Lessons from Atlantis - Facing the Same
by Christopher Rudy
There was a "tremor in the force" on this e-list when I recently posted a piece
on Earth Changes. There was a lot of response
and I could "feel" the anxiety; this subject is difficult to deal with.
Incarnation through the veil of forgetting has even greater soul amnesia for
those who experienced the Atlantis cataclysm. And mark my words, we're
condemned to repeat that tragedy if we don't prepare now.
To answer many of the questions I received in response to the
Earth Changes post, let me first say that I have
seriously studied this subject, reading numerous books on the subject, and
interacting with some of the authors. I've attended numerous lectures and a
national seminar on the subject with presentations ranging from astrophysicists
to the leading scholar on Edgar Cayce.
Those who have ever read the magazine "Atlantis Rising" are well aware of the
existence of highly advanced ancient civilizations that disappeared in cycles of
global cataclysm. Perhaps historical revisionists deny both their existence and
their cataclysmic end for reasons of "collective amnesia". If people can't "go
there" -- a terror that souls prefer not to access -- such history is denied no
matter what lessons they may provide.
Let me add some key points from an article I did about a year ago on
cosmogenesis that I have updated. Here are some
The Big Picture of Planetary and Soul Evolution
There are dramatic environmental changes on all the planets in our solar system
as it fully enters the Photon Belt. The symptom of this drama is a healing
crisis as the consciousness of all the peoples of Earth is impacted by both
terrestrial and celestial forces as detailed at EARTH
Most people don't understand what's going on with the energetic shift of our
solar system as it fully enters the photon belt in the galactic "nexus". New
science has revealed that the 25,800 year orbit of our solar system through the
galaxy -- the "precession of the equinoxes" -- is actually more like a
figure-eight flow with the photon belt in the nexus of that unique orbit. The
last time Earth's evolutionary platform for souls passed through this "Great
Testing", the collective evil was so great that the Great Flood resulted before
an even greater evil warped the souls of humanity.
The Lessons from Atlantis - Facing the Same Test
Cosmic history tells us that advanced civilizations like Lemuria and
Atlantis evolve and thrive for millennia before getting "rebooted" approximately
every 12,000 years. More important is understanding the energetic "Photon
phenomena behind the "testing" of those civilizations. Now that we are
beginning our own millennial Golden Age -- with the photon awakening of chakras
and "purging" of the dark side -- it's an important time to get congruent with
this "final test" for soul lessons and growth.
The "sleeping prophet", Edgar Cayce, is well known for his ability to access the
holographic field of "source", including "future memory" with uncanny
predications on the coming earth changes. Since that time-line is affected by
man's free will, it is not etched in stone nor foreordained. Hopefully, mankind
will learn from the past and mitigate the habit of repeating it.
The test is the same for all global civilizations
that begin a Golden Age... how to best "get it all together" and heal our
planetary system. An individual or civilization can rise no higher than their
alignment with the Law of the One-Universal Love.
There's nothing new under the Sun said Solomon the wise. Just new ways or
reframing universal truths. This is THE Truth that is morphing the Morphegenic
grids of consciousness and the Earth body itself. It is the THE standard for
Truth itself - an expression of higher intelligence, higher conscience and a
Higher Power then that which wars with nature and ourselves.
Call it "Common Sense" in the Spirit of the most successful political
pamphlet in history that sparked the American Revolution. Call it "heartware"
or "cyberethics" as will mediate the Net reality of humanity with the
cultural DNA that qualifies the frequency of compassion
and the mind of "G.O.D."
(Geometrically Ordered Divinity).
Or simply call it call it the Law of LOVE that
frames the "Law of the Angles of G.O.D." with the "Language
of the Angels of Love" between the lines. Whatever you call it, realize
the profound implications when the angels of our better nature are represented
in the Net reality of our global village - the Conscience of Humanity.
The Big Shift to "Spherical" ("O"-point) Conscience on
the 2012 timeline
This is the challenge through 2012 as global civilization faces a
"perceptual adjustment" to the virtual elimination of time and space -- a
paradigm shift -- in response to instant-everywhere-interactive Net reality as
it reflexes with energies of the Galactic Shift.
Are we so arrogant to think that the Big Shift in global civilization is
separate from what's happening in the galaxy-at-large? Or that there is not a
divine celestial order to the natural evolution of things on Earth?
Earth has now entered the sector of the Galaxy
The synergistic effect of these influences is greater
than the sum of the parts
and translates to
The Global PowerShift Equation:
Photon Belt energies
(more "Light"),
stimulating the currency of conscience at
the heart of the Next Economy,
enlightening consciousness of the golden rule/law language at the heart of
every Golden Age...
Energies of
(more "Love"),
harmonizing the Morphic grids of consciousness and the Earth body with
pure intention of the frequency of holy compassion at the heart of the Aquarian
Cultural DNA for
Net Reality
core Constitutional freedoms with the
angles/angels of G.O.D.~LOVE
at the interactive gateway from cyberspace to
innerspace; the InnerNet at the heart of the Internet...
in Higher Conscience on the 2012 Timeline to "-Point",
the "spherical-"
conscience that represents the "Law of
at the heart of the spiritual Dispensation of Aquarius.
A wholly new Spirit of greater
LOVE is matriculating the matrix of matter in
non-linear "spherical terms" ("O"-point spiritual) that empowers holy compassion
at the HEART of divine order. This is the "Geometrically Ordered Divinity" (LOVE
Model) that provides quintessential "pure geometry" thoughtforms for the
expansion of consciousness.
Heaven knows there has always been divine harmony at the heart of the divine
order that frames the universe and all creation. Harnessing that divinity -- in
frequency and form -- is really the heart of the matter that involves and
evolves higher mind over matter... the Spirit that matters... the security in
purity... the pure intent for sovereignty... the Law of the One... the nature of
soul integrity.
In summary...
Soul integrity and DNA integrity go together. If one is so sick and tired
of being sick and tired -- having adapted to low levels of vitality yet thinking
you are "healthy" because you're not in pain -- one has less resistance to the
dissonance, disinformation and "dis-ease" that is pumped into the collective
consciousness by corrupt corporate media. It's well known that such dissonance
has a corrupting influence on DNA as well as one's "full conscience".
We are indeed ALL-connected in the web of life. Healthy DNA is in symbiotic
energetic communication with the healthy DNA of all sentient life. And the
Earth body itself. For an in-depth report on this, read "The
Conscience Connection".
"This we know. The earth does not belong to man; man belongs to the
earth ...
Man did not weave
the web of life;
he is merely a strand in it.
Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself."
Chief Seattle
It's been well documented by Gregg Braden that feelings effect DNA. And Dr. Diamo has demonstrated the amazing effect of emotions on the geometry of water crystals and the body. Geometrized harmonics in spiritual throughtforms and uplifting music can have a profound healing effect for genetic/DNA repair.
Keep the Faith and Hold the Vision to
Awaken Again in 2010!
The prudent will prepare for come what may.
The signs of the times compel discernment and decision.
None of us can predict who will survive, but aside from pure chance
or luck,
those who are best prepared are those with the best promise of
Prepare spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically.
Are you prepared with emergency supplies yet?
Stock up now -- while
supplies last.
(food and water basics)