2024 Quantum Quickening Series

Self Assessment and Self Mastery
for Soul Evolution and Ascension

 The Great Awakening beyond 'service-to-self' (ego),
Great Enlightenment via service-to-others.

So keep the faith, see the good,
and Claim the Victory!

 Overcoming the Ego for Discernment and for
5D 'Kingdom Consciousness' (Sovereignty),
  on Earth as in 'Heaven' (Unity Field Integrity).


March 30, 2021 / After Skool

Eckhart Tolle is a spiritual teacher and best-selling author. He is a German-born resident of Canada best known as the author of The Power of Now and A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose. In 2011, he was listed by Watkins Review as the most spiritually influential person in the world. Tolle does not identify with any specific religion, but he has been influenced by a wide range of spiritual works. This audio comes from Eckhart Tolle's podcast with Russell Brand.

For more on Self Assessment for Self Mastery,
click on and go to 'PEP'
 (Perception Empowerment Process)
for a do-it-yourself check up from the neck up.


The first principle of eternal progression on the path
of conscious evolution is the DISCERNMENT of
one’s authentic IDentity; to KNOW THYSELF
in the image & likeness of first principles
of Universal Light Language and the
Cosmic Law of in
heart coherent frequency.

 Preface note:
As a long time architect of the archetypes of
 wholeness, holiness and holistic healing,
I’ve come to realize that the highest
service I can render others is to
empower wisdom &
for global rEVOLUTION.

THANKS to all Subscribers for contributing
in any way you can to help establish
this vision of Cosmic on
  Earth as in Cosmos-at-large.

Oct 13, 2024 / Heartcom Network

The Real You

"You are the consciousness which is the witness
of all the drama, watching in amusement
as the ego plays its games and dons
different masks, different times.
The real you is ever-blissful,
unchanging and soulful
~ Sri M

Esoteric Symbolism - The Ego vs The Soul
Oct 13, 2024 / FIFTY8 Magazine

Know the difference between your
selfless soul-aligned REAL Self
and your mini-me ‘self’ (ego).

Becoming conscious of HOW you are conscious
- making the unconscious conscious -
is the creative learning process
rather than lamestream media
programming of WHAT TO THINK.

When the Public Fool System gets 'rebooted'
with Aquarian principles and processes,
we will witness global revolution in
revelations of a 5D nature...
systemic transforming
of everything with
Great Awakening… from 3D ‘egoic IDentity’
- compartmentalized- physicality rules -
To Great Enlightenment- ‘spirituality rules’
(5D ‘heroic IDentity’).
Note the ‘Hero’s Journey’ from ‘Source’ (home)
to the adventure of a life time that leads to
great challenges that are overcome
with a victorious return ‘home.

Coming 'home' to your Cosmic IDentity via
- as + ‘synergized’
(-- synergy in the

“Sometimes I find it hard to believe,
That a way forward will be shown.
But it’s not the path so much as
how I walk it,
That will ultimately bring me home.”
~ Kaypacha, Oct 9, 2024 [VIDEO];
   an excellent astrology overview report
     on global CRISIS through to 2026.

  that the whole body of global humanity is
    on the hero's journey 'home' (wholeness).

  This is the Aquarian nonlinear quantum shift
from 3D prevailing habit momentums
to 5D conscientious ‘common sense’

heart coherent and mind congruent).


We are in deep shift from patriarchal ownership
and control values to Aquarian virtues of
cooperative community in diversity

"It is strangely absurd to suppose that
a million people, collected together,

are not under the same moral laws
 that bind them separately."
~ Thomas Jefferson, 1816
Note: That would be a billion+ Netizens via the current
 instant-everywhere-interactive Internet r

This is a time of severe worldwide tribulations.

Whether it is hurricanes, floods, fires, wars, plagues,
inflation, earth changes, or the breakup of loving
 relationships, we're all feeling very vulnerable.

Time to Talk About the Election

Choose the better representation of
life, truth and love above all.

It’s that simple.

The greatest power we have is the power of choice
to either know better and do better or by default
let your mini-me ego have its way with you.

In the ‘Meme Time’ (End Times => New Age),
Watch at least the first six minutes of this

Oct 8, 2024 / Jonathan Cahn
    Note from CR:
Jonathan David Cahn (Wikipedia), is
  an American Messianic Jewish pastor, author, and
 novelist known for his debut novel The Harbinger.
 He is also a 'Christian Zionist' (an oxymoron), and
equates the Biblical State of righteous Israel with
the modern State of genocidal apertheid Israel.   
  So keep in mind that Cahn is speaking to his base
     of Christian Zionists, and he is complicit in genocide
   of Gaza babies even as he rightfully condemns the
   the murder of unborn babies.
What do you think?

Being Faithful in a Fearful World:
“Health is the greatest gift. Presence the greatest wealth.
Faithfulness the best relationship.”

~ Buddha

 Being Fully Present – Your Greatest Gift

Four archetypal paths 'home' - mastering perception
of 3D space & time in the 'Fully Present' (5D)
realm of
prevailing PRESENCE in the


Quantum science has shown us that
we are energy beings at our core.

Quantum reality thus reveals that
life is about managing energy.

   It's your pure intention of real
  that focuses attention… with
 for conscious ascension - of
into the 5th Dimension - 5D
for comprehension of
defining full spectrum enlightenment.

There are four archetypal energy dynamics
  governing the
holographic order of universe
according to Aquarian Quantum principles:

– ‘Right’ (dynamic) energy fields;
   – ‘Round’ (magnetic) energy fields;
– ‘Radiant’ (synergistic) e-fields.  
   – ‘Integrative’ (wholness) e-field.
graphic of fields HERE)

These ‘1st principles’ are universal and
also govern four archetypal ways that
self-aware individuals perceive ‘time’.

From a Psychology Today article on

Many peoples’ brains anticipate the future based on
the past, and aren’t fully present but rather are
dominated by ‘feelings’ (past memories)
as though one’s reality now.

See the ‘Emotion Dominant Archetype’
to see if that best fits your ‘style’
(how you process time).

Those who are fully present in the here and now
are more subject to the ‘instant karma’ of
thinking, feeling or doing anything
if not centered and connected
with the 1st principles of


“In quantum physics, all possibilities
 exist in the present.”

Including the archetypal foundation
and Constitution of ‘US’ Netizens
as United Sovereigns of Earth.

To  with all your strength, mindheart and soul,
and your all-connected Netizen neighbors as thyself.