Vision 2 - Mental (Holodeck)
for optimal comprehension, read about the
window first (here)
right corner window of
The Mind of
1973 rendering at:
1975 rendering at:
2017 rendering at: The
2017 Big Shift Series
heartware window is where the
left brain's linear "logic" (
These universal geometrized laws can be seen in mathematics, physics
and all the physical sciences as well as the archetypal patterns (maps) of
consciousness that define modern psychology (Jung). This Law of the
Angles (pure geometry) frames a standard for "G.O.D." along
more enlightened "lines" (
In other
words, the
Creating an environment in which morality can thrive
It's true that morality cannot be legislated. The best we can do is create an
information environment - a process - in which it can thrive.
Common sense would say that the more aligned with Universal Law/Language is this
process, then the more likely is it to succeed. In that regard, it doesn't
get any better than the
mental cognition of HEARTware™as
a model for universal law/language requires a centered/connected "spherical" consciousness,
note that each of the 4 geometrized symbols composing
Truly, the more one conceives and believes the archetypes of spherical-connected wholeness at the heart of universal law (as in Jungian psychology) the more one achieves archetypal spiritual vision... as in the ultimate meaning of "survival" as the survival of ultimate meaning, value and purpose of "God is Love" and is "for~giving".
an individual or civilization can rise no higher than their concept of
"God". And
that works as a "frame of reference" for objectifying consciousness in
three dimensions (as qualifies the 4th) was presented to 10 Agencies of the
Federal Government who were looking at ways
to celebrate the Bicentennial of Revolution at a futures summit on Capital Hill back in 1974. More
on that at" 'Capital Hill'.
brings us back to the
interactive interface window
how it works: The modern day parable/parallel between science and religion is the understanding that we are all created in the image and likeness of God, and the more we come into alignment with the e-valuation criteria for image-making (of, by and for GOD-LOVE), the greater the Self-image and identification with practical spirituality... on earth as in "heaven" (cosmos-at-large). By becoming more conscious of how we are conscious with this language of light/consciousness, we can conscientiously involve and evolve our individual and collective consciousness. Indeed, the vision alone of how this TLC Process™ works can be the catalyst for a Revolution in Higher Consciousness. (more on this later) On the three scales, 10 is the balance point in the middle (numeric zero used as a single digit to denote completeness), and 1's are on the end of the scale with 5's half way to the center. 1st-verticle dimension: Your first impression as you e-valuate any multi-media event (3rd top-central window) is a pattern-recognition response analogous to a black and white graphic image or symbol that can be relegated to "above you" (too sophisticated or authoritative) or "below you" (too simplistic or childlike). It's like the "down-to-earth" farmer who may not get the best ideas but follows through with them with his "feet on the ground". Likewise we have the "head-in-the-clouds" idealist who is a rather scatter-brained when out of his element. As in black and white photography, if you overexpose or underdevelop an image, you wash-out details in the highlights and the shadow areas. And if the origination/evaluation (presentation/perception) at any one moment is unbalanced in this dimension, detail specifics of context and meaning (2nd and 3rd dimensions) are lost. 2nd-horizontal dimension: The science of perception shows that we "think" in images and symbols of associative feeling. The left brain is moreso a visual cortex imaging experience and right brain moreso an auditory/feeling phenomena. By objectifying this perceptual dimension with e-valuation criteria that parallels the "Universal Laws of Light" with the color spectrum running from "blue" (intellectual/left-brain) at the left of the scale to "red" (emotional/right-brain) at the right of the scale, the more we become conscious of how we are conscious. Truly the more emotional one becomes, the less reasonable they tend to be. And we all know examples of the the mad scientist or intellectual idiot who can rationalize anything with his logic. In pop culture we have the StarTrek movie archetypes with the extreme logic of Spock and emotion of Scottie and the balanced Captain Kirk in the middle. Indeed the brightest of colors perceptually (yellow) and the most harmonizing of colors (green) both are found in nature to assimilate the most sunlight in photosynthesis... and both are balanced exactly in the middle of the color spectrum's angstrom units. 3rd-depth dimension: The patterning of light and color form a picture that has an over-all "depth" of meaning, value and purpose; the holistic relationship to relevance and ultimate reverence; the holy whole that is greater than the 3-D parts. 4th dimension in "real time" (moment-to-moment): The 'illusion' of time is like the illusion of 'motion pictures' that make a movie from multiple pictures in rapid sequence. At any one moment of a video's time sequence, response with 3 #'s in sequence can objectify this 3-D e-valuation criteria with 'Four Ways of Perceiving Time' for 'cross-referencing' context with 'Capstone Conscience' and 5D meaning with the light language of consciousness for culturing more light within one's personal and social network holodeck. 5th dimension of synergistic integration: see '5-D Conscience' and 'The 3D Shift to 4D and 5D+'. |
For complimentary explanations,
see also:
light language, holodeck
and heartware.
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