2024 Quantum Quickening Series

August 13, 2024 / Heartcom Network

Aquarian Wisdom of the 'Cloud' (Crowd)

What is Wisdom of The Crowd | Explained in 2 min

The New Global Freedom of Assembly

 In the cosmic scheme of eternal progression,
will go global to prevent regression.
The fiery solar spirit of above all      
is well rounded and joyful - making the call   
  to all 'soular' initiates of Light and ,    
 to upgrade core freedoms on Earth as above
with the Law of One - Light's Law of the Sun
 whereby the light of soul upwising has begun
   and the Golden Rule for a Golden Age is won.


50 Years Pioneering the Aquarian Quantum Age

Understanding Wisdom of the 'Cloud' (Crowd)

Culturing Common Sense in our Collective Conscience


I realize that many of those reading this
are so overwhelmed by info-overload
and cognitive dissonance that high
ideas don't register well if at all.

  In our current world of accelerated change,
 high ideas are often replaced by agendas,
and emotion too often displaces reason.  

But for those who love the whole truth   
(and truth of whole ),
 consider these words on 'crowd wisdom'
  for genesis of upgraded Common Sense
 and reset of five core Internet freedoms.
 ~ ~ ~
Just as there is a ‘bio-field’ of energy around you
- the human aura -
so there is also a ‘mind field’ around
the human brain.

 This is theholodeck’ interface between your ears
that not always registers what actually happens,
 but rather what your mind field perceives as true.

This individual and collective mind field is actually a
gold mine if we mind it with pure intention that
focuses attention with retention for
conscious ascension in the 5th dimension
full spectrum light comprehension.

Objectifying Truth and Love Collectively
– versus divisive subjective interpretations –
is the Prime Directive of Social Justice.

Optimizing Freedom and Opportunity for
all ‘
US’ as United Sovereigns of Earth.

Wisdom of the Crowd - Collective Conscience

 “We have it in our power to begin the world over again.”
~ Thomas Paine in his Common Sense
    that sparked the American Revolution.

Light Language as a universal holodeck interface
provides the 3D mind-field coordinates from
‘upper brain to lower brain’
(proactive to reactive);
‘left brain to right brain’
(logical to intuitive)
‘back brain to forebrain’
(hindsight to foresight).

This archetypal 3D ‘cosmic cube’ frames
  the Constitution of Cosmic Law with pure
geometry archetypes in
that orient the 4D NOW - just IN TIME
  to have a fully conscious 5D experience.

The Father of Modern Psychology – Carl Jung
on the significance of archetypes:

archetypes as a universal interface:

ThisUniversal Interfaceis a symbolic  
frame of reference for 1st principles of
   Natural-Common Law as represented by
 “the most powerful thoughtform in the
 universe, and key to ascension of the
~ at
Universal Interface

A summary of Jung’s classic work for the layman,
“Man and His Symbols”

If you can imagine your higher REAL Self
tethered to the reality of GOD- in
form & frequency – principle & process –
then your prevailing persona conscience
    naturally transcends collective unconscious
shadows that are blind to what IS REAL
- gathering of the tribes of IS REAL, etc. -
from a higher Light- perspective.

Wisdom of the crowd as the cloud of
collective consciousness could now
be objectified with heartware, and
make REAL (conscious) that which  
was subjective and unconscious re:

Thus a word or an image is symbolic when it implies...

The Family of Mankind is now waking up, wising up and rising up in an all-connected global village of instant-everywhere and interactive TeLeComm capabilities. A new Common Sense of ‘US’ is emerging as United Sovereigns of Earth.

Quantum science has pioneered unified field concepts of connection and singularity that have unprecedented potential for community building. And ‘wisdom of the crowd’ - as ‘communities of light’ - are social network communities that are heart coherent and mind congruent – the fruit of heartware interaction that recycles general knowledge in the way that empowers specific wisdom.

This process of up-wising is intrinsic to the VISION interface for real time mass interactive 'heartcom' (with heart) - a process framed by the new 'Global Village' (instant-everywhere), Constitution of 'US' (United Sovereigns), via light language, coherence coordinates and codes.

How we shape our interactive social network communities
 - to represent all of 'US' as United Sovereigns of Earth -
 is how those constructs consequently shape us.

The premier Quantum Age ‘product’ is thus a process
of assembling the components to the 'CAPstone'
(Creative Ascent Process)

- via Light Language and Codes -
that are integrated and registered in a process of
real-time mass interaction via heartware.

How We Fix Society with a New Common Sense:
Collective Intelligence with Wisdom of the Crowd via
Upgraded Freedoms of Speech, Assembly & ‘Voting’
 of/for Global Netizens as 
United Sovereigns of Earth.


Our biggest problem in society today is that the systems
governing over our lives have been corrupted by
powerful forces that collude and do not
have our best interests in mind.

The most power special interests in the world
- the Corporatocracy -
have a vested interest in keeping
Common Sense uncommon.

Wisdom of the Crowd is Collective Common Sense  
- cultured by interactive mass-to-mass TeLeComm -
that will naturally neutralize corruption of democracy
 as has been 'co-opted' (hijacked) by the corporatism
 that has merged Big Business with Big Government.

   Corporate Law precedence has established a "profits
before people" culture whereby shareholders come
    before the public when profits are at stake. And in the
 extreme we see the result with Big Pharma and Big
   War industries making a killing (literally), on creation
  and management of disease, war and depopulation.

   Collective common sense wisdom is what corruptors
  fear most. That's why they strive to keep us divided.

And that's why United Sovereigns of Earth


Lots of ‘Source Code’ (Crowd Wisdom)
Featured in these Former Newsletters:

Ascension Coordinates for Dummies
It ain’t rocket science

Codes – Revelations Unveiled
Geometric Ordered Divinity

The Healing Wisdom of the Crowd:
Freedom of Assembly upgraded with
mass-to-mass interaction that could
represent social conscience in
any social network 
holodeck cloud.

See also:
A Vision for the Future of Humanity 


Light! Light! Light!

!  !  !


The Heartware Project
A Universal Interface for Global Interaction
with Light Language and Codes;
Mass TeLeComm
Unity in Diversity.

Organizing information in the Whole Brain Holodeck
     IN FORMATION - Heartware Process.

Personal/Planetary Sovereignty of, by and for
United Sovereigns of Earth

An IDentity fresh up from the neck up:

Seize the Vision with Pure Intention;
 - 'I Am' Affirmation (Self Image)

Embrace the Virtue with Focused Attention;
'I Can' Confirmation (Self Esteem)

Vow with Valor for Love Retention;
 - 'I Will' Determination (Self Assurance)

Claim the Victory of Conscious Ascension;
- 'I Do' Integration (Self Realization)
     with all the above synergized in the
Creative Ascent Process

To  with all your strength, mindheart and soul,
and your all-connected Netizen neighbors as thyself