Understanding the Morphegenic Grid as a "Prayer
How the Alchemy of the Genesis
Effect can "Morph" a Golden Age
This is an overview of the 33 "line" course -- a conceptually rich "abstract" -- that is IN PROCESS for those ww
Foundation affiliates who want "strong meat" (food for thought) regarding those higher mental disciplines that provide the true FRUIT of "higher education" (higher consciousness). -CR
Faithless FEAR brings our worst fears upon us via the Machiavellian dialectic of the fearmongers. Conversely, fearless FAITH in the cosmic/universal laws/language of the angles/angels of G.O.D.~
sustains, maintains and otherwise energizes thoughtforms that resonate with the constitutional framework of quantum laws governing the holographic universe... and thereby harmonizing the Morphegenic grid of the planet, stabilizing/harmonizing the accelerating changes at this critical time of planetary evolution.
Why? Simply because our DNA spirals are "transceivers" (receivers and transmitters) of the CONSCIOUSNESS we contain, reflect and perfect. Culturing the holy spirit of-in-action is THE PROCESS whereby we individually and collective coalesce our pure intention for focused attention on divine order in frequency -- as in frequently -- for ascension of "the matrix" (Morphegenic Grid of the Planet) as a "prayer field" that creates an "upward spiral" (syntropy) rather than a "downward spiral" (entropy). It's a dynamic from of prayer -- the Word made flesh -- that translates the highest concept of "GOD is LOVE" into actions that "make it so".
"In the beginning was the word, and the word
was with God, and the word was God."
-Book of St. John 1:1
"In the beginning, God geometrized."
- Ancient Hermetic Wisdom
"In the end, we become what we geometrize."
- Modern GeoNotes Wisdom
This is alchemy at the highest level that defines and refines
the global rEVOLUTION powershift as THE PROCESS
that cultures a higher consciousness of the
keys to the "Kingdom of Heaven"
within the conscience of
LIGHT (Consciousness)
at the
of a "prayer field"
The 1st law of consciousness is "free will"... "to be or not to be" (free). It's as simple as the pure heart of a Forest Gump who touched us all with "Stupid is what stupid does." Now we just need to take his message to the next level, shift our attitude a little, and grasp the new paradigm that "divine Gumption" would give us... how "Conscience is what conscience does".
Many are those who gump their way through life with the victim dictum that reruns old records of "stupid is what stupid does" with an "only human" sense of limitation and failure to conceive, believe and achieve the "currency of conscience" at the heart of the Abundant Life. Fact is, the spirit of overcoming adversity is moreso attitude than aptitude; a can do if you really want to.
It's not
aptitude as much as attitude that determines one's "altitude";
whether you soar with the eagles or scratch with the turkeys.
An upward mobile
"fire of desire"
is not seldom the prelude of the on-going revelation and
rEVOLUTION of the soul in a free-will
universe. Ya
gotta wannabe... free to BE all that you can BE.
We are what we think, having become what we thought.
Just as clothes are an extension of the skin, and the
automobile is an extension of the feet, the telephone an extension of the ear,
etc., so is the computer an extension of the brain and the Internet is an
extension ("neural network") of all the computer "brain
cells" of the global "brain". Since the Net is instant and everywhere (no time
or space), computing "cognition" has expanded consciousness to the
worldwide web of consciousness...
Since language is technology (technique for communicating)
and since all our social, political and economic problems are, at heart,
problems of comm-unication (come-into-unity problems), the
trending of language and technology in the four archetypal-Jung quadrants
charted below clearly outpictures the multi-dimensional holographic
universe in "as above, so below" terms
that code the "Law of the Angles of G.O.D." (Geometric
Divinity) and "Language of the Angels of LOVE"... at the heart
of the G.O.D.~
Model .
It is in the
trending of language technology where we see what the visionary Marshall McLuhan
meant by, "The media is the message" ... and how the
elimination of time and space via the Internet media has positioned the new
geographic "maps" as maps of consciousness within the
"neural networks" of the global computer "brain".
Global consciousness is now poised to
conceive, believe and achieve a quantum leap via this vision of the
quantum shift to universal
virtues that level the praying field with the universal law
language of
it is these quintessential "maps of consciousness" that
organize, indeed geometrize, all information IN FORMATION
along more enlightened "lines"
that truly frame the constitution of "cosmic law" with
pure geometry (Crop Circles 101).
Given the laws and language of consciousness at the
synaptic (interactive) interface of these global neural-networks, these new
"cultural DNA" rules for cognition (e-media, e-learning,
e-healing, e-governance, etc.) will define the NEXT Economy
(e-commerce) with "higher", holistic~holographic~whol
that harmonizes the accelerating rate of change in civilization along these enlightened "lines".(LOVE
This PROCESS defines and refines the quintessential organizational principles at the heart of informations' ecology..."recycling" information overload (the knowledge explosion and cognitive dissonance) with those simple yet profound (pure geometry) "frames of reference" that involve and evolve (expand) consciousness... empowering "wisdom with heart"... organizing information IN FORMATION in the way that cultures "common sense"... the sense of common/universal meaning, value and purpose... the ultimate meaning of "survival" as the survival of ultimate meaning... New Rules for the Next Economy... 4th wave E-valuation criteria for "Net worth":
The Golden Rule/Law Language
of G.O.D.~
for a Golden Aquarian Age of divine love.
The difference between man and animals, who are both conscious, is that man is conscious THAT he is conscious... and ultimately HOW he is conscious. In computer terms, man does "parallel processing" between his left brain, which is like the Read Only Memory (ROM) of the hard drive, "programmed" with your overall "BS" - Belief System... as interacts with your right brain which is like your RAM chips (Random Access Memory), qualified by the "program" you have "running" (what you're doing at the time).
How are you at multi-tasking with multiple "programs"
running at once? It's called coordination; ideally with coordinates of an
ordained or otherwise "co-ordination" (LOVE)
One's over-all "Operating System (OS), is like your soul matrix
(habit) of processing information (over-all "intelligence") that
qualifies the "switching" between the "linear"
(letter/vision of the law/program) of the
left brain's pattern recognition...and "non-linear"
(spirit/feeling of the law/program) through the e-motion
recognition capabilities of the right brain. This is the
Model" that embodies the 4 archetypal processes of cognition:
Which is to say, the first principles of quantum
astrophysics are coded in the three types of energy fields delineated above as the
"), and
") coordinates that geometrize
one's biological "clock" with the astrological -
psychological E-nergies ("
that correspond to the astrophysical "clock" of the "kingdom
of heaven within you". Which
explains, scientifically, how the Golden Rule/Law
Language for the Golden Aquarian Age of God-Love is the Law
of the Angles of G.O.D. (Geometry Of Divinity)
that is also the Language of the Angels
The "
Model" embodies the 4 archetypal
processes of cognition on this organizational level also:
As global Netizens learn the universal law/language maps of "sovereign
consciousness" that frame the "
Model" (through interactive HEARTware-centric networks), they
will become more conscious of HOW they are conscious, involving and
evolving our individual and collective consciousness. In fact, the
best way to get ahead, for luminaries, is to get
ahead of the trendings of accelerating change, see where it's
going, and steer one's consciousness in the right direction to take advantage of
the future... now. The good driver of a car or captain of a ship would do
no less to steer in the right direction.
That's why the next big thing in the computer/Internet revolution -- for those
who are "wise as serpents yet harmless as doves" -- will be in the qualification of consciousness "with
a heart" in the local and global "neural-networks" (Net
reality) of
collective conscience.
Here's to all "Lightworkers", "World Servers", and "Global Netizens" among "U.S" -- United Sovereigns in the United State of LOVE.
Founder-Director of the wwLOVE Foundation™
Christopher Rudy is author of the online interactive e-book, Emerging Blueprint For A Golden Age. As Director of the Legacy Project and The LOVE Network, he encourage all to "Network for the Net worth of Global LOVE"... and appreciates enlightened feedback at
-- above all -- is
for giving.
Networking for the Net worth of
Net reality
that cultures the power of love.
"Man can harness the
winds, the waves and the tides,
but when he can harness the
power of love,
then for the second time in the history of the world,
man will have discovered fire."
Teihard de Chardin
Copyright 2008 © wwLOVE Foundation™