"The Sovereignty Game"
Blueprint for a
Golden Age Series
By Christopher Rudy
This is it folks! Huge
DRAMA: The Great Shift... Global Awakening to the
holographic/holistic healing Power of .
The transformation of our personal and planetary relationships with the common
sense of our connection to the web of Light, the Aquarian frequencies of divine
Love, the holy whole, All That Is, Universal BEING
~ "I AM". The global revolution in higher consciousness
of Higher Power-in-
will now harmonize the transitioning of Earth's "warring in the
members" with these first principles of SOVEREIGNTY
at the heart of a Golden Age. This is THE game Light workers came into
embodiment to play whereby "the
last shall be first" and
meek shall inherit the Earth".
Culturing/Nurturing Global
Heaven knows that the people of Earth are connected to the same God on "the inner Net", and are connected physically almost as well through the Internet. This is where the World Wide Web meets the web of light known in the East as the antahkarana and by Western science as the Morphegenic grid of the planet.
Winning from the beginning is a simple matter of positioning the gateway from cyberspace to 'innerspace' with an interactive interface that involves and evolves the keynote frequency and geometrized harmonics of divine order. That's the power of the
Model where the heart of compassion meets the mind of G.O.D.
This is the overview "Vision" at; the whole point being that this technology is an extension of the technique whereby one's consciousness becomes a "O-point" interface for the Holographic Mind of "All That Is" whereby true ESP as Effective Sensory Perception opens the cosmic window to gifts of the holy spirit... the spherical consciousness that Is truly spiritual.
The key at this stage is not quantity but quality... those who are ready to "lock and load" the thoughtforms and organizational processes that will catalyze, crystallize and otherwise "geometrize" the God Flame in our hearts, DNA, cultural institutions and the Morphegenic Grid of the planet... the genesis effect.
The course is interactive and responsive to questions that I'll answer on 33 web logs that reflect and perfect the spiral of ascent through all 33 lines (integral dimensions) of the course. So it becomes a "self-perfecting" course for self-elevation as "salvation" that nurtures and cultures the 1st principles of G.O.D.~
sovereignty at the heart of a Golden Aquarian Age of divine love.
It's as simple as the pure heart of a Forest Gump who touched us all with "Stupid is what stupid does." Now we just need to take his message to the next level, shift our attitude a little, and grasp the new paradigm that "divine Gumption" would give us... how "Christhood is what Christhood does".
-------------------- article follows
I'm picking up where I left off with my last missive on "FEARLESS FAITH", archived at or .
It's time for the serious Light Workers to take responsibility for the world situation since they are the ones who understand the Law of the One and have the ability to respond from that centered and connected oneness with fearless faith.
Let's be clear here. Common sense, though uncommon, would tell us that the spirit of divine love is the heart of the God-Force and that the higher mental mediator for that Holy Spirit is the living Christ. It follows that what we are seeing in the big government and corporate media collusion with the effect of suspending our Constitutional freedoms while ramping-up endless war with terror tactics of intimidation and tyranny... this is the sinister force of antichrist wolves in sheep's clothing among us. At the same time, Love in the heart of the masses has awakened to challenge the godless darkness with fearless faith and love that refuses to "go there" (hell on earth).
We've had a few weeks now to watch the response of the world to both record-breaking peace demonstrations and the fork-tongued power elite in their relentless bloodlust masked with serpentine rationalizations. Never has our instant/everywhere networked world witnessed such unmasked insanity... breaking divine law in the name of established legal precedence going back to ancient Rome... "for the Empire". A very few tools of the sinister force of antichrist "might is right" are proclaiming "We're number one" and continue to defy the Christic stance of worldwide millions saying "We are One".
Fact is, there are maybe 300 super-rich globalist power brokers orchestrating tyranny over 99.99999% of Earth's population. Their intent is to use ultimate terror with their "Shock and Awe" Gulf War II to show the whole world how their smart bombs, satellite intelligence gathering and command-and-control capabilities will be used to control the whole world. It's the ancient plot out of hell that resorts to shock value to overpower the paradigm of faith-in-love with overwhelming fear of punishment. Yet as Gandhi said when dealing with the entrenched Empire mentality of his day, "Power based on love is a thousand times more effective and permanent than power derived from fear of punishment."
This is a critical time because the QUICKENING is accelerating as the veil is thinning. Many are awakening to eternal salvation with a core of philosophical calm and abiding grace at the center of the political storm. Others are resonating with contempt for the Light in the shadow of the shadow government's dark force that controls the mass media to dominate overwhelmed fear-frozen minds with self-righteous justification for emotional tyranny.
It's an amazing thing to watch the unfolding of this great drama as the whole world gets involved with the clash of cultures, NOT between the Muslim and Christian, terrorists and the terrified, haves and have-nots, men from Mars and women from Venus, etc. That's what the corporate controlled media want us to believe as they continue their Machiavellian manipulation of the mass mind with fear-based, divide-to-conquer intimidation tactics. That is a classic mind control plot that would get us to go along with their lock-step agenda for suspending the Constitution while demanding more power for world control through endless war.
The REAL clash of cultures that we rarely hear about, but see with massive worldwide peace demonstrations, is the clash between an effete elite trying to own and control the world, and the masses of mere mortals wanting peace, freedom and opportunity; the abundant life with more light and love.
This excerpt from this recent (2-21-03) article at says it well
"The People versus the Powerful is the oldest story in human history. At no point in history have the Powerful wielded so much control. At no point in history has the active and informed involvement of the People, all of them, been more absolutely required. The tide can be stopped, and the men who desire empire by the sword can be thwarted. It has already begun, but it must not cease. These are men of will, and they do not intend to fail." - from "Of Gods and Mortals and Empire", by William Rivers Pitt, Author of "War On Iraq" (with Scott Ritter)
Realize that this global battle of Light and Darkness, love and antilove is the final test for Earth's evolutions at this time... the choice between the love of power and power of love. The true "Power of the Ring" has always been the power in the circle of wholeness, our connection, unity and community in communion with divine love. That "circle of power" has been demonized and desecrated with plots out of hell from the beginning of time. It's said that the devil himself joked he would just tease mankind until they tried to get organized with true spirituality and then he would show them what hell really is.
So it is with the traumatic birth pangs for a Golden Age.
To prove my point, look at the great promise of global freedom and opportunity when all mankind united through the Internet revolution... and how the extraordinary abundance of knowledge-power worldwide challenged the deeply entrenched scarcity economics that now scripts ultimate scarcity with provocateur terror, unrighteous war and hell on earth.
The Net's decentralization of knowledge power awakened the collective consciousness with the spirit of FREEDOM (to know better) and OPPORTUNITY (to do better), activating the grass-roots power of love that challenged the love of power of superrich special interests.
What we have witnessed is how the power of Aquarian love at the heart of the Net sparked the confidence behind an Information Age economics of abundance. And we've also seen the backlash as the love of power of a virtually antichrist power elite has since made go dot.bomb, stripping the economy of trillions of dollars while ramping up their old paradigm military-industrial power-base for global consolidation of power and resources.
love rules, there is no will to power.
And where power predominates,
there love is lacking.
The one is the shadow of the other."
- Carl Gustav Jung, Father of Modern Psychology
It is wisdom that tells us when
to thrust with power or cohese with love. That is the wisdom of enlightened love
that empowers the heart of compassion with the mind of G.O.D., the Geometry
Of Divinity, that frames the order of the universe. This is the
constitutional framework of universal law/language that is now being established
as the foundation for worldwide .
Heaven knows that now is the time
that the worldwide web and Internet has eliminated all time and space with
instant/everywhere TeLeComm~unity capabilities... local and global "TLC
unity" with a special ""
at the heart of the WORLDWIDE
FOUNDATION... to now finish what the U.S. Founding Father began 227 years ago, WORLDWIDE.
Establishing the Laws and Language of SOVEREIGNTY
Now is a critical time for enlightened action by all "Sovereign Netizens" worldwide because desperate warmongers do desperate things.
Only love and grace in the collective conscience can neutralize the antilove of the most powerful special interests in the world who have a vested interest in war for more profit and power to control. If we don't exercise our freedom to network truth and neutralize tyranny, what freedom we have may soon be lost to those who love power above all and who fully intend to ramp up their provocateur agenda for WWIII.
We have the opportunity now to ramp up a global revolution in Higher Power of, by and for heartwise Love if only enough Light workers "make it so". It is Greater Love that neutralizes the ancient spiritual toxins of antilove that are being purged in the collective consciousness.
This is Great Drama. Man has free will so anything is possible. Heaven watches with bated breath.
It's high noon at the Cusp of Aquarius.
There is a time to catch the tide at its peak and ride the current into safe harbor. The "might is right" agenda of the power elite has been challenged by the massive global demonstrations against their tyranny tactics. Creative tension -- the Creator's energy of divine intent for Greater Love -- needs to be released and channeled into the blueprint for a Golden Age.
There will be a "New World
Order". The question is whether that will be a highly centralized,
command-and-control fascism by a Big Brother collusion of big business with big
government... or whether the universal laws and language of Sovereignty of by
and for Worldwide
will mediate the self-governance of global Netizens in a
highly decentralized network of co-operative communication
co-ordinations that
check and balance the love of power with the
power of love.
In other words, it's time to
qualify the power in high tech with the power of "high touch"... a
"Heartware" at the interactive interface
"heart" of the local and global communications community that shapes
our lives.
It's as simple yet profound as that.
Heaven knows that the people of Earth are connected to the same God on "the inner Net", and are connected physically almost as well through the Internet. This is where the World Wide Web meets the web of light known in the East as the antahkarana and by Western science as the Morphegenic grid of the planet.
Winning from the
beginning is a simple matter of positioning the gateway from cyberspace to 'innerspace'
with an interactive interface
that involves and evolves the keynote frequency and geometrized harmonics of
divine order. That's the power of the
Model where the heart of compassion meets the mind
of G.O.D.
That's the overview "Vision" at ; the whole point being that this technology is an extension of the technique whereby one's consciousness becomes a "O-point" interface for the Holographic Mind of "All That Is" whereby true ESP as Effective Sensory Perception opens the cosmic window to gifts of the holy spirit.
So the goal is to navigate innerspace, the heart-to-heart connections in our global village, just as easily with our hearts as we navigate cyberspace with our minds. And by God's grace we can "geometrize" a Golden Age in the process.
The course will empower you to conceive, enlighten you to believe, and encourage you to achieve that Golden Age in your heart, mind, body and soul.
It's as simple as the pure heart of a Forest Gump who touched us all with "Stupid is what stupid does." Now all we need to do is take his message to the next level, shift our attitude a little, and grasp the new paradigm that "divine Gumption" would give us... how "Christhood is what Christhood does".
For those who have always wondered how the last shall be first and the meek shall inherit the Earth, it's time to "make it so".
"More powerful than standing
is a vision that has found its time."
- Victor Hugo
All Ways Victory When We
PS - To join the course, simply e-mail to and mention whose list you came from as a means of honoring their service. Web log details on this introduction at As as the lessons progress, these new concepts will be fleshed out and the abstract made plain. Blessings be as this Golden Rule/Law Language nurtures you "in the loop" of win/win spherical consciousness. -CR
News Release at
© 2003, Worldwide
rules with well-rounded rights whereby
Love Rules!
"In the beginning God
- Ancient Hermetic Wisdom
the end, we become what we geometrize."
- Modern GeoNotes
"Man can harness the winds,
the waves and the tides,
but when he can harness the power of
then for the
second time in the history of the world,
man will have discovered fire."
Teihard de Chardin
"The beginning of a Golden
Age is the end of the world as we have known it."
-Christos Lightweaver