"Affiliate Status"
Becoming aware ofas a choice
An "Affiliate" is one who affiliates... for free. You're free to check out the website links and get "geonotes" for free as well as other special reports and briefs sent to your when you subscribe.
The intent is to provide guidelines for -- and gateways to -- a higher standard for "context and meaning" in contemporary "news"... culturing the "inner sense" (innocence) in the Common Sense of Golden Rule/Law Language coordinates, models and processes that are "framed" (geometrized) by the
Model -- the "natural law of Nature's God" that U.S. Founders referenced in the Declaration of Independence and framed in the Constitution with the highest intent for Divine Rights (
) in the Public Sphere (
) as will Check and Balance (
) the love of power with the power of
in all archetypal dimensions (
) of our individual and collective Consciousness.
"Where love rules, there is no will to power.
And where power predominates, there love is lacking.
The one is the shadow of the other."
- Father of Modern Psychology, Carl Gustav JungThe higher the concept for "sovereignty" -- the greater the results.
The cause and core resolution to endless war is greater
in the hearts and minds of the mainstream collective conscience.
Representative government is only as good as the collective consciousness represented. The infrastructure for instant-everywhere God-Love government is at heart the interactive "conscious" interface for the InnerNet… the universal law/language interface for local/global TeLeComm.This is the InnerSense at the heart of the InnerNet
that establishes the Worldwide LOVE Foundation."The benefits for Affiliates includes the opportunity to network this vision by forwarding these vision "portals" - excerpted in part or whole - to "turn on" your friends. Most Lightworkers know Lightbearers who appreciate "more Light"... and love to enlighten them.
Call it "enlightened self interest". To give something for free -- in the spirit of "LOVE is for~giving" - has a spiritual reward above all others.
We have an "affiliate plan" that provides an "incentive plan" (networking for Net worth), but the "E"-valuation criteria for its virtue requires a more committed category of Affiliates who we call "Initiates"... those who initiate the intention to study and apply the disciplines of "greater LOVE " at the heart of a millennial Aquarian Golden Age.
For information regarding this "Initiate Status", CLICK HERE.
- back to "Blueprint" home page -
CLICK HEREJoin the "A-Team" ~ self-Actualized Activists for the Accelerated Ascent of worldwide LOVE. Learn how to get more by giving more of your talents, virtue and resources. Get the Vision at the entry "lesson level". Embrace the Virtue at the "seminar level". Make the Vow (get busy) at the "business level". Or ask me about the licensing for small businesses or large corporations through HEARTcom™ Services that positions HEARTware™ and HeartLink™ at the heart of their communications infrastructure.
– Christopher, geonotes@mcn.net
CopyRound 2004
Worldwide LOVE Foundation
all rights well-rounded
the heart & mind of
Global TeLeComm~unity:
High Touch HEART of High Tech
With a Higher Understanding of LOVE
Defining, Refining, Combining and Shining
Our God-given Gifts and Talents via Net Standards
For a New Economy based on LOVE-centric Net Worth.
- Positioning E-Valuation Criteria -- HEARTware -- along more Enlightened Lines
- Networking the Vision of Spiritual Virtues for the Victory of Global and Local Civility
- Framing Personalized Gateways from Cyberspace to Innerspace with HEARTware
- Centering & Connecting a Higher Standard of Cyberethics at the Heart of Net Worth
- Involving & Evolving Spherical~Spiritual "high touch" TeLeComputing with a Heart
Seize the Vision (L), Embrace the Virtue (O), Make the Vow (V) and Claim the Victory (E)
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