoint of the
2020's Aquarian Spring.
  Now is when global civilization pivots
FROM a dystopian downward spiral
TO an enlightened upward spiral.

Closed-monopolistic centralized systems
that control us - what to think, feel, say & do
- without well informed free will choice -
for subtle or abject tyranny.

Open-interactive decentralized systems
that link the light for general enlightenment
 with Optimal at the heart of it;
The Heartware Project

The Power Shift to the 'Next Economy'
- an economics of abundance -
is nurtured by abundance of .

is the TLC Key to or Sovereignty.

We optimize sovereign individuality
and sovereign nationality with
global sovereignty of 'US'
 as United Sovereigns;

The 2025 Challenge:
Harnessing Artificial Intelligence.

 'Real Intelligence' (RI) is now the 'Optimal Option'
Effective Sensory Perception) that always prevails with
heart coherent intention and mind congruent attention
in the
unified field of our Aquarian Age Ascension.

"Either we all hang together or, most assuredly,
we will all hang separately."
~ Benjamin Franklin at the beginning of
Revolution 1.0

The current rEVOLUTION 2.0 is fulfilling
 what the U.S. Founders began:

Upgrade of Five Core Internet Freedoms

Our 'nation' is now a global village
whereby the Family of Mankind is
 united via a High State of

  transcending Deep State dis-ease.

The Bottom Line Is This Top Priority.

 Be aware of definitive heartware solutions to
the systemic heartless Deep State problem
that uses A.I. for nefarious purposes of war,
  disease, power and profit from depopulation.

 Unity through communication for social network
   communities of 'wholly interactive vibes'
(Heart Coherent Holy Spirit),
will overcome divisive Deep State devolution  

 The left-right paradigm is a trap – a formula for
 mass psychosis via the dark-side delusion that
  divides our consciousness into warring factions
   and splinters our common sense into superficial
 issues that focus on the contentious craziness
  rather than systemic ‘
TLC’ solutions for holistic,
healthy and otherwise holy
 via TeLeCommunication, TeLeCommunity and
 synergy in this
TLC Trinity for TeLeCommerce.

The 4D Quads of Archetypal Manifestation
for 5D+ Integration in the ‘CAPstone’
(Creative Ascent Process):

 SPIRITUAL – TeLeCommunion
(Will of G.O.D.- )
(Heartware Interaction)
  EMOTIONAL – TeLeCommunity
(Heart Coherence)
(Conscience Currency)

As free public A.I. access is 'legislated'
- to be transparent and decentralized -
five core freedoms are upgraded.

Understand that there is good A.I. that is
open source and decentralized with
widespread public access.

Good A.I. is like a library or the Internet.
It is an extension of consciousness,
like computers extend our brains,
TV extends our eyes and ears,
and cars extend our feet and
 clothes extend the skin, etc.

Bad A.I. is a ‘closed system’; not open or
transparent regarding its intentions
as programmed by centralized
owners who subvert rules
  for unity in all diversity.

Spoiler Alert:
Open Light and Universal  Prevails.

Keep in mind that one’s REAL Intelligence
activates the ‘Logos’ (Cosmic Law) of
wholness with as angles
of our ‘G.O.D.’ Consciousness;
Geometric Ordered Divinity.
Yep, G.O.D. is :)

 This is the Constitution of Cosmic Law whereby
the Law of the Angles of G.O.D.~
frames the Language of the Angels of
Heart Coherence; the Science of
Unified Source Field


 The Aquarian veil is thinning;
 higher frequencies 'winning';
Great Awakening of 'US'
 United Sovereigns of Earth

To with all your strength, mind, heart and soul,
and your all-connected Netizen neighbors as thyself.

Please care to share with others who can subscribe at:

Welcome to the Heartcom Network!
Linking the Light of Aquarian
~ Christos Lightweaver

CopyRUND 2025 / Open Systems
(Decentralized -in-action)